## Purpose From the HacDC Bylaws, Article III, Section 2: *At the annual meeting, the voting members shall elect the Board of Directors, review and vote on the standing rules and policies of the corporation, receive reports on the activities of the corporation, approve the budget and determine the direction of corporation in the coming year.* ## Time and Location `   Date: 2018.13.10 (March 10, 2018)` `   Location: HacDC` Meeting called to order at `   Time: 15:37` ## Participants - Members Present: - Kevin - Julia - Matt Zand - JP - Karen - mirage - Nic - Tayeb - Ken - Tom - Enrique (virtually) - Others Present: - Aden [Quorum](Quorum "wikilink") met? `   Yes` ## Recognition `   Enrique was Treasurer, thank you. Julia was President. Mirage is also an outgoing 3-year veteran of BoD.` `   Thanks to all 3 for your service. Tom did good work as VP.` ## Director Reports ### President's Report `   President is present but incommunicado.` ### Vice President's Report `   I lost our IT admin contract. Been working on various infrastructure projects like the printer, classroom TV,` `   basement TV, videoconferencing, etc. Would like to continue my work as VP and help grow and improve our` `   organization over the next year.` ### Treasurer's Report `   Did a bunch of legwork and treasurer stuff, helped us be square with the government.` ### Secretary's Report `   Nic is happy to be a member of HacDC over the past year, has found HacDC to be a valuable community to be a` `   member of. Has been Secretary for a few months, but has been away on international travel.` ### Director-at-Large Reports #### Matt `   Project Awesome fund allocations are still necessary but have been under-utilized the past year. USASEF is a big event,` `   we kind of dropped the ball this year. The next BoD should bear this in mind for future years; and try to stay in touch` `   with previous BoD members so institutional knowledge is kept.` `   Treasurer is an important job, hope the next one takes their responsibility seriously. Don't be too hard on folks, but it's` `   important the Treasurer does reimburse people promptly.` `   HacDC's BoD needs to take responsibility for members causing problems, and members need to take responsibility for their guests.` `   Problems need to be addressed promptly.` #### Kevin For the most part, my year has consisted of trying to network HacDC with other groups and represent HacDC at events. To that end, I: - offered 3D printing services, along with Julia, at the two-day Smithsonian Institute's [Earth Optimism Summit](https://earthoptimism.si.edu/2017/) ["Make for the Planet"](https://earthoptimism.si.edu/calendar/2017/events/make-planet-pitches/) hack-a-thon - represented HacDC for the [Community Makerspace Day](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-makerspace-day-tickets-39168856103#) event at Mary McLeod Bethune Day Academy PCS - supported Ken's [Neighborhood Opportunity Centers](DC_Community_Hackerspaces "wikilink") (NOCs) proposals by: - participating in two meetings with DC government officials and Nation of Makers executive director - arranged a meeting between HacDC and the New America Foundation's Open Source Institute - established a wiki page for collecting, coalating and coordinating potential NOC resources In lesser news, I've been: - recreating a passport stamp - working on a brief [OpenSCAD rotate_extrude tutorial video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CINyLSA3x984h7JMWaxRRfdgh0C0v81g/view) - futzing around with the teleconferencing system, and continue attempting to document progress on the wiki (See [La Fonera](La_Fonera "wikilink") and [OBi110 VoIP setup](OBi110_VoIP_setup "wikilink").) - doing this, that and the other thing - occasionally restocking the fridge - kept the tunes going a la [Radio Paradise](https://www.radioparadise.com/) ## [Project Awesome](:Category:Project_Awesome "wikilink") Reports ### Project SPACEBLIMP We postponed our March 3-4 launch due to winds out in Strasburg, despite everything being ready to go otherwise. Sad! We're currently deciding on a new launch date but the weekends of March 24 and March 31 are likely. We've also entered the Global Space Balloon Challenge under the team name Hackers SLS (Space Lunch System) and plan to launch another Spaceblimp for that competition in later April (not to far away). Enrique ## Audit Committee Report Nobody bothered to form a committee so there's no report. ## Member Reports Enrique - This year I hosted events on Lockpicking (TOOOL came), Software Defined Radio, Cryptocurrencies and the Metasploit Workshop put on by Beltway Hackers. Also lots of Spaceblimp meetings, especially lately. Spaceblimp 7 was postponed from the Eclipse date to early 2018 and just postponed again due to weather but we're ready to go very soon. ### Bylaws Amendments "Bylaws amendment proposal: Change the threshold for future bylaws amendments from "more than three quarters (3/4ths) of voting members," to "more than three quarters (3/4ths) of member votes cast 90 days from the proposal approval date," and from "Notice of such petition must be submitted electronically to all members," to "Notice of such a petition must be submitted to all members electronically and, where electronic means produce no response, all other available means." (petition approved April 2017) ) ## New Business ## Board of Directors Elections Results of the elections are as follows: `   President:  ''Karen stood for election for President unopposed.` `   Vice President:  ''Tom stood for election for VP unopposed.` `   Treasurer:  ''Tayeb stood for election unopposed.` `   Secretary:  ''Nic stood for election unopposed.` `   At large seats:  ''Ken, Kevin, and stood for 2 at large seats.` ## Adjournment `   Adjourned at 1627` [Category:Meeting Minutes](Category:Meeting_Minutes "wikilink")