Three ideas so far: Multiple 8-bit game console sound chip emulator. Generate the sounds of the '80s: C64, NES, Atari, etc. I need to research some of the chips but it looks like there is plenty of info out there. Manuals/schematics: - [Mikes Arcade]( - [Important Space Invader information]( - [TI 76489 Audio Chip]( - [PicoBlaze D/A converter design example]( - [ - FPGAs to build/design synthesizers and audio processing engines]( Limited AM radio. Use passive front end Nyquist filter, digital down-converter and low-pass filter to receive the lower part of the AM broadcast band. Got the idea from Oct '09 Circuit Cellar article 'Multi-rate Techniques and CIC Filter'. Success would be anything that worked better than the chunk of geranium and safety pin radio from grade school. - [Xilinx LogiCORE CIC (Cascaded Integrator-Comb) compiler]( Game of life analyzer. Run game of life for many generations while saving/encoding previous states of the game array to look for repeated and other patterns. VGA game output would be fun too. Some fun life/CA links: 1/27/10 - Patched together some Pong code (game not the professor) on the Spartan 3E dev board to learn VGA interface. Pong code lacks sounds - might as well give that a try. 8/25/10 - Run ISE simulator under Win 7 - set webservices to startup automatically [Category:FPGAWorkshop](Category:FPGAWorkshop "wikilink")