"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin, Franklin's Contributions to the Conference on February 17 (III) Fri, Feb 17, 1775 (http://www.ushistory.org/franklin/quotable/singlehtml.htm) # Anonymity/Privacy? Q: What is anonymity? A: In the context of security anonymity refers to the inability of unauthorized parties to link communications to your "real" identiy in whatever for that may take. This can also work on a sliding scale such as "Can my find me?". The answer of yes for the "crazy stalker" will be significantly easier to achieve than the yes for "federal law enforcement". Q: What is privacy? A: Privacy is the ability to expose your information or behavior to only those parties you wish to share it with. This does not inherently include the ability to obscure your identity. Anonymity and privacy are complementary to each other in many cases but are not mutually inclusive. # SSL Why SSL is broken: The red circles on that map are the "root CAs", the Certificate Authorities that have their certificate trusted in most browsers. The size of the circle is based on the amount of certificates the CA is thought to have issued. These are all the entities that if one gets hacked, they can issue a wildcard certificate and your browser would show the certificate as valid. # GPG This page shows how the web of trust works: # TOR What is TOR and why does it matter? What is TOR? A beginner's guide to the privacy tool - What is TOR from the EFF (https://www.eff.org/torchallenge/what-is-tor): Tor is a service that helps you to protect your anonymity while using the Internet. Tor is comprised of two parts: software you can download that allows you to use the Internet anonymously, and the volunteer network of computers that makes it possible for that software to work. When you use the Tor software, your IP address remains hidden and it appears that your connection is coming from the IP address of a Tor exit relay, which can be anywhere in the world. There are many reasons you might use Tor, including keeping websites from tracking you and your family members, using websites or services which are blocked in your country (for example, getting around the Great Firewall of China), and maintaining anonymity when communicating about socially sensitive information, such as health issues or whistleblowing. Learn more about who uses Tor. # Hard Drive Encryption ## Truecrypt (Windows drive encryption) How to encrypted your system drive (Windows boot drive) on Windows using Truecrypt: # Suggested Software: Software usable under multiple operating systems is normally listed under each operating system. Note about Truecrypt-No complete audit has been done yet, people are currently collecting funds for a full audit - ## GPG Key IDs: These are GPG Key IDs which can be obtained from keyservers. | Group: | Key: | |--------------------------------------------|----------| | TAILS (The Amnesiac Incognito Live System) | BE2CD9C1 | | Tor Browser Bundle (TOR Project) | 63FEE659 | | GPG4Win | EC70B1B8 | | Truecrypt | F0D6B1E0 | | GPGTools | 00D026C4 | | Enigmail | 9369CDF3 | ## OS independent (Normally bootable iso images): | Program: | Desc: | URL: | Why? | |--------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TAILS (The Amnesiac Incognito Live System) | Secure workstation LiveCD | | A Linux Live edition for accessing TOR outside of your normal operating system (Note, for security reasons make sure your normal hard drive isn't accessible while booted into this, running encrypting with any whole drive encryption software should work). | | DBAN | Secure storage media destruction. | | | If you require help burning ISO images, please join the HacDC Blabber mailing list (https://groups.google.com/a/hacdc.org/group/Blabber/subscribe) and ask how (make sure to include which operating system you are running when asking for help). ## Linux and other Unix variants: | Program: | Desc: | URL: | |--------------------|----------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| | Truecrypt | Hard Drive Encryption, File encryption | | | Tor Browser Bundle | Anonymous web surfing (includes Tor & web browser) | | | Thunderbird | Email Encryption | | ## Windows: | Program: | Desc: | URL: | |--------------------|----------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| | Truecrypt | Hard Drive Encryption, File encryption | | | Tor Browser Bundle | Anonymous web surfing (includes Tor & web browser) | | | Thunderbird | Email Encryption | | | GPG4Win | GPG front-end for Windows | | | eraser | Secure Delete | | ## Mac OS: | Program: | Desc: | URL: | |--------------------|----------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| | Truecrypt | Hard Drive Encryption, File encryption | | | Tor Browser Bundle | Anonymous web surfing (includes Tor & web browser) | | | Thunderbird | Email Encryption | | | GPGtools | Integrates GnuPG with