The following code is capable of converging on a solution to Brad's parabola problem, which can be found on the [NARG](NARG "wikilink") page master_stack = {} function_table = {} type_array = {} type_stack = {} stack_size = 32 num_types = 0 num_x_samples = 5 constant = {0,1,2,3,4} expected_result = {0, 4.75, 12.75, 23.98, 38.45, 56.15} function sleep(n) os.execute("sleep " .. tonumber(n)) end function deepcopy(object) local lookup_table = {} local function _copy(object) if type(object) ~= "table" then return object elseif lookup_table[object] then return lookup_table[object] end local new_table = {} lookup_table[object] = new_table for index, value in pairs(object) do new_table[_copy(index)] = _copy(value) end return setmetatable(new_table, getmetatable(object)) end return _copy(object) end function print_table(theTable, indent) local iString = "" for index = 1, indent do iString = iString .. "-" end -- walk all the topmost values in the table for k,v in pairs(theTable) do print(iString ,k ,v) if type(v) == "table" then print_table(v, indent + 1) end end end function print_program(theProgram) print("Program Stack Bottom") for counter = 1, table.getn(theProgram) do if (theProgram[counter].name == "real") then print(theProgram[counter].value) else print(theProgram[counter].name) end end print("Program Stack Top") end -- add the type to the type table function insert_function(functionName, functionCall, functionType, nArguments) -- ensure we haven't already inserted this function if function_table[functionName] ~= nil then print("function already defined: " .. functionName) return false end -- add this function to the function_table tempFunction = {} tempFunction.fName = functionCall tempFunction.fType = functionType tempFunction.nArgs = nArguments function_table[functionName] = tempFunction return true end function insert_type(typeName, fPointer, weight) -- walk the list of types and make sure this one hasn't already been defined for index = 1, table.getn(type_array) do if (type_array[index].name == typeName) then print("type already defined: " .. typeName) return false end end num_types = num_types + 1 type_array[num_types] = {} type_array[num_types].name = typeName type_array[num_types].fPointer = fPointer type_array[num_types].weight = weight if fPointer == nil then -- establish the stack for this type type_stack[typeName] = {} end return true end function local_add(arguments) -- print("adding " .. arguments[1] .. " and " .. arguments[2]) return arguments[1] + arguments[2] end function local_subtract(arguments) -- print("subtracting " .. arguments[1] .. " and " .. arguments[2]) return arguments[1] + arguments[2] end function local_multiply(arguments) -- print("multiplying " .. arguments[1] .. " and " .. arguments[2]) return arguments[1] * arguments[2] end function local_divide(arguments) -- print("dividing " .. arguments[1] .. " and " .. arguments[2]) -- dragon if (arguments[2] == 0) then arguments[2] = 0.00001 end return arguments[1] / arguments[2] end function some_constant() -- print("pushing constant onto stack:" .. constant[currentConstant]) return constant[currentConstant] end function establish_types() -- add each of our types to the type_table insert_type("real", nil, 10) insert_type("+", local_add, 1) insert_type("*", local_multiply, 1) --insert_type("-", local_subtract, 1) --insert_type("/", local_divide, 1) insert_type("X", some_constant, 5) end function establish_functions() insert_function("+", local_add, "real", 2) insert_function("-", local_subtract, "real", 2) insert_function("*", local_multiply, "real", 2) insert_function("/", local_divide, "real", 2) insert_function("X", some_constant, "real", 0) end function generate_program(programSize ) return_stack = {} for counter = 1, programSize do currentNode = {} ranVal = math.random(1,table.getn(type_array)) = type_array[ranVal].name -- beware hardcoded stuffs if == "real" then currentNode.value = math.random() end table.insert(return_stack, currentNode) end return return_stack end function process_master() while table.getn(master_stack) ~= 0 do -- print("frame begin-------------------------------") -- print("current table:") -- print_table(type_stack["real"], 0) currentNode = table.remove(master_stack) -- print("curret node name: " .. ) -- treat functions and values differently if == "real" then -- print("current node value: " .. currentNode.value) -- add this value to the 'real' stack table.insert(type_stack["real"], currentNode.value) else -- grab the num of params needed for this function nRequired = function_table[].nArgs theType = function_table[].fType -- make sure there are enough objects on the param stack to call this function -- print("name = " .. -- print(function_table[].fType) -- print(type_stack["real"]) if (table.getn(type_stack[function_table[].fType]) < nRequired) then -- not enough params available, NOOP -- print("not enough params, NOOP") else theArguments = {} -- build an array for passing the params to the function for counter = 1, nRequired do theArguments[counter] = table.remove(type_stack[theType]) end -- call the function returnVal = function_table[].fName(theArguments) -- push the return val to the appropriate stack table.insert(type_stack[function_table[].fType], returnVal) end end -- print("frame end---------------------------------") end end function grab_result() -- print the top of the "real" stack if (table.getn(type_stack["real"]) == 0) then return 9999999 end return table.remove(type_stack["real"]) end --generate_master() --process_master() --print_result() function create_population() -- loop through each member in the population for count = 1, population_size do current_member = {} current_member._error = 99999 -- generate the member's program data current_member.program = generate_program(initial_member_size) -- add this member to the population table.insert(population, current_member) end end function get_best_candidate() local best_error = 99999 local best_index = 0 for tIndex = 1, table.getn(candidates) do if candidates[tIndex]._error < best_error then best_index = tIndex best_error = candidates[tIndex]._error end end --print("candidate size: " .. table.getn(candidates) .. "\nbest error from candidates: " .. best_error) -- remove and return the *best* candidate return table.remove(candidates, best_index) end function mutate_child(origin, n_mutations) dest_node = deepcopy(origin) for counter = 1, n_mutations do -- random point inside this child index_mutate = math.random(1, table.getn(dest_node.program)) ranVal = math.random(1,table.getn(type_array)) dest_node.program[index_mutate].name = type_array[ranVal].name -- beware hardcoded stuffs if dest_node.program[index_mutate].name == "real" then dest_node.program[index_mutate].value = math.random() end end return dest_node end function crossover_parents(mommy, daddy) index_m = math.random(1, table.getn(mommy)) --index_d = math.random(1, table.getn(daddy)) the_child = {} -- add the first index_m elements of mommy to the_child for xxx = 1, index_m do table.insert(the_child, mommy[xxx]) end -- add the elements index_d to #daddy of daddy to the_child for xxx = index_m+1, table.getn(daddy) do table.insert(the_child, daddy[xxx]) end return the_child end -- initialize the population (1 program for each member in the population) establish_functions() establish_types() population = {} population_size = 10000 initial_member_size = 24 create_population() error_history = {} error_threshhold = 0.016 max_num_iterations = 10000 current_iteration = 1 -- while we haven't reached our error threshhold while current_iteration <= max_num_iterations do print("iteration #" .. current_iteration) --print_table(population, 2) -- get the error for each of the members of our population for pcount = 1, population_size do --print_table(population[pcount], 1) -- initialize the error for this program population[pcount]._error = 0 --print("pcount = " .. pcount) if (current_iteration == 2) then --print_table(population[pcount], 1) end -- for each value of X for icount = 1, num_x_samples do -- establish the index to the current X/Y pair currentConstant = icount -- print("population size: " .. table.getn(population)) -- print("master_stack size: " .. table.getn(population[pcount].program)) -- make a copy of this guy's program master_stack = deepcopy(population[pcount].program) -- initialize the stacks for each data type type_stack["real"] = {} -- evaluate the program process_master() -- print("master_stack size: " .. table.getn(population[pcount].program)) -- print("!!! - " .. table.getn(type_stack["real"])) the_result = grab_result() --print("the result = " .. the_result) -- add the current error to the total error for this program population[pcount]._error = population[pcount]._error + math.abs(the_result - expected_result[currentConstant]) end end -- scan the population and find the lowest error total_error = 0 best_error = 99999 best_index = 0 for pcount = 1, population_size do total_error = total_error + population[pcount]._error if (population[pcount]._error < best_error) then best_index = pcount best_error = population[pcount]._error end end average_error = total_error / population_size print("lowest error : " .. best_error) print("average error: " .. average_error) table.insert(error_history, best_error) -- if the error is under our threshhold, break out and report success if (best_error < error_threshhold) then break end --======================================================================= -- evolution FTW --======================================================================= children = {} child = {} candidates = deepcopy(population) -- find the top 10% of the population, keep them tnum = math.ceil(table.getn(population) / 100) for cpop = 1, tnum do table.insert(children, get_best_candidate()) end --sleep(10) -- the next 25% should be mutations of the top 10% xnum = tnum + math.floor(tnum * 10) candidates = deepcopy(children) -- reset candidates -- print("we have " .. table.getn(candidates) .. " candidates to chose from") for cpop = (tnum+1), xnum do child = mutate_child(candidates[math.random(1, table.getn(candidates))], 5) table.insert(children, deepcopy(child)) -- print("size of children: " .. table.getn(children)) end -- the remainder should be crossovers of the full population for pcount = (xnum+1), population_size do -- take 7 random values from the population candidates = {} child = {} for ccount = 1, 7 do table.insert(candidates, deepcopy(population[math.random(1, table.getn(population))])) end -- print_table(candidates, 1) mom = get_best_candidate() dad = get_best_candidate() child.program = crossover_parents(mom.program, dad.program) -- write the child data to the list of children table.insert(children, child) end -- move the new population to their proper home population = deepcopy(children) current_iteration = current_iteration + 1 end print("all done!") --print_table(population[best_index].program, 1) print_program(population[best_index].program) [Category:NARG](Category:NARG "wikilink")