2023-07-05 22:48:06 +00:00
// coverage:ignore-file
// ignore_for_file: type=lint
// ignore_for_file: unused_element, deprecated_member_use, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters, unnecessary_const, avoid_init_to_null, invalid_override_different_default_values_named, prefer_expression_function_bodies, annotate_overrides, invalid_annotation_target, unnecessary_question_mark
part of ' veilid_state.dart ' ;
// **************************************************************************
// FreezedGenerator
// **************************************************************************
T _ $identity < T > ( T value ) = > value ;
final _privateConstructorUsedError = UnsupportedError (
' It seems like you constructed your class using `MyClass._()`. This constructor is only meant to be used by freezed and you are not supposed to need it nor use it. \n Please check the documentation here for more information: https://github.com/rrousselGit/freezed#custom-getters-and-methods ' ) ;
LatencyStats _ $LatencyStatsFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _LatencyStats . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $LatencyStats {
TimestampDuration get fastest = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
TimestampDuration get average = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
TimestampDuration get slowest = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
$LatencyStatsCopyWith < LatencyStats > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $LatencyStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $LatencyStatsCopyWith (
LatencyStats value , $Res Function ( LatencyStats ) then ) =
_ $LatencyStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res , LatencyStats > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ TimestampDuration fastest ,
TimestampDuration average ,
TimestampDuration slowest } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $LatencyStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends LatencyStats >
implements $LatencyStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $LatencyStatsCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? fastest = null ,
Object ? average = null ,
Object ? slowest = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
fastest: null = = fastest
? _value . fastest
: fastest // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as TimestampDuration ,
average: null = = average
? _value . average
: average // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as TimestampDuration ,
slowest: null = = slowest
? _value . slowest
: slowest // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as TimestampDuration ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $_LatencyStatsCopyWith < $Res >
implements $LatencyStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $_LatencyStatsCopyWith (
_ $_LatencyStats value , $Res Function ( _ $_LatencyStats ) then ) =
__ $ $_LatencyStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ TimestampDuration fastest ,
TimestampDuration average ,
TimestampDuration slowest } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $_LatencyStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $LatencyStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $_LatencyStats >
implements _ $ $_LatencyStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $_LatencyStatsCopyWithImpl (
_ $_LatencyStats _value , $Res Function ( _ $_LatencyStats ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? fastest = null ,
Object ? average = null ,
Object ? slowest = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $_LatencyStats (
fastest: null = = fastest
? _value . fastest
: fastest // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as TimestampDuration ,
average: null = = average
? _value . average
: average // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as TimestampDuration ,
slowest: null = = slowest
? _value . slowest
: slowest // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as TimestampDuration ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $_LatencyStats implements _LatencyStats {
const _ $_LatencyStats (
{ required this . fastest , required this . average , required this . slowest } ) ;
factory _ $_LatencyStats . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $_LatencyStatsFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final TimestampDuration fastest ;
@ override
final TimestampDuration average ;
@ override
final TimestampDuration slowest ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' LatencyStats(fastest: $ fastest , average: $ average , slowest: $ slowest ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $_LatencyStats & &
( identical ( other . fastest , fastest ) | | other . fastest = = fastest ) & &
( identical ( other . average , average ) | | other . average = = average ) & &
( identical ( other . slowest , slowest ) | | other . slowest = = slowest ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , fastest , average , slowest ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $_LatencyStatsCopyWith < _ $_LatencyStats > get copyWith = >
__ $ $_LatencyStatsCopyWithImpl < _ $_LatencyStats > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $_LatencyStatsToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class _LatencyStats implements LatencyStats {
const factory _LatencyStats (
{ required final TimestampDuration fastest ,
required final TimestampDuration average ,
required final TimestampDuration slowest } ) = _ $_LatencyStats ;
factory _LatencyStats . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $_LatencyStats . fromJson ;
@ override
TimestampDuration get fastest ;