MacOSX. | | ## Android: | Program: | Desc: | |--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Orbot | TOR for Android | | Orweb | TOR web browser for Android (Orbot required) | | APG | GPG Program | | K-9 Mail | Email program for Android that can directly interact with APG | | Adblock Plus | Detects and blocks advertisements (images, JavaScript, Java applets) | ## iOS: | | | | |----------|----------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------| | Ghostery | Blocks web analytics agents (web bugs, JavaScript) | | ## Web Browser Plugins: ### Safari: | Ghostery | Blocks web analytics agents (web bugs, JavaScript) | | |----------|----------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------| | Lastpass | Password manager | | ### Firefox: | Noscript | Disable JavaScript, Java, Flash, Silverlight, XSS, Clickjacking, etc | | |------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Lastpass | Password manager | | | HTTPS Everywhere | Enable SSL wherever possible | | | Web of Trust | Website reputation checker | | | Mailvelope | GPG Add-on for Firefox and Chrome. Needs vetting and only the chrome addon is available prebuilt from them but the ff adon is easy to build and can be built ahead of time if needed. | | | Calomel SSL Validation | Analyzes SSL configuration of sites you visit and gives you an analysis with reasoning behind the rating. | | | ShareMeNot | Blocks sharing buttons and applets unless you specifically click on them to enable them. | | | HTTPS Finder | Automatically detect SSL capabilities. Generates rules for HTTPS Everywhere. | | | Ghostery | Blocks web analytics agents (web bugs, JavaScript) | | | Adblock Plus | Detects and blocks advertisements (images, JavaScript, Java applets) | | ### Chrome: | Lastpass | Password manager | | |------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------| | HTTPS Everywhere | Enable SSL wherever possible | | | Web of Trust | Website reputation checker | | | Mailvelope | GPG Add-on for Firefox and Chrome. Needs vetting and only the chrome addon is available prebuilt from them but the ff adon is easy to build and can be built ahead of time if needed. | | | ShareMeNot | Blocks sharing buttons and applets unless you specifically click on them to enable them. | | | Ghostery | Blocks web analytics agents (web bugs, JavaScript) | | | Adblock Plus | Detects and blocks advertisements (images, JavaScript, Java applets) | | ### Opera: | Lastpass | Password manager | | |--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------| | Ghostery | Blocks web analytics agents (web bugs, JavaScript) | | | Adblock Plus | Detects and blocks advertisements (images, JavaScript, Java applets) | | ### Internet Explorer: | Lastpass | Password manager | | |----------|----------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------| | Ghostery | Blocks web analytics agents (web bugs, JavaScript) | | ## Non web browser plugins: ### Thunderbird: | Enigmail | GPG Add-on for Thunderbird | | |----------|----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| # Links: ## Internet: | Site: | URL: | Notes: | |--------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mailvelope | | In-browser PGP encryption for webmail | | Encrypt Everything | | Good resource on encryption for the web. Good resource for beginner to intermediate skill level. | | Surveilance Self-Defense | | EFF's guide to protecting yourself from digital surveilance. Extremely in-depth and detailed. For the advanced (or very paranoid). Not light reading. | | Qualys Browsercheck | | Automated scanning of browser, plugins, and Windows updates for vulnerable, out-of-date configuration | | SSL Labs | | Tool for checking any site's SSL setup for bad practices and vulnerabilities | | Calomel SSL Validation | | Firefox add-on for analyzing and verifying SSL configurations of sites you visit. | | DEATH NOTE: L, ANONYMITY & ELUDING ENTROPY | | A.k.a., why "metadata" matters and how much the NSA can really know about you from your phone records. | | Using Metadata to Find Paul Revere | | Illustration of how to use seemingly useless data points to pin charges on someone. Told from the perspective of a British intelligence officer looking for trators in collonial America. | | crypto-log | | Updated 1996 | | Intro level guide to Internet Security | | A guide for non-technical denizens of the Internet on how not to be low-hanging fruit for hackers. | | How the Heartbleed Bug Works | | Nice illustration of how Heartbleed worked to give layfolk an idea of how some of these exploits happen and how client/server systems negotiate a connection. | ## TOR: | Site: | URL: | Notes: | |-------------|--------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | tormail.org | (http://tormail.org/) | Email service only available via tor | | Mailtor | (http://mailtor.net/) | Email service only available via tor |