**HacDC Event Survey** How did you find out about the Event? - HacDC Web Site - HacDC Wiki - RSS Feed Site (if possible, provide URL or Name of Feed) ________________ - Word of mouth What is your technical expertise in relation to the Event's content? - I wrote the book or I am in the process of writing a book. - I am a technical expert and work with the content on a day to day basis - I have studied the content but only work with the content once every few months - I have heard of the content and browsed websites, but I do not work with the content. - I have no technical experience with the content. Grade the Event A = Excellent, B = Good, C = Average, D = Lacking, F = Fail Circle the grade. Presentation of the content - A - B (What can we improve: _______________________________________________ ) - C (What can we improve: _______________________________________________ ) - D (What can we improve: _______________________________________________ ) - F (What can we improve: _______________________________________________ ) Quality and accuracy of information presented - A - B (What can we improve: _______________________________________________ ) - C (What can we improve: _______________________________________________ ) - D (What can we improve: _______________________________________________ ) - F (What can we improve: _______________________________________________ ) Additional Comments: ____________________________________________________ [Category:Events](Category:Events "wikilink") [Category:Marketing](Category:Marketing "wikilink")