## Description We are building a portable live Linux distribution based on [Porteus Linux](http://porteus.org/). Porteus itself is a fork of Slax that has been brought up to date with Slackware 13.37 and uses a kernel. Porteus can use binary packages from Slackware 13.37 after conversion to Porteus' native format. ## Code Repositories [Github page](https://github.com/Byzantium/Byzantium) [Subversion repo for Porteus packages](http://svn.virtadpt.net/byzantium/) ## Goals - Make it possible for people in emergency situations to communicate and collaborate. - Make it possible for people in areas where the communications infrastructure is compromised to communicate and collaborate. - Provide services to support communication and collaboration. - Will be secure out of the box. - Best practices for isolating running services will be followed. - Best practices for configuration web applications will be followed. - Least privilege will be followed wherever possible. - Will be extensively documented. - A Creative Commons-licensed book will be made available with the Byzantium distribution as well as separately - Will explain the finer points of setting up a mesh, as well as accompanying projects (such as dialup gateways and long-haul transports). - Will be translated into as many languages as possible. - Widely compatible. - Users need to be able to boot their desktop/laptop/netbook from Byzantium media and set up a node. - As little fiddling with network drivers as possible. - Rapidly deployable. - Users need to be able to configure their Byzantium node rapidly and with little assistance. - Emergency situations. - Control panel aims to be as self-documenting as possible. - Aims to protect confidentiality of traffic. - Opportunistic IPsec? - All services default to SSLv3/TLSv1. - Aims to protect integrity of traffic. - SSLv3/TLSv1. - Meshes should grow without the direction of a central authority. - Anyone can set up a mesh node. - Anyone can set up services on the mesh. - Services packaged by default can be managed (activated and deactivated) from the control panel - Services packaged by default will come preconfigured with secure defaults and a mobile-friendly theme where appropriate. - This is a calculated risk. The threat models of Tor and I2P take this into account as well. - Byzantium nodes need to be rapidly clonable. - One copy of the live distribution needs to become many on demand. - Nodes need to be clonable without taking the node down. - Persistent storage has to be an option. - Built into [Porteus](http://porteus.org). - save.dat file - removable media - media Porteus is installed to - Dependencies will be automatically managed by the control panel. ## Features - Can support multiple mesh routing protocols. - Modular configuration back end. - Multiple pre-packaged, pre-configured web applications for communication and collaboration. - All services can be independently activated and deactivated. - Aims for security by default. - Services are not active unless explicitly triggered. - Services are configured using best practices for security. - Services support strong cryptography by default. - Supports gatewaying from the mesh to the Net over a live connection. - Supports persistent (encrypted) storage on demand (not default). - Note: When creating a save.dat file under Porteus, if the drive it's on is formatted FAT-32 or less, the file MUST be \<1024MB, else, the /linuxrc script that forms the core of the distro will pretend that it can't locate the file, regardless of where you put it. This drove me bonkers for two months! - If possible we should try to make save.dat a second partition on the thumbdrive (ala casper-rw for ubuntu liveUSBs) there are some big benefits to this: - it makes it harder for windows users to see that there is a second partition in case big brother decides to inspect the contents of all thumbdrives. - it means we won't have to worry about file size limits. ### ToDo - ~~[Node Control Panel](Byzantium_Live_Distro_CP "wikilink")~~ - DONE! - ~~[Captive Portal](Byzantium_Live_Distro_Captive_Portal "wikilink")~~ -DONE! - [Provided Services Announcement](Byzantium_Live_Distro_Service_Announce "wikilink") - [Wiki](Byzantium_Live_Distro_Wiki "wikilink") - suspended notion - ~~[Microblog](Byzantium_Live_Distro_Microblog "wikilink")~~ - DONE! - [File dump/Twitpic work-alike](Byzantium_Live_Distro_FileDump "wikilink") - [Voice chat/telephony server](Byzantium_Live_Distro_Tel "wikilink") - ~~[Clientless web chat](Byzantium_Live_Distro_Chat "wikilink")~~ - DONE! - ~~[Blog](Byzantium_Live_Distro_Microblog "wikilink")~~ - see Microblog - ~~[EtherPad-like thing](Byzantium_Live_Distro_EPad "wikilink")~~ - DONE! - [Streaming media server](Byzantium_Live_Distro_StreamingMediaSrv "wikilink") - [HTTP caching proxy](Byzantium_Live_Distro_WebProxy "wikilink") - [Tor](https://www.torproject.org/) - [IPset](IPset "wikilink") Pick a web server to host applications: - Converted the Apache, apr\*, and PHP packages of Slackware v13.37 into Porteus modules. They Just Worked(tm). ~~We need to figure out how to properly install the control panel app on a new system. The process should be as pythonic as possible.~~ We need to figure out how to bundle the already configured and populated MySQL databases for the web apps! - Packaging them into a module and activating it didn't work. - ~~Write a script that detects the presence or absence of /var/lib/db/\*/ and restores them from .sql dumps at boot-time.~~ [The Doctor's to-do list](The_Doctor's_to-do_list "wikilink") ## Packages built for Byzantium - babeld - For great mesh routing. - batman-adv - Kernel module which implements mesh routing at OSI layer 2. We may not use it but it's there if we need it. - batctl - Utility for configurating and manipulating batman-adv. - Dependency of batman-adv. - olsrd - from olsr.org - ahcpd - For configuring mesh nodes that don't want to use the random RFC-1918 IP address generator. - CherryPy - Python module that implements a fast multi-threaded HTTP (web application) server. - Without this, there is no control panel. - pySetupTools - Required for installing some Python modules. - Mako - Python HTML templating system. - Dependency of the control panel. - MarkupSafe - Python library that implements a Unicode string that is aware of HTML escaping rules and does automatic string escaping. - Dependency of Mako. - Git - Converted Slackware v13.37 package. - Necessary for checking code out and into Github. - Curl - Converted Slackware v13.37 package. - Dependency of git. - Note: To make git work without "error setting certificate verify locations" errors, you need to run the following command as the root user: git config --system http.sslcainfo /usr/share/curl/ca-bundle.crt - rrdtool - Used by traffic_stats.sh to monitor network traffic and build graphs. - sqlitebrowser - Used to develop SQLite database schemas and debug database access code. Will not be in OS release. - ~~nginx - Lightweight, fast HTTP(S) server. Much more lightweight than Apache, at any rate. Custom build for Byzantium.~~ - Enough! - gd - Dependency of PHP. - Used for server side image manipulation. - libmcrypt - Dependency of PHP. - icu4c - International Components for Unicode. i18n dependency of PHP. - openldap-client - Dependency of PHP to make it compile. Not pleased by having to package it, but it won't build without it. - Can we get away with not having it because I didn't have to compile it for Apache? Let's try it! - php - Converted Slackware v13.37 package. - httpd - Apache v2.2.17. Converted Slackware v13.37 package. - ..and then stuff started working! - apr-util - Converted Slackware v13.37 package. - Utility used for compiling Apache modules. - apr - Converted Slackware v13.37 package. - Package used for compiling Apache modules. - t1lib - Converted Slackware v13.37 package. Used for font manipulation. - pcre - Converted Slackware v13.37 package. - Perl Compatible Regular Expression library. - Unicode aware for i18n support. status.net requires this for basic functionality, whcih means that we get i18n for free. - ~~Firefox v6.0.2~~ - Do not use! i_can_haz_firefox.sh builds a package with bad symlinks. Haven't bothered to fix it so far. - node - An event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment based on V8. (from website and wikipedia). - Required by Etherpad-lite. - dnsmasq - All-in-one DHCP and caching DNS server. - Much easier to work with in circumstances like this than ISC BIND or even djbdns. - ipcalc - Command-line IP networking calculator. Will be needed by the control panel shortly. - Removed the CGI-BIN script from the package when it was built. - ngircd - Lightweight IRC server. - Back-end for web chat application. - Somehow we need to figure out a way to make them automagically hook together into an IRC network. But that can wait. - zope.interface - Required by Twisted. - Twisted - Required by qwebirc. - Satisfies the clientless web chat requirement. ## Links Place links relevant to any part of the process of making the live distro here. [Porteus Official Website](http://porteus.org/) [Processes for building Porteus packages.](Processes_for_building_Porteus_packages. "wikilink") [Process for manually installing Byzantium.](Process_for_manually_installing_Byzantium. "wikilink") [Byzantium 101](Byzantium_101 "wikilink") - How to get yourself set up. [Hardware compatibility list](Hardware_compatibility_list "wikilink") [User Feedback on Byzantium 0.1a](User_Feedback_on_Byzantium_0.1a "wikilink") [Handy generic git notes](Git_Notes "wikilink") ## Timeline - .....uhh.... - 20 October 2011 - Live demo, presentation, and networking at [ContactCon](http://contactcon.com/). - 12 May 2012 @ 1400 EST5EDT: Project Byzantium presentation at [CarolinaCon](http://carolinacon.org/). - 13-15 July 2012 @ TBA: Project Byzantium presentation at [HOPE Number Nine](http://www.hopenumbernine.net/). ## Stuff ~~Need to edit /etc/hosts, add 'byzantium' to so that the web server will start up.~~ [Mobile devices and IPv6.](Mobile_devices_and_IPv6. "wikilink") ~~[DNSmasq](http://thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html)~~ - ~~One nice thing about DNSmasq is the -H option, for additional /etc/hosts-like files. We could use those to cache the IP addresses of other Byzantium nodes, and then query them for the services they run.~~ - Hostnames are IPv6 addresses of nodes. - ifconfig wlan0 \| grep inet6 \| awk '{print \$3}' \| sed 's/:/-/g' \| sed 's/\\64\$//' \| sed 's/\$/.byzantium.mesh/' == fe80--21c-bfff-fe35-84c2.byzantium.mesh - ~~Put IP addresses and hostnames in /etc/hosts.mesh.~~ - This could also be used for status.net federation and IRC network construction. - ~~Move the **server=/byzantium.mesh/...** line into the generated DNSmasq include file?~~ - ~~Make the '...' the mesh interface's IP address?~~ - ~~Consulted with an expert about IP addressing. At first scratch, it might be a good idea to stick wtih pseudo-randomly chosen 10/8's. Configure the mesh interface for the .1 and give the clients .2-.254. I'll re-work the control panel to do that.~~ Need to account for [APIPA](http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/A/APIPA.html) addressing in the initial set of routes. - ~~Added for the purpose of making networkconfiguration.py [detect whether or not the proposed IP address for the mesh interface is in use](http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-duplicate-address-detection-with-arping/).~~ - Byzantium does this now. It works like a champ. List of public DNSes that we may wish to fall back upon in the event a node is made into a gateway: - [Google Public DNS](https://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/) - [Public DNS servers](http://www.tech-faq.com/public-dns-servers.html) - [OpenDNS](https://www.opendns.com/) [Packaging NPM.](Packaging_NPM. "wikilink") [Finding neighboring mesh nodes](Finding_neighboring_mesh_nodes "wikilink") [Fully distributed services](Fully_distributed_services "wikilink") ## Stuff to consider for later - Consider adding [Iodine](http://code.kryo.se/iodine/) to Byzantium to help tunnel gatewayed traffic onto the Net. - Gateway nodes in hostile areas could use Iodine to tunnel traffic out. - Gateway nodes in non-hostile areas could accept Iodine connections to help less fortunate nodes evade censorship. - Consider adding (http\|proxy)tunnel with simplified usage of some kind to allow encapsulating arbitrary data streams in http streams. - Firewall evasion aids that will work well even in established internet censorship systems?