## 2017.11.21 "Inaugural" Meeting In attendance: - Ken Kenworthy, KnowledgeRealm, (instigator) - Marvin Gay, Coomunity Outreach Coordinator, [Safer, Stronger DC](https://www.facebook.com/SaferStrongerDC) Community Partnerships, out of the [Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services](https://dmhhs.dc.gov/) - Michael Dodson, Program Assistant, [Safer, Stronger DC](https://www.facebook.com/SaferStrongerDC) Community Partnerships, out of the [Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services](https://dmhhs.dc.gov/) - Dorothy Jones-Davis, Executive Director, [Nation of Makers](http://nationofmakers.org/) - Enrique Cobas (ex-exchequer, [HacDC](http://hacdc.org/)) - Julia Longtin (once and future queen / madame president, [HacDC](http://hacdc.org/)) - Kevin Cole ([Ubuntourist](User:Ubuntourist "wikilink")) (fugitive at-large, [HacDC](http://hacdc.org/)) - Betty Amos (designer, educator, animator [Betty Amos Designs](http://bettyamosdesigns.com/)) - Nicolas Sabharwal (lewlking) ## DC government initiative From June 2017, the ["Innovation Space and Marketplace Report: Developing a Makerspace in the District"](https://dmped.dc.gov/page/innovation-space-and-marketplace-report-developing-makerspace-district) from the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development ???There's a 77-page PDF at the bottom of the page. Lots of good information here on needs and possibilities. ## Neighborhood Artisan Centers (NACs) - [concept paper](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UxZ_VBHbBEJ9fVJN7rdwqIjmKjv-HTKhiVUrSnDJta4/edit) by Ken ### Background/Reference - **Makers: The New Industrial Revolution** - Wikipedia: \[: Makers: The New Industrial Revolution\] by Chris Anderson - Video: [Makers: The New Industrial Revolution](https://vimeo.com/60496236) by Chris Anderson. (Highly recommended.) - Book: [Makers: The New Industrial Revolution](https://www.amazon.com/Makers-Industrial-Revolution-Chris-Anderson/dp/0307720969) by Chris Anderson. (Highly recommended.) - [The Skills Revolution](http://www.manpowergroup.co.uk/the-word-on-work/skills-revolution/) by The ManpowerGroup. - **Good Sources To Keep Pace with Technology** - [The Singularity Hub](https://singularityhub.com/), "Singularity Hub chronicles technological progress ..." - [3DPrint.com](https://3dprint.com/) "3DPrint.com is a news organization dedicated to bringing you up to date on all the latest news from the 3D printing industry." - [Road to VR](https://www.roadtovr.com/) "Founded in 2011, Road to VR is the world???s leading independent news publication dedicated to the consumer virtual reality industry." - [Science X](https://sciencex.com/) "a network of high-quality websites that provides the most complete and comprehensive daily coverage of science, technology, and medical news." - **Examples of Project Based/Self Organized Learning, Virtual and On-site Mentors** - Video: [Anacostia HS Aquaponics Project](https://youtu.be/UgGpn_6Ryss), Teens and young adults participating in Aquaponics project at Anacostia High School - Video: [Web Conferencing with Virtual Mentors](https://youtu.be/gEV2-b_w7hg) Older teens at Anacostia HS interacted via web conferencing with Dr. Subhrankar Mukherjee (Subra), India chapter Club of Rome, from Mumbai, and David Li, founder of first Makerspace in China, from Shanghai - Video: [Videoconferencing with Virtual Mentor](https://youtu.be/jxKilY6Wvmo) Older teens at Anacostia HS interacted via web conferencing with Tyrese Gould, daughter of Mark Gould, Chief of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation in New Jersey - **Potential Funding Sources and Grants** - [Funding