@ override
TimestampDuration get average ;
@ override
TimestampDuration get slowest ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $_LatencyStatsCopyWith < _ $_LatencyStats > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
TransferStats _ $TransferStatsFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _TransferStats . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $TransferStats {
BigInt get total = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
BigInt get maximum = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
BigInt get average = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
BigInt get minimum = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
$TransferStatsCopyWith < TransferStats > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $TransferStatsCopyWith (
TransferStats value , $Res Function ( TransferStats ) then ) =
_ $TransferStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res , TransferStats > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { BigInt total , BigInt maximum , BigInt average , BigInt minimum } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $TransferStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends TransferStats >
implements $TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $TransferStatsCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? total = null ,
Object ? maximum = null ,
Object ? average = null ,
Object ? minimum = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
total: null = = total
? _value . total
: total // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
maximum: null = = maximum
? _value . maximum
: maximum // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
average: null = = average
? _value . average
: average // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
minimum: null = = minimum
? _value . minimum
: minimum // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $_TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res >
implements $TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $_TransferStatsCopyWith (
_ $_TransferStats value , $Res Function ( _ $_TransferStats ) then ) =
__ $ $_TransferStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call ( { BigInt total , BigInt maximum , BigInt average , BigInt minimum } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $_TransferStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $TransferStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $_TransferStats >
implements _ $ $_TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $_TransferStatsCopyWithImpl (
_ $_TransferStats _value , $Res Function ( _ $_TransferStats ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? total = null ,
Object ? maximum = null ,
Object ? average = null ,
Object ? minimum = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $_TransferStats (
total: null = = total
? _value . total
: total // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
maximum: null = = maximum
? _value . maximum
: maximum // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
average: null = = average
? _value . average
: average // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
minimum: null = = minimum
? _value . minimum
: minimum // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $_TransferStats implements _TransferStats {
const _ $_TransferStats (
{ required this . total ,
required this . maximum ,
required this . average ,
required this . minimum } ) ;
factory _ $_TransferStats . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $_TransferStatsFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final BigInt total ;
@ override
final BigInt maximum ;
@ override
final BigInt average ;
@ override
final BigInt minimum ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' TransferStats(total: $ total , maximum: $ maximum , average: $ average , minimum: $ minimum ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $_TransferStats & &
( identical ( other . total , total ) | | other . total = = total ) & &
( identical ( other . maximum , maximum ) | | other . maximum = = maximum ) & &
( identical ( other . average , average ) | | other . average = = average ) & &
( identical ( other . minimum , minimum ) | | other . minimum = = minimum ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = >
Object . hash ( runtimeType , total , maximum , average , minimum ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $_TransferStatsCopyWith < _ $_TransferStats > get copyWith = >
__ $ $_TransferStatsCopyWithImpl < _ $_TransferStats > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $_TransferStatsToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class _TransferStats implements TransferStats {
const factory _TransferStats (
{ required final BigInt total ,
required final BigInt maximum ,
required final BigInt average ,
required final BigInt minimum } ) = _ $_TransferStats ;
factory _TransferStats . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $_TransferStats . fromJson ;
@ override
BigInt get total ;
@ override
BigInt get maximum ;
@ override
BigInt get average ;
@ override
BigInt get minimum ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $_TransferStatsCopyWith < _ $_TransferStats > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
TransferStatsDownUp _ $TransferStatsDownUpFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _TransferStatsDownUp . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $TransferStatsDownUp {
TransferStats get down = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
TransferStats get up = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
$TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith < TransferStatsDownUp > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith (
TransferStatsDownUp value , $Res Function ( TransferStatsDownUp ) then ) =
_ $TransferStatsDownUpCopyWithImpl < $Res , TransferStatsDownUp > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { TransferStats down , TransferStats up } ) ;
$TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res > get down ;
$TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res > get up ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $TransferStatsDownUpCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends TransferStatsDownUp >
implements $TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $TransferStatsDownUpCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? down = null ,
Object ? up = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
down: null = = down
? _value . down
: down // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as TransferStats ,
up: null = = up
? _value . up
: up // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as TransferStats ,
) as $Val ) ;
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res > get down {
return $TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . down , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( down: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res > get up {
return $TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . up , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( up: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $_TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith < $Res >
implements $TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $_TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith ( _ $_TransferStatsDownUp value ,
$Res Function ( _ $_TransferStatsDownUp ) then ) =
__ $ $_TransferStatsDownUpCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call ( { TransferStats down , TransferStats up } ) ;
@ override
$TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res > get down ;
@ override
$TransferStatsCopyWith < $Res > get up ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $_TransferStatsDownUpCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $TransferStatsDownUpCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $_TransferStatsDownUp >
implements _ $ $_TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $_TransferStatsDownUpCopyWithImpl ( _ $_TransferStatsDownUp _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $_TransferStatsDownUp ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? down = null ,
Object ? up = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $_TransferStatsDownUp (
down: null = = down
? _value . down
: down // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as TransferStats ,
up: null = = up
? _value . up
: up // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as TransferStats ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $_TransferStatsDownUp implements _TransferStatsDownUp {
const _ $_TransferStatsDownUp ( { required this . down , required this . up } ) ;
factory _ $_TransferStatsDownUp . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $_TransferStatsDownUpFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final TransferStats down ;
@ override
final TransferStats up ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' TransferStatsDownUp(down: $ down , up: $ up ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $_TransferStatsDownUp & &
( identical ( other . down , down ) | | other . down = = down ) & &
( identical ( other . up , up ) | | other . up = = up ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , down , up ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $_TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith < _ $_TransferStatsDownUp > get copyWith = >
__ $ $_TransferStatsDownUpCopyWithImpl < _ $_TransferStatsDownUp > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $_TransferStatsDownUpToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class _TransferStatsDownUp implements TransferStatsDownUp {
const factory _TransferStatsDownUp (
{ required final TransferStats down ,
required final TransferStats up } ) = _ $_TransferStatsDownUp ;
factory _TransferStatsDownUp . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $_TransferStatsDownUp . fromJson ;
@ override
TransferStats get down ;
@ override
TransferStats get up ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $_TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith < _ $_TransferStatsDownUp > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
RPCStats _ $RPCStatsFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _RPCStats . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $RPCStats {
int get messagesSent = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get messagesRcvd = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get questionsInFlight = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Timestamp ? get lastQuestion = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Timestamp ? get lastSeenTs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Timestamp ? get firstConsecutiveSeenTs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get recentLostAnswers = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get failedToSend = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
$RPCStatsCopyWith < RPCStats > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $RPCStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $RPCStatsCopyWith ( RPCStats value , $Res Function ( RPCStats ) then ) =
