## Proposal Very nebulous idea at the moment, but the idea would be to build a distributed lightning detection system, with the intended goal of having precision high enough to go find the aftereffects of strikes (like [geocaching](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geocaching)). After thinking of this, I found some dutch folks have done [much what I had in mind](http://members.home.nl/fkooiman/lightning/), so the problem is kind of a solved one. Still, it would be neat thing to make, and it doesn't appear to have a stateside equivalent yet (its sort of a public service project). [Here](http://www.blitzortung.org/) is live data coming from the central European system. I've heard the government runs these, but I haven't found any place the data is accessible online. If that's the case (and it's fairly high res) my enthusiasm for this idea is dimmed a lot. --[Bjorn](User:Bjorn "wikilink") 14:49, 28 May 2008 (UTC) [Category:Proposed_Projects](Category:Proposed_Projects "wikilink")