Alert](http://links.govdelivery.com:80/track?type=click&enid=ZWFzPTEmbXNpZD0mYXVpZD0mbWFpbGluZ2lkPTIwMTcwOTExLjc3OTUzODYxJm1lc3NhZ2VpZD1NREItUFJELUJVTC0yMDE3MDkxMS43Nzk1Mzg2MSZkYXRhYmFzZWlkPTEwMDEmc2VyaWFsPTE3MTA4OTEyJmVtYWlsaWQ9bWFydmluLmdheTJAZGMuZ292JnVzZXJpZD1tYXJ2aW4uZ2F5MkBkYy5nb3YmdGFyZ2V0aWQ9JmZsPSZtdmlkPSZleHRyYT0mJiY=&&&103&&&https://opgs.dc.gov/publications?type=732) Mayor???s Office of Partnerships and Grant Services - [NSF Smart and Connected Communities (S&CC) Solicitation](https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2018/nsf18520/nsf18520.htm) - [NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC\*)](https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2018/nsf18508/nsf18508.htm) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Add your notes and thoughts below** Try to make an effort to keep the page sane and readable by using [Mediawiki's formatting](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Formatting) correctly. ## DC/MD/VA spaces Following up with some of the other local maker/hacker/bio/food spaces in the area (*Dorothy*): - **Washington, DC** - [FabLab DC](http://www.fablabdc.org/) (FabLab) - [Hac DC](http://www.hacdc.org/) (Hackerspace) - [Local Motors](http://localmotors.com/national-harbor/) (Commercial Makerspace) - [Mess Hall](http://messhalldc.com/) (Food Makerspace) - [Taste Lab](http://tastelab.co/) (Food Makerspace) - [Union Kitchen](http://unionkitchendc.com/) (Food Makerspace) - [MLK Library "Fab Lab"](https://www.dclibrary.org/labs/fablab) (Makerspace) - [Maker Hub at Georgetown University](https://www.library.georgetown.edu/makerhub) (University Makerspace) - [Catholic University FabLab](https://architecture.catholic.edu/student-experience/technology/fabrication-labs/index.html) (University Makerspace; FabLab) - [District Makers Collective](http://www.districtmakerscollective.org/) (a work-in-progress from the refugees of the now-shuttered Tech Shop in Crystal City) - **Northern Virginia** - [NoVA Labs](http://nova-labs.org/) (Reston, VA; Community Makerspace) - [Building Momentum](http://buildingmomentum.us/) (Alexandria, VA; Community problem-solving space) - [Makersmiths](https://makersmiths.org/) (Leesburg, VA; Community makerspace) - **Maryland** - [Baltimore Underground Science Space (BUGGS)](http://www.bugssonline.org/) (Baltimore, MD; Biospace) - [Catylator](http://catylator.com/) (Silver Spring, MD; Makerspace) - [Digital Harbor Foundation](http://www.digitalharbor.org/) (Baltimore, MD; Youth Makerspace (Rec To Tech) - [The Foundery](http://foundery.com/) (Baltimore, MD; Focus on economic empowerment - working with City of Baltimore) - [Greenbelt MakerSpace](http://make125.org/) (Greenbelt, MD - Community Makerspace; co-op model) - [KiD Museum](http://kid-museum.org/) (Bethesda, MD; Children's makerspace) - [Open Works](http://www.openworksbmore.com/) (Baltimore, MD; Focus on entrepreneurship) - [Pyramid Atlantic Art Center](http://www.pyramidatlanticartcenter.org/) (Hyattsville, MD; Art makerspace) - [Station North Tool Library](http://www.stationnorthtoollibrary.org/) (Baltimore, MD) - [Unallocated Space](https://www.unallocatedspace.org/) (Severn, MD) - [John and Stella Graves Makerspace at the University of Maryland](https://www.lib.umd.edu/tlc/makerspace) (College Park, MD; University Makerspace) - [Rhizome DC](http://www.rhizomedc.org/) (Takoma Park, MD) ## Miscellaneous links Some of the places, people and events mentioned yesterday, in no particular order (**[Ubuntourist](User:Ubuntourist "wikilink")**) - **HacDC Space Blimp videos** - very cool! - [Space Blimp VI launch, flight and re-entry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhjD4Q3JfMM) - [Space Blimp III video with narration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh8xYoCoLSU) - **Other HacDC activities** - Make for the Planet Hackathon, Earth Optimism Summit, Smithsonian Institute and Conservation X Labs - [Huffington Post