_ $RPCStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res , RPCStats > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ int messagesSent ,
int messagesRcvd ,
int questionsInFlight ,
Timestamp ? lastQuestion ,
Timestamp ? lastSeenTs ,
Timestamp ? firstConsecutiveSeenTs ,
int recentLostAnswers ,
int failedToSend } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $RPCStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends RPCStats >
implements $RPCStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $RPCStatsCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? messagesSent = null ,
Object ? messagesRcvd = null ,
Object ? questionsInFlight = null ,
Object ? lastQuestion = freezed ,
Object ? lastSeenTs = freezed ,
Object ? firstConsecutiveSeenTs = freezed ,
Object ? recentLostAnswers = null ,
Object ? failedToSend = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
messagesSent: null = = messagesSent
? _value . messagesSent
: messagesSent // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
messagesRcvd: null = = messagesRcvd
? _value . messagesRcvd
: messagesRcvd // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
questionsInFlight: null = = questionsInFlight
? _value . questionsInFlight
: questionsInFlight // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
lastQuestion: freezed = = lastQuestion
? _value . lastQuestion
: lastQuestion // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Timestamp ? ,
lastSeenTs: freezed = = lastSeenTs
? _value . lastSeenTs
: lastSeenTs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Timestamp ? ,
firstConsecutiveSeenTs: freezed = = firstConsecutiveSeenTs
? _value . firstConsecutiveSeenTs
: firstConsecutiveSeenTs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Timestamp ? ,
recentLostAnswers: null = = recentLostAnswers
? _value . recentLostAnswers
: recentLostAnswers // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
failedToSend: null = = failedToSend
? _value . failedToSend
: failedToSend // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $_RPCStatsCopyWith < $Res > implements $RPCStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $_RPCStatsCopyWith (
_ $_RPCStats value , $Res Function ( _ $_RPCStats ) then ) =
__ $ $_RPCStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ int messagesSent ,
int messagesRcvd ,
int questionsInFlight ,
Timestamp ? lastQuestion ,
Timestamp ? lastSeenTs ,
Timestamp ? firstConsecutiveSeenTs ,
int recentLostAnswers ,
int failedToSend } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $_RPCStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $RPCStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $_RPCStats >
implements _ $ $_RPCStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $_RPCStatsCopyWithImpl (
_ $_RPCStats _value , $Res Function ( _ $_RPCStats ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? messagesSent = null ,
Object ? messagesRcvd = null ,
Object ? questionsInFlight = null ,
Object ? lastQuestion = freezed ,
Object ? lastSeenTs = freezed ,
Object ? firstConsecutiveSeenTs = freezed ,
Object ? recentLostAnswers = null ,
Object ? failedToSend = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $_RPCStats (
messagesSent: null = = messagesSent
? _value . messagesSent
: messagesSent // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
messagesRcvd: null = = messagesRcvd
? _value . messagesRcvd
: messagesRcvd // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
questionsInFlight: null = = questionsInFlight
? _value . questionsInFlight
: questionsInFlight // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
lastQuestion: freezed = = lastQuestion
? _value . lastQuestion
: lastQuestion // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Timestamp ? ,
lastSeenTs: freezed = = lastSeenTs
? _value . lastSeenTs
: lastSeenTs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Timestamp ? ,
firstConsecutiveSeenTs: freezed = = firstConsecutiveSeenTs
? _value . firstConsecutiveSeenTs
: firstConsecutiveSeenTs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Timestamp ? ,
recentLostAnswers: null = = recentLostAnswers
? _value . recentLostAnswers
: recentLostAnswers // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
failedToSend: null = = failedToSend
? _value . failedToSend
: failedToSend // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $_RPCStats implements _RPCStats {
const _ $_RPCStats (
{ required this . messagesSent ,
required this . messagesRcvd ,
required this . questionsInFlight ,
required this . lastQuestion ,
required this . lastSeenTs ,
required this . firstConsecutiveSeenTs ,
required this . recentLostAnswers ,
required this . failedToSend } ) ;
factory _ $_RPCStats . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $_RPCStatsFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final int messagesSent ;
@ override
final int messagesRcvd ;
@ override
final int questionsInFlight ;
@ override
final Timestamp ? lastQuestion ;
@ override
final Timestamp ? lastSeenTs ;
@ override
final Timestamp ? firstConsecutiveSeenTs ;
@ override
final int recentLostAnswers ;
@ override
final int failedToSend ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' RPCStats(messagesSent: $ messagesSent , messagesRcvd: $ messagesRcvd , questionsInFlight: $ questionsInFlight , lastQuestion: $ lastQuestion , lastSeenTs: $ lastSeenTs , firstConsecutiveSeenTs: $ firstConsecutiveSeenTs , recentLostAnswers: $ recentLostAnswers , failedToSend: $ failedToSend ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $_RPCStats & &
( identical ( other . messagesSent , messagesSent ) | |
other . messagesSent = = messagesSent ) & &
( identical ( other . messagesRcvd , messagesRcvd ) | |
other . messagesRcvd = = messagesRcvd ) & &
( identical ( other . questionsInFlight , questionsInFlight ) | |
other . questionsInFlight = = questionsInFlight ) & &
( identical ( other . lastQuestion , lastQuestion ) | |
other . lastQuestion = = lastQuestion ) & &
( identical ( other . lastSeenTs , lastSeenTs ) | |
other . lastSeenTs = = lastSeenTs ) & &
( identical ( other . firstConsecutiveSeenTs , firstConsecutiveSeenTs ) | |
other . firstConsecutiveSeenTs = = firstConsecutiveSeenTs ) & &
( identical ( other . recentLostAnswers , recentLostAnswers ) | |
other . recentLostAnswers = = recentLostAnswers ) & &
( identical ( other . failedToSend , failedToSend ) | |
other . failedToSend = = failedToSend ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash (
runtimeType ,
messagesSent ,
messagesRcvd ,
questionsInFlight ,
lastQuestion ,
lastSeenTs ,
firstConsecutiveSeenTs ,
recentLostAnswers ,
failedToSend ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $_RPCStatsCopyWith < _ $_RPCStats > get copyWith = >
__ $ $_RPCStatsCopyWithImpl < _ $_RPCStats > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $_RPCStatsToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class _RPCStats implements RPCStats {
const factory _RPCStats (
{ required final int messagesSent ,
required final int messagesRcvd ,
required final int questionsInFlight ,
required final Timestamp ? lastQuestion ,
required final Timestamp ? lastSeenTs ,
required final Timestamp ? firstConsecutiveSeenTs ,
required final int recentLostAnswers ,
required final int failedToSend } ) = _ $_RPCStats ;
factory _RPCStats . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = _ $_RPCStats . fromJson ;
@ override
int get messagesSent ;
@ override
int get messagesRcvd ;
@ override
int get questionsInFlight ;
@ override
Timestamp ? get lastQuestion ;
@ override
Timestamp ? get lastSeenTs ;
@ override
Timestamp ? get firstConsecutiveSeenTs ;
@ override
int get recentLostAnswers ;
@ override
int get failedToSend ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $_RPCStatsCopyWith < _ $_RPCStats > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
PeerStats _ $PeerStatsFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _PeerStats . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $PeerStats {
Timestamp get timeAdded = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
RPCStats get rpcStats = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
LatencyStats ? get latency = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
TransferStatsDownUp get transfer = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
$PeerStatsCopyWith < PeerStats > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $PeerStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $PeerStatsCopyWith ( PeerStats value , $Res Function ( PeerStats ) then ) =
_ $PeerStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res , PeerStats > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ Timestamp timeAdded ,
RPCStats rpcStats ,
LatencyStats ? latency ,
TransferStatsDownUp transfer } ) ;
$RPCStatsCopyWith < $Res > get rpcStats ;
$LatencyStatsCopyWith < $Res > ? get latency ;
$TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith < $Res > get transfer ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $PeerStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends PeerStats >
implements $PeerStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $PeerStatsCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? timeAdded = null ,
Object ? rpcStats = null ,
Object ? latency = freezed ,
Object ? transfer = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
timeAdded: null = = timeAdded
? _value . timeAdded
: timeAdded // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Timestamp ,
rpcStats: null = = rpcStats
? _value . rpcStats
: rpcStats // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as RPCStats ,
latency: freezed = = latency
? _value . latency
: latency // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as LatencyStats ? ,
transfer: null = = transfer
? _value . transfer
: transfer // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as TransferStatsDownUp ,
) as $Val ) ;
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$RPCStatsCopyWith < $Res > get rpcStats {
return $RPCStatsCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . rpcStats , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( rpcStats: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$LatencyStatsCopyWith < $Res > ? get latency {
if ( _value . latency = = null ) {
return null ;
return $LatencyStatsCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . latency ! , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( latency: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith < $Res > get transfer {
return $TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . transfer , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( transfer: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $_PeerStatsCopyWith < $Res > implements $PeerStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $_PeerStatsCopyWith (
_ $_PeerStats value , $Res Function ( _ $_PeerStats ) then ) =
__ $ $_PeerStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ Timestamp timeAdded ,
RPCStats rpcStats ,
LatencyStats ? latency ,
TransferStatsDownUp transfer } ) ;
@ override
$RPCStatsCopyWith < $Res > get rpcStats ;
@ override
$LatencyStatsCopyWith < $Res > ? get latency ;
@ override
$TransferStatsDownUpCopyWith < $Res > get transfer ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $_PeerStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $PeerStatsCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $_PeerStats >
implements _ $ $_PeerStatsCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $_PeerStatsCopyWithImpl (
_ $_PeerStats _value , $Res Function ( _ $_PeerStats ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? timeAdded = null ,
Object ? rpcStats = null ,
Object ? latency = freezed ,
Object ? transfer = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $_PeerStats (
timeAdded: null = = timeAdded
? _value . timeAdded
: timeAdded // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Timestamp ,
rpcStats: null = = rpcStats
? _value . rpcStats
: rpcStats // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as RPCStats ,
latency: freezed = = latency
? _value . latency
: latency // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as LatencyStats ? ,
transfer: null = = transfer
? _value . transfer
: transfer // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as TransferStatsDownUp ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $_PeerStats implements _PeerStats {
const _ $_PeerStats (
{ required this . timeAdded ,
required this . rpcStats ,
this . latency ,
required this . transfer } ) ;
factory _ $_PeerStats . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $_PeerStatsFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final Timestamp timeAdded ;
@ override
final RPCStats rpcStats ;
@ override
final LatencyStats ? latency ;
@ override
final TransferStatsDownUp transfer ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' PeerStats(timeAdded: $ timeAdded , rpcStats: $ rpcStats , latency: $ latency , transfer: $ transfer ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $_PeerStats & &
( identical ( other . timeAdded , timeAdded ) | |
other . timeAdded = = timeAdded ) & &
( identical ( other . rpcStats , rpcStats ) | |
other . rpcStats = = rpcStats ) & &
( identical ( other . latency , latency ) | | other . latency = = latency ) & &
( identical ( other . transfer , transfer ) | |
other . transfer = = transfer ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = >
Object . hash ( runtimeType , timeAdded , rpcStats , latency , transfer ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $_PeerStatsCopyWith < _ $_PeerStats > get copyWith = >
__ $ $_PeerStatsCopyWithImpl < _ $_PeerStats > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $_PeerStatsToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class _PeerStats implements PeerStats {
const factory _PeerStats (
{ required final Timestamp timeAdded ,
required final RPCStats rpcStats ,
final LatencyStats ? latency ,
required final TransferStatsDownUp transfer } ) = _ $_PeerStats ;
factory _PeerStats . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $_PeerStats . fromJson ;
@ override
Timestamp get timeAdded ;
@ override
RPCStats get rpcStats ;
@ override
LatencyStats ? get latency ;
@ override
TransferStatsDownUp get transfer ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $_PeerStatsCopyWith < _ $_PeerStats > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
PeerTableData _ $PeerTableDataFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _PeerTableData . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $PeerTableData {
List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > get nodeIds = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get peerAddress = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
PeerStats get peerStats = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
$PeerTableDataCopyWith < PeerTableData > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $PeerTableDataCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $PeerTableDataCopyWith (
PeerTableData value , $Res Function ( PeerTableData ) then ) =
_ $PeerTableDataCopyWithImpl < $Res , PeerTableData > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > nodeIds ,
String peerAddress ,
PeerStats peerStats } ) ;
$PeerStatsCopyWith < $Res > get peerStats ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $PeerTableDataCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends PeerTableData >
implements $PeerTableDataCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $PeerTableDataCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? nodeIds = null ,
Object ? peerAddress = null ,
Object ? peerStats = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
nodeIds: null = = nodeIds
? _value . nodeIds
: nodeIds // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > ,
peerAddress: null = = peerAddress
? _value . peerAddress
: peerAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
peerStats: null = = peerStats
? _value . peerStats
: peerStats // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as PeerStats ,
) as $Val ) ;
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$PeerStatsCopyWith < $Res > get peerStats {
return $PeerStatsCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . peerStats , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( peerStats: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $_PeerTableDataCopyWith < $Res >
implements $PeerTableDataCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $_PeerTableDataCopyWith (
_ $_PeerTableData value , $Res Function ( _ $_PeerTableData ) then ) =
__ $ $_PeerTableDataCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > nodeIds ,
String peerAddress ,
PeerStats peerStats } ) ;
@ override
$PeerStatsCopyWith < $Res > get peerStats ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $_PeerTableDataCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $PeerTableDataCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $_PeerTableData >
implements _ $ $_PeerTableDataCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $_PeerTableDataCopyWithImpl (
_ $_PeerTableData _value , $Res Function ( _ $_PeerTableData ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? nodeIds = null ,
Object ? peerAddress = null ,
Object ? peerStats = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $_PeerTableData (
nodeIds: null = = nodeIds
? _value . _nodeIds
: nodeIds // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > ,
peerAddress: null = = peerAddress
? _value . peerAddress
: peerAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
peerStats: null = = peerStats
? _value . peerStats
: peerStats // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as PeerStats ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $_PeerTableData implements _PeerTableData {
const _ $_PeerTableData (
{ required final List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > nodeIds ,
required this . peerAddress ,
required this . peerStats } )
: _nodeIds = nodeIds ;
factory _ $_PeerTableData . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $_PeerTableDataFromJson ( json ) ;
final List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > _nodeIds ;
@ override
List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > get nodeIds {
if ( _nodeIds is EqualUnmodifiableListView ) return _nodeIds ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _nodeIds ) ;
@ override
final String peerAddress ;
@ override
final PeerStats peerStats ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' PeerTableData(nodeIds: $ nodeIds , peerAddress: $ peerAddress , peerStats: $ peerStats ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $_PeerTableData & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . equals ( other . _nodeIds , _nodeIds ) & &
( identical ( other . peerAddress , peerAddress ) | |
other . peerAddress = = peerAddress ) & &
( identical ( other . peerStats , peerStats ) | |
other . peerStats = = peerStats ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _nodeIds ) , peerAddress , peerStats ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $_PeerTableDataCopyWith < _ $_PeerTableData > get copyWith = >
__ $ $_PeerTableDataCopyWithImpl < _ $_PeerTableData > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $_PeerTableDataToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class _PeerTableData implements PeerTableData {
const factory _PeerTableData (
{ required final List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > nodeIds ,
required final String peerAddress ,
required final PeerStats peerStats } ) = _ $_PeerTableData ;
factory _PeerTableData . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $_PeerTableData . fromJson ;
@ override
List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > get nodeIds ;
@ override
String get peerAddress ;
@ override
PeerStats get peerStats ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $_PeerTableDataCopyWith < _ $_PeerTableData > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-06 03:53:08 +00:00
VeilidUpdate _ $VeilidUpdateFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
switch ( json [ ' kind ' ] ) {
case ' Log ' :
return VeilidLog . fromJson ( json ) ;
case ' AppMessage ' :
return VeilidAppMessage . fromJson ( json ) ;
case ' AppCall ' :
return VeilidAppCall . fromJson ( json ) ;
case ' Attachment ' :
return VeilidUpdateAttachment . fromJson ( json ) ;
case ' Network ' :
return VeilidUpdateNetwork . fromJson ( json ) ;
case ' Config ' :
return VeilidUpdateConfig . fromJson ( json ) ;
case ' RouteChange ' :
return VeilidUpdateRouteChange . fromJson ( json ) ;
case ' ValueChange ' :
return VeilidUpdateValueChange . fromJson ( json ) ;
default :
throw CheckedFromJsonException ( json , ' kind ' , ' VeilidUpdate ' ,
' Invalid union type " ${ json [ ' kind ' ] } "! ' ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidUpdate {
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult when < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace )
log ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message )
appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId )
appCall ,
required TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady )
attachment ,
required TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers )
network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) config ,
required TResult Function (
List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes )
routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData )
valueChange ,
} ) = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? whenOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
} ) = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeWhen < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult map < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) log ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) appCall ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) attachment ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) config ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) valueChange ,
} ) = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? mapOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
} ) = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeMap < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidUpdateCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidUpdateCopyWith (
VeilidUpdate value , $Res Function ( VeilidUpdate ) then ) =
_ $VeilidUpdateCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidUpdate > ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidUpdateCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidUpdate >
implements $VeilidUpdateCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidUpdateCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $VeilidLogCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $VeilidLogCopyWith (
_ $VeilidLog value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidLog ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidLogCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $VeilidLogCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidUpdateCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidLog >
implements _ $ $VeilidLogCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidLogCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidLog _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidLog ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? logLevel = null ,
Object ? message = null ,
Object ? backtrace = freezed ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $VeilidLog (
logLevel: null = = logLevel
? _value . logLevel
: logLevel // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidLogLevel ,
message: null = = message
? _value . message
: message // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
backtrace: freezed = = backtrace
? _value . backtrace
: backtrace // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $VeilidLog implements VeilidLog {
const _ $VeilidLog (
{ required this . logLevel ,
required this . message ,
this . backtrace ,
final String ? $type } )
: $type = $type ? ? ' Log ' ;
factory _ $VeilidLog . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidLogFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final VeilidLogLevel logLevel ;
@ override
final String message ;
@ override
final String ? backtrace ;
@ JsonKey ( name: ' kind ' )
final String $type ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' VeilidUpdate.log(logLevel: $ logLevel , message: $ message , backtrace: $ backtrace ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $VeilidLog & &
( identical ( other . logLevel , logLevel ) | |
other . logLevel = = logLevel ) & &
( identical ( other . message , message ) | | other . message = = message ) & &
( identical ( other . backtrace , backtrace ) | |
other . backtrace = = backtrace ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , logLevel , message , backtrace ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $VeilidLogCopyWith < _ $VeilidLog > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidLogCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidLog > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult when < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace )
log ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message )
appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId )
appCall ,
required TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady )
attachment ,
required TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers )
network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) config ,
required TResult Function (
List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes )
routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData )
valueChange ,
} ) {
return log ( logLevel , message , backtrace ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? whenOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
} ) {
return log ? . call ( logLevel , message , backtrace ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeWhen < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( log ! = null ) {
return log ( logLevel , message , backtrace ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult map < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) log ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) appCall ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) attachment ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) config ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) valueChange ,
} ) {
return log ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? mapOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
} ) {
return log ? . call ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeMap < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( log ! = null ) {
return log ( this ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $VeilidLogToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class VeilidLog implements VeilidUpdate {
const factory VeilidLog (
{ required final VeilidLogLevel logLevel ,
required final String message ,
final String ? backtrace } ) = _ $VeilidLog ;
factory VeilidLog . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = _ $VeilidLog . fromJson ;
VeilidLogLevel get logLevel ;
String get message ;
String ? get backtrace ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $VeilidLogCopyWith < _ $VeilidLog > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $VeilidAppMessageCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $VeilidAppMessageCopyWith (
_ $VeilidAppMessage value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidAppMessage ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidAppMessageCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $VeilidAppMessageCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidUpdateCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidAppMessage >
implements _ $ $VeilidAppMessageCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidAppMessageCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidAppMessage _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidAppMessage ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? sender = freