99 lines
2.4 KiB
99 lines
2.4 KiB
import base64
import sys
import argparse
def urlsafe_b64encode_no_pad(b: bytes) -> str:
Removes any `=` used as padding from the encoded string.
return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b).decode().rstrip("=")
def urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(s: str) -> bytes:
Adds back in the required padding before decoding.
padding = 4 - (len(s) % 4)
s = s + ("=" * padding)
return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(s)
def do_value(args):
key = urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(args.key)
print("key:", key.hex())
def dist(key1: bytes, key2: bytes) -> bytes:
distance = bytearray(len(key1))
for n in range(len(key1)):
distance[n] = key1[n] ^ key2[n]
return bytes(distance)
def do_distance(args):
key1 = urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(args.key1)
key2 = urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(args.key2)
print("key1:", key1.hex())
print("key2:", key2.hex())
distance = dist(key1, key2)
print("dist:", distance.hex())
def keycmp(key1: bytes, key2: bytes) -> int:
for n in range(len(key1)):
if key1[n] < key2[n]:
return -1
if key1[n] > key2[n]:
return 1
return 0
def do_closer(args):
key = urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(args.key)
near = urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(args.near)
far = urlsafe_b64decode_no_pad(args.far)
print(" key:", key.hex())
print("near:", near.hex())
print(" far:", far.hex())
distance_near = dist(key, near)
distance_far = dist(key, far)
print(" dn:", distance_near.hex())
print(" df:", distance_far.hex())
c = keycmp(distance_near, distance_far)
print(" cmp:", c)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(required=True)
parser_value = subparsers.add_parser('value')
parser_value.add_argument('key', type=str)
parser_value = subparsers.add_parser('distance')
parser_value.add_argument('key1', type=str)
parser_value.add_argument('key2', type=str)
parser_value = subparsers.add_parser('closer')
parser_value.add_argument('key', type=str)
parser_value.add_argument('near', type=str)
parser_value.add_argument('far', type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":