article](https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/make-for-the-planet-challenge-transforming-conservation_us_59137564e4b04e66b8c3ad94) - [Tweet + Photo](https://twitter.com/conservationx/status/855850944063524865) - **Free Geek** - community-built refurbished computers, E-cycling, education centers - [Free Geek provides jobs and free classes to the community](https://opensource.com/life/13/1/free-geek) - an article by [Ubuntourist](User:Ubuntourist "wikilink") - [Free Geek Arkansas](http://www.freegeekarkansas.org/) - Formerly instigated and run by Julia - [Governance nitty-gritty for Free Geek, Portland](http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php) - **Fab Lab** - Wikipedia: [Neil Gershenfeld](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Gershenfeld), Director, MIT Center for Bits and Atoms; Creator of the Fab Lab "blueprint" - Book: [Fab: The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop-From Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication](https://books.google.com/books?id=rHdkDiUMpaUC) by Neil Gershenfeld. (Highly recommended.) - **Potential partners locally** - [John Capozzi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-capozzi-3154561/), Program Manager at The Office of the Chief Technology Officer, Government of the District of Columbia. He was part of the Broadband Bridge Coalition, and other progressive tech efforts. - [Mike Lee](https://www.linkedin.com/in/curiouslee/), Senior Advisor, Digital Strategy at AARP Digital Strategy & Membership; Founder, One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Learning Club DC - [Leshell Hatley](http://www.leshellhatley.com/), Founder and Director, [Uplift, Inc.](http://upliftdc.org/) in SE DC. A fantastic program. ([LinkedIn profile](https://www.linkedin.com/in/leshellhatley/)) - Phil Shapiro, tweeter/ promoter / dreamer / writer [Makezine](https://makezine.com/author/pshapiro/), [OpenSource.com](https://opensource.com/users/pshapiro), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/philshapiro), [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/phshapiro/) (He can be very good at "getting the word out") - [Greg Bloom](https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregbloom/) - serial digital justice crusader / organizer (no longer in the area but still "connected" to DC) - [Gerald Cooper](https://twitter.com/itwizkids) - Founder, [IT Computer Wizkids](https://www.itcomputerwizkids.com/) - [Damon Jones](https://www.linkedin.com/in/steamteacher/), Founder / Director, [STEAM America](http://www.steam-america.org/) - [Alex Dehgan](https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-dehgan-aa81335/), CEO and co-Founder, [Conservation X Labs](http://conservationxlabs.com/) & Chanler Innovator, Duke University. He invited HacDC to participate in the Smithsonian Institute's Earth Optimism Summit **Make for the Planet** hackathon. - (If you talk to any of the above, drop my name.) - [Code for DC Brigade](https://codefordc.org/) of Code for America - The [Open Technology Institute (OTI)](https://www.newamerica.org/oti/), a division of the [New America Foundation](https://www.newamerica.org/), a progressive think tank in DC. New America Foundation has some fantastic lectures and panels on science, technology, and policy. OTI folks helped the DC Broadband Bridge group set up a neighborhood mesh network, that the DC government *was* hoping to model when Bryan Sivak ran OCTO. (Alas, the community got cut out of those conversations after Bryan left.) - [Digital Stewardship progam](http://digitalstewards.org/about) from the Open Technology Institute - [Cities of Learning, DC](https://www.lrng.org/dc) part of [Cities of LRNG](https://www.lrng.org/cities) (pronounced "learning"), mentioned by Ken - \[???http://www.sustainabledc.org/ Sustainable DC 2.0\] - several education, energy, and urban agriculture goals - [Youth Entrepreneur Institute (YEI)](http://www.youthentrepreneurinstitute.org/about-us/) - Tacharna Crump, Executive Director - [Workshop DC](http://www.workshopdc.org/?page_id=7) - also Tacharna Crump - **Non-HacDC Past Events** (a bit biased: I only know about them cuz I volunteered for and/or hosted them) - [DISCovering TECHnology Fair I (Disco Tech I)](https://web.archive.org/web/20160914185155/http://www.breadforthecity.org/2011/10/discovering-technology-fair-saturday/) - Bread for the City, November 5, 2011 [Photos](https://www.flickr.com/photos/33621330@N07/albums/72157627954349203) [Washington Post article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/capitalbusiness/training-to-bridge-the-digital-divide/2011/11/10/gIQAx2YMIN_story.html) - [DISCovering TECHnology II (Disco Tech II)](https://www.facebook.com/events/692870980840136/) - Thurgood Marshall Academy, Anacostia, February 25, 2012 - Photos: [Software Freedom Day at Takoma Park Folk Festival](https://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-us-dc/) - Several years (plus some additional gatherings of the Ubuntu DC Local Community, a.k.a. the DC "LoCo") - Photos: [Scratch Day 2013, OLPC Learning Club DC](https://www.flickr.com/photos/curiouslee/sets/72157633511463081) - Mike's a photo junkie and tech junkie. LOTS of good photos. See the rest of his streams. - [OLPC Learning Club (audio)](https://archive.org/details/MikeLeeOLPCLearningClubAugustMeetingatNortelNetworks) and [OLPC Learning Club (slides)](https://www.slideshare.net/fotogeek/1ccmedia-lab-aug-2008-presentation) - Nortel Networks, August 2008 - **Further afield** (but in cyberspace, distance is irrelevant) - [Detroit Digital Justice Coalition's Disco Tech Fair](http://detroitdjc.org/documentation-from-the-last-discotech-get-ready-for-the-next-april-15/) - The model for the DC Disco Techs, promoted at the [Allied Media Conference](https://www.alliedmedia.org/). HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: The [Disco Tech 'Zine](http://detroitdjc.org/discotech-zine-out-now/) featuring articles from both Detroit and DC folks on how to run a Disco Tech (Detroit, MI) - [Qeyno Group / Academy](https://www.qeyno.com/), co-founded and headmastered by [Kalimah Atreyu Priforce](https://www.linkedin.com/in/priforce/) (Oackland, CA) - [**ELiTE** Education (**E**merging **L**eaders **i**n **T**echnology and **E**ngineering)](http://www.elite-education.org/) - Executive Director, [Chelsey Roebuck](https://www.linkedin.com/in/chelseyroebuck) (New York City, NY) - [OPEN International](http://openinternational.org/about-open/), Founder: [Khady Lusby](https://www.linkedin.com/in/khady-lusby-9921ab21/) (Nioro, Mali but Khady lives in Arlington) - [Barre Open Source Institute (BOSI)](, Founder, director and ringmaster: [Paul Flint](https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-flint-98ab5b/) (Barre, VT) - [NextFab](https://nextfab.com/) (N. Philadelphia, PA, S. Philadelphia, PA and Wilmington, DE) - [Idea Foundry](https://ideafoundry.com/) (Columbus, OH) ## 2017.12.13 Virtual Reality Demo Meeting In attendance: - Ken Kenworthy, KnowledgeRealm, (instigator) - Marvin Gay, Coomunity Outreach Coordinator, [Safer, Stronger DC](https://www.facebook.com/SaferStrongerDC) Community Partnerships, [Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services](https://dmhhs.dc.gov/) - Cameron Shields, [Safer, Stronger DC](https://www.facebook.com/SaferStrongerDC) Community Partnerships, [Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services](https://dmhhs.dc.gov/) - Dorothy Jones-Davis, Executive Director, [Nation of Makers](http://nationofmakers.org/) - Julia Longtin (once and future queen / madame president, [HacDC](http://hacdc.org/)) - Kevin Cole ([Ubuntourist](User:Ubuntourist "wikilink")) (fugitive at-large, [HacDC](http://hacdc.org/))