Note: non-public events and charging participants more than the cost of materials are strongly discouraged at HacDC. 1. Have an idea for an event. :) If your event is a [kit build](Running_a_Kit_Build "wikilink") or [lightning talks](LightningTalks_Howto "wikilink"), we have particular tips for you in addition to the ones on this page. If you're running a class, add the class description, including date and time and anything participants should bring, to [:Category:Classes](:Category:Classes "wikilink"). 2. Plan where and how to present your content. Options include the space's meeting room or workshop, the [auditorium]( (capacity: 200 people standing; 150 sitting in chairs in rows; 70 sitting at tables), the [sanctuary]( (capacity: 200 people sitting in pews; another 300 can stand or sit on floor), and the [dining room]( (capacity: 300 people standing; 220 sitting in chairs in rows; 175 sitting at tables). 3. Assemble any necessary parts. 4. Schedule a time 1. Use [the church's calendar]( if you want to use the church's auditorium, dining room, or sanctuary. 2. **Use the [the HacDC event calendar]( to choose a date and time.** Please try not to overlap with other HacDC events. Also, please try to give potential participants at least a week's notice. 3. If you're not sure when to have your event, consider posting a poll to help you decide. [Doodle]( is one free and easy service for doing so. 5. Publicize! 1. Send an e-mail to HacDC's public announcements, and (optionally, and an option only if sender is a current member) private, mailing lists. 2. Blog it on our Wordpress site (every member is entitled to a login for [our Wordpress dashboard]( That automatically [tweets it]( and sends an e-mail to HacDC's public blabber@ list via [If This Then That]( 3. Create a [HacDC Meetup]( event, which automatically adds it to the [the HacDC event calendar]( 4. Consider notifying other groups whose members might be interested. One place to check is [this list of DC-area geeky groups]( 5. Get it listed on [DC Tech Events]( and, if possibly applicable to artists, send it to the [DorkbotDC Blabber]( mailing list or let the overlord(s) know: dorkbotdc \[at\] dorkbot \[dot\] org. 6. Post signs (e.g., on the red door) directing attendees who've never been to HacDC before. 7. Run the event. Share your knowledge. Have fun. [Take some pictures.]( 1. At the event, please tell the participants who aren't members about what HacDC is and ask them to consider joining or donating to us. Not confident with your impromptu asking-for-money skills? Try our pre-scripted [Spiel](Spiel "wikilink"). 8. How did it go? [Blog]( it! Have suggestions for next time? Add them here! [Category:Event Planning](Category:Event_Planning "wikilink")