
633 lines
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2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
import json
import asyncio
from jsonschema import validators, exceptions
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
from typing import Callable, Awaitable
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
from .api import *
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
from .state import *
from .config import *
from .error import *
from .types import *
from .operations import *
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
import importlib.resources as importlib_resources
from . import schema
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
def _get_schema_validator(schema):
cls = validators.validator_for(schema)
validator = cls(schema)
return validator
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
def _schema_validate(validator, instance):
error = exceptions.best_match(validator.iter_errors(instance))
if error is not None:
raise error
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
_VALIDATOR_REQUEST = _get_schema_validator(json.loads((importlib_resources.files(schema) / 'Request.json').read_text()))
_VALIDATOR_RECV_MESSAGE = _get_schema_validator(json.loads((importlib_resources.files(schema) / 'RecvMessage.json').read_text()))
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
class _JsonVeilidAPI(VeilidAPI):
reader: asyncio.StreamReader
writer: asyncio.StreamWriter
update_callback: Callable[[VeilidUpdate], Awaitable]
handle_recv_messages_task: Optional[asyncio.Task]
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
validate_schemas: bool
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
# Shared Mutable State
lock: asyncio.Lock
next_id: int
in_flight_requests: dict
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
def __init__(self, reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, update_callback: Callable[[VeilidUpdate], Awaitable], validate_schema: bool = True):
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
self.reader = reader
self.writer = writer
self.update_callback = update_callback
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
self.validate_schema = validate_schema
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
self.handle_recv_messages_task = None
self.lock = asyncio.Lock()
self.next_id = 1
self.in_flight_requests = dict()
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
async def __aenter__(self):
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *excinfo):
await self.close()
2023-06-15 01:06:10 +00:00
async def _cleanup_close(self):
await self.lock.acquire()
self.reader = None
await self.writer.wait_closed()
self.writer = None
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
async def close(self):
2023-06-15 01:06:10 +00:00
# Take the task
await self.lock.acquire()
if self.handle_recv_messages_task is None:
handle_recv_messages_task = self.handle_recv_messages_task
self.handle_recv_messages_task = None
# Cancel it
await handle_recv_messages_task
except asyncio.CancelledError:
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
async def connect(host: str, port: int, update_callback: Callable[[VeilidUpdate], Awaitable]) -> Self:
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(host, port)
veilid_api = _JsonVeilidAPI(reader, writer, update_callback)
veilid_api.handle_recv_messages_task = asyncio.create_task(veilid_api.handle_recv_messages(), name = "JsonVeilidAPI.handle_recv_messages")
return veilid_api
async def handle_recv_message_response(self, j: dict):
id = j['id']
await self.lock.acquire()
# Get and remove the in-flight request
reqfuture = self.in_flight_requests.pop(id, None)
# Resolve the request's future to the response json
async def handle_recv_messages(self):
# Read lines until we're done
while True:
linebytes = await self.reader.readline()
if not linebytes.endswith(b'\n'):
# Parse line as ndjson
j = json.loads(linebytes.strip())
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
if self.validate_schema:
_schema_validate(_VALIDATOR_RECV_MESSAGE, j)
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
# Process the message
if j['type'] == "Response":
await self.handle_recv_message_response(j)
elif j['type'] == "Update":
await self.update_callback(VeilidUpdate.from_json(j))
2023-06-15 01:06:10 +00:00
await self._cleanup_close()
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
async def allocate_request_future(self, id: int) -> asyncio.Future:
reqfuture = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
await self.lock.acquire()
self.in_flight_requests[id] = reqfuture
return reqfuture
async def cancel_request_future(self, id: int):
await self.lock.acquire()
reqfuture = self.in_flight_requests.pop(id, None)
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
def send_one_way_ndjson_request(self, op: Operation, **kwargs):
2023-06-15 01:06:10 +00:00
if self.writer is None:
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
# Make NDJSON string for request
# Always use id 0 because no reply will be received for one-way requests
req = { "id": 0, "op": op }
for k, v in kwargs.items():
req[k] = v
reqstr = VeilidJSONEncoder.dumps(req) + "\n"
reqbytes = reqstr.encode()
if self.validate_schema:
_schema_validate(_VALIDATOR_REQUEST, json.loads(reqbytes))
# Send to socket without waitings
async def send_ndjson_request(self, op: Operation, validate: Optional[Callable[[dict, dict], None]] = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
# Get next id
await self.lock.acquire()
id = self.next_id
self.next_id += 1
2023-06-15 01:06:10 +00:00
writer = self.writer
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
# Make NDJSON string for request
req = { "id": id, "op": op }
for k, v in kwargs.items():
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
req[k] = v
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
reqstr = VeilidJSONEncoder.dumps(req) + "\n"
reqbytes = reqstr.encode()
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
if self.validate_schema:
_schema_validate(_VALIDATOR_REQUEST, json.loads(reqbytes))
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
# Allocate future for request
reqfuture = await self.allocate_request_future(id)
# Send to socket
2023-06-15 01:06:10 +00:00
await writer.drain()
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
# Send failed, release future
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
await self.cancel_request_future(id)
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
# Wait for response
response = await reqfuture
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
# Validate if we have a validator
if response["op"] != req["op"]:
raise ValueError("Response op does not match request op")
if validate is not None:
validate(req, response)
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
return response
async def control(self, args: list[str]) -> str:
return raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CONTROL, args = args))
async def get_state(self) -> VeilidState:
return VeilidState.from_json(raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.GET_STATE)))
async def attach(self):
raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ATTACH))
async def detach(self):
raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.DETACH))
async def new_private_route(self) -> NewPrivateRouteResult:
return NewPrivateRouteResult.from_json(raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.NEW_PRIVATE_ROUTE)))
async def new_custom_private_route(self, kinds: list[CryptoKind], stability: Stability, sequencing: Sequencing) -> NewPrivateRouteResult:
return NewPrivateRouteResult.from_json(raise_api_result(
await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.NEW_CUSTOM_PRIVATE_ROUTE,
kinds = kinds,
stability = stability,
sequencing = sequencing)
async def import_remote_private_route(self, blob: bytes) -> RouteId:
return RouteId(raise_api_result(
await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.IMPORT_REMOTE_PRIVATE_ROUTE,
blob = blob)
async def release_private_route(self, route_id: RouteId):
await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.RELEASE_PRIVATE_ROUTE,
route_id = route_id)
async def app_call_reply(self, call_id: OperationId, message: bytes):
await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.APP_CALL_REPLY,
call_id = call_id,
message = message)
async def new_routing_context(self) -> RoutingContext:
rc_id = raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.NEW_ROUTING_CONTEXT))
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
return _JsonRoutingContext(self, rc_id)
async def open_table_db(self, name: str, column_count: int) -> TableDb:
db_id = raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.OPEN_TABLE_DB,
name = name,
column_count = column_count))
return _JsonTableDb(self, db_id)
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
async def delete_table_db(self, name: str):
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
return raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.DELETE_TABLE_DB,
name = name))
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
async def get_crypto_system(self, kind: CryptoKind) -> CryptoSystem:
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
cs_id = raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.GET_CRYPTO_SYSTEM,
kind = kind))
return _JsonCryptoSystem(self, cs_id)
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
async def best_crypto_system(self) -> CryptoSystem:
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
cs_id = raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.BEST_CRYPTO_SYSTEM))
return _JsonCryptoSystem(self, cs_id)
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
async def verify_signatures(self, node_ids: list[TypedKey], data: bytes, signatures: list[TypedSignature]) -> list[TypedKey]:
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
return map(lambda x: TypedKey(x), raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.VERIFY_SIGNATURES,
node_ids = node_ids,
data = data,
signatures = signatures)))
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
async def generate_signatures(self, data: bytes, key_pairs: list[TypedKeyPair]) -> list[TypedSignature]:
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
return map(lambda x: TypedSignature(x), raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.GENERATE_SIGNATURES,
data = data,
key_pairs = key_pairs)))
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
async def generate_key_pair(self, kind: CryptoKind) -> list[TypedKeyPair]:
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
return map(lambda x: TypedKeyPair(x), raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.GENERATE_KEY_PAIR,
kind = kind)))
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
async def now(self) -> Timestamp:
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
return Timestamp(raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.NOW)))
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
async def debug(self, command: str) -> str:
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
return raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.DEBUG,
command = command
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
async def veilid_version_string(self) -> str:
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
return raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.VEILID_VERSION_STRING))
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
async def veilid_version(self) -> VeilidVersion:
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
v = await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.VEILID_VERSION)
return VeilidVersion(v['major'], v['minor'], v['patch'])
def validate_rc_op(request: dict, response: dict):
if response['rc_op'] != request['rc_op']:
raise ValueError("Response rc_op does not match request rc_op")
class _JsonRoutingContext(RoutingContext):
api: _JsonVeilidAPI
rc_id: int
def __init__(self, api: _JsonVeilidAPI, rc_id: int):
self.api = api
self.rc_id = rc_id
def __del__(self):
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.RELEASE)
async def with_privacy(self) -> Self:
new_rc_id = raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.WITH_PRIVACY))
return _JsonRoutingContext(self.api, new_rc_id)
async def with_custom_privacy(self, stability: Stability) -> Self:
new_rc_id = raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.WITH_CUSTOM_PRIVACY,
stability = stability))
return _JsonRoutingContext(self.api, new_rc_id)
async def with_sequencing(self, sequencing: Sequencing) -> Self:
new_rc_id = raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.WITH_SEQUENCING,
sequencing = sequencing))
return _JsonRoutingContext(self.api, new_rc_id)
async def app_call(self, target: TypedKey | RouteId, request: bytes) -> bytes:
return urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.APP_CALL,
target = target,
request = request)))
async def app_message(self, target: TypedKey | RouteId, message: bytes):
raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.APP_MESSAGE,
target = target,
message = message))
async def create_dht_record(self, kind: CryptoKind, schema: DHTSchema) -> DHTRecordDescriptor:
return DHTRecordDescriptor.from_json(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.CREATE_DHT_RECORD,
kind = kind,
schema = schema)))
async def open_dht_record(self, key: TypedKey, writer: Optional[KeyPair]) -> DHTRecordDescriptor:
return DHTRecordDescriptor.from_json(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.OPEN_DHT_RECORD,
key = key,
writer = writer)))
async def close_dht_record(self, key: TypedKey):
raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.CLOSE_DHT_RECORD,
key = key))
async def delete_dht_record(self, key: TypedKey):
raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.DELETE_DHT_RECORD,
key = key))
async def get_dht_value(self, key: TypedKey, subkey: ValueSubkey, force_refresh: bool) -> Optional[ValueData]:
ret = raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.GET_DHT_VALUE,
key = key,
subkey = subkey,
force_refresh = force_refresh))
return None if ret is None else ValueData.from_json(ret)
async def set_dht_value(self, key: TypedKey, subkey: ValueSubkey, data: bytes) -> Optional[ValueData]:
ret = raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.SET_DHT_VALUE,
key = key,
subkey = subkey,
data = data))
return None if ret is None else ValueData.from_json(ret)
async def watch_dht_values(self, key: TypedKey, subkeys: list[(ValueSubkey, ValueSubkey)], expiration: Timestamp, count: int) -> Timestamp:
return Timestamp(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.WATCH_DHT_VALUES,
key = key,
subkeys = subkeys,
expiration = expiration,
count = count)))
async def cancel_dht_watch(self, key: TypedKey, subkeys: list[(ValueSubkey, ValueSubkey)]) -> bool:
return raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.ROUTING_CONTEXT, validate=validate_rc_op,
rc_id = self.rc_id,
rc_op = RoutingContextOperation.CANCEL_DHT_WATCH,
key = key,
subkeys = subkeys))
def validate_tx_op(request: dict, response: dict):
if response['tx_op'] != request['tx_op']:
raise ValueError("Response tx_op does not match request tx_op")
class _JsonTableDbTransaction(TableDbTransaction):
api: _JsonVeilidAPI
tx_id: int
done: bool
def __init__(self, api: _JsonVeilidAPI, tx_id: int):
self.api = api
self.tx_id = tx_id
self.done = False
def __del__(self):
if not self.done:
raise AssertionError("Should have committed or rolled back transaction")
async def commit(self):
raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.TABLE_DB_TRANSACTION, validate=validate_tx_op,
tx_id = self.tx_id,
tx_op = TableDbTransactionOperation.COMMIT))
self.done = True
async def rollback(self):
raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.TABLE_DB_TRANSACTION, validate=validate_tx_op,
tx_id = self.tx_id,
tx_op = TableDbTransactionOperation.ROLLBACK))
self.done = True
async def store(self, col: int, key: bytes, value: bytes):
await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.TABLE_DB_TRANSACTION, validate=validate_tx_op,
tx_id = self.tx_id,
tx_op = TableDbTransactionOperation.STORE,
col = col,
key = key,
value = value)
async def delete(self, col: int, key: bytes):
await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.TABLE_DB_TRANSACTION, validate=validate_tx_op,
tx_id = self.tx_id,
tx_op = TableDbTransactionOperation.DELETE,
col = col,
key = key)
def validate_db_op(request: dict, response: dict):
if response['db_op'] != request['db_op']:
raise ValueError("Response db_op does not match request db_op")
class _JsonTableDb(TableDb):
api: _JsonVeilidAPI
db_id: int
def __init__(self, api: _JsonVeilidAPI, db_id: int):
self.api = api
self.db_id = db_id
def __del__(self):
db_id = self.db_id,
rc_op = TableDbOperation.RELEASE)
async def get_column_count(self) -> int:
return raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.TABLE_DB, validate=validate_db_op,
db_id = self.db_id,
db_op = TableDbOperation.GET_COLUMN_COUNT))
async def get_keys(self, col: int) -> list[bytes]:
return map(lambda x: urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(x), raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.TABLE_DB, validate=validate_db_op,
db_id = self.db_id,
db_op = TableDbOperation.GET_KEYS,
col = col)))
async def transact(self) -> TableDbTransaction:
tx_id = raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.TABLE_DB, validate=validate_db_op,
db_id = self.db_id,
db_op = TableDbOperation.TRANSACT))
return _JsonTableDbTransaction(self.api, tx_id)
async def store(self, col: int, key: bytes, value: bytes):
return raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.TABLE_DB, validate=validate_db_op,
db_id = self.db_id,
db_op = TableDbOperation.STORE,
col = col,
key = key,
value = value))
async def load(self, col: int, key: bytes) -> Optional[bytes]:
res = raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.TABLE_DB, validate=validate_db_op,
db_id = self.db_id,
db_op = TableDbOperation.LOAD,
col = col,
key = key))
return None if res is None else urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(res)
async def delete(self, col: int, key: bytes) -> Optional[bytes]:
res = raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.TABLE_DB, validate=validate_db_op,
db_id = self.db_id,
db_op = TableDbOperation.DELETE,
col = col,
key = key))
return None if res is None else urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(res)
def validate_cs_op(request: dict, response: dict):
if response['cs_op'] != request['cs_op']:
raise ValueError("Response cs_op does not match request cs_op")
class _JsonCryptoSystem(CryptoSystem):
api: _JsonVeilidAPI
cs_id: int
def __init__(self, api: _JsonVeilidAPI, cs_id: int):
self.api = api
self.cs_id = cs_id
def __del__(self):
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.RELEASE)
async def cached_dh(self, key: PublicKey, secret: SecretKey) -> SharedSecret:
return SharedSecret(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.CACHED_DH,
key = key,
secret = secret)))
async def compute_dh(self, key: PublicKey, secret: SecretKey) -> SharedSecret:
return SharedSecret(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.COMPUTE_DH,
key = key,
secret = secret)))
async def random_bytes(self, len: int) -> bytes:
return urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.RANDOM_BYTES,
len = len)))
async def default_salt_length(self) -> int:
return raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.DEFAULT_SALT_LENGTH))
async def hash_password(self, password: bytes, salt: bytes) -> str:
return raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.HASH_PASSWORD,
password = password,
salt = salt))
async def verify_password(self, password: bytes, password_hash: str) -> bool:
return raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.VERIFY_PASSWORD,
password = password,
password_hash = password_hash))
async def derive_shared_secret(self, password: bytes, salt: bytes) -> SharedSecret:
return SharedSecret(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.DERIVE_SHARED_SECRET,
password = password,
salt = salt)))
async def random_nonce(self) -> Nonce:
return Nonce(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.RANDOM_NONCE)))
async def random_shared_secret(self) -> SharedSecret:
return SharedSecret(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.RANDOM_SHARED_SECRET)))
async def generate_key_pair(self) -> KeyPair:
return KeyPair(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.GENERATE_KEY_PAIR)))
async def generate_hash(self, data: bytes) -> HashDigest:
return HashDigest(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.GENERATE_HASH,
data = data)))
async def validate_key_pair(self, key: PublicKey, secret: SecretKey) -> bool:
return raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.VALIDATE_KEY_PAIR,
key = key,
secret = secret))
async def validate_hash(self, data: bytes, hash_digest: HashDigest) -> bool:
return raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.VALIDATE_HASH,
data = data,
hash_digest = hash_digest))
async def distance(self, key1: CryptoKey, key2: CryptoKey) -> CryptoKeyDistance:
return CryptoKeyDistance(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.DISTANCE,
key1 = key1,
key2 = key2)))
async def sign(self, key: PublicKey, secret: SecretKey, data: bytes) -> Signature:
return Signature(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.SIGN,
key = key,
secret = secret,
data = data)))
async def verify(self, key: PublicKey, data: bytes, signature: Signature):
raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.VERIFY,
key = key,
data = data,
signature = signature))
async def aead_overhead(self) -> int:
return raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.AEAD_OVERHEAD))
async def decrypt_aead(self, body: bytes, nonce: Nonce, shared_secret: SharedSecret, associated_data: Optional[bytes]) -> bytes:
return urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.DECRYPT_AEAD,
body = body,
nonce = nonce,
shared_secret = shared_secret,
associated_data = associated_data)))
async def encrypt_aead(self, body: bytes, nonce: Nonce, shared_secret: SharedSecret, associated_data: Optional[bytes]) -> bytes:
return urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.ENCRYPT_AEAD,
body = body,
nonce = nonce,
shared_secret = shared_secret,
associated_data = associated_data)))
async def crypt_no_auth(self, body: bytes, nonce: Nonce, shared_secret: SharedSecret) -> bytes:
return urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(raise_api_result(await self.api.send_ndjson_request(Operation.CRYPTO_SYSTEM, validate=validate_cs_op,
cs_id = self.cs_id,
cs_op = CryptoSystemOperation.CRYPT_NO_AUTH,
body = body,
nonce = nonce,
shared_secret = shared_secret)))
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00
2023-06-14 20:33:14 +00:00
def json_api_connect(host:str, port:int, update_callback: Callable[[VeilidUpdate], Awaitable]) -> VeilidAPI:
return _JsonVeilidAPI.connect(host, port, update_callback)
2023-06-14 03:17:45 +00:00