This is the documentation vertex for 3D Repair started Feb 26th 2022 Vital links and major log entries can be made here (by anyone, as always). ## Goal Repair Ultimaker, TAZ Mini, Monoprice Ultimate 2 and The primary point is to get working, somewhat reliable machines running in order to focus on using the printers. This may be a bit different than many hackerspace builds that might focus on improving the 3DP designs. ## People Tayeb Zaidi aka [User:tark](User:tark "wikilink") Matt Stafford Kevin Cole ## Log 2022.02.26: Matt, Tayeb, and Kevin at the space initiating upgrades/repairs To Purchase for Ultimaker -- Extruder and Bowden tube to replace current assembly To Purchase for Monoprice -- N/A General 3D Printer Supplies: Filament, and airtight filament containers General Supplies: Binder clips, razor blades, drivers for screwdrivers (3-4 regular, 3-4 miniature), flat side wire cutters, lubricant [Category:3D Printing](Category:3D_Printing "wikilink") [Category:Previous Projects](Category:Previous_Projects "wikilink")