Photoblog/Image Dump Essentially, a [Twitpic]( work-alike for the Byzantium mesh. - [Pixelpost]( - Blog optimized for photoblogging. - Requires MySQL. - Requires PHP. - Needs to be configured so that anyone can log in and post images (guest/guest?) - EXIF information needs to stay turned off. - Look into writing a utility which strips EXIF information fromm all images uploaded. - Make the "Remove EXIF" function permanant? - [Plogger]( - Dedicated online photo gallery. - Requires MySQL. - Requires PHP. - Requires GD. - Defaults to the first album, first collection if there is nothing else. - Need a mobile theme. Develop one? - Has i18n support already. - Can take descriptions. - Needs to be configured so that anyone can log in and post images (guest/guest?) File dump - [Simple File Exchange]( - Requires PHP. - [Forban]( - Python app. - Simple peer-to-peer file sharing application. - Implements HTTP. - Opportunistic file sharing. - Written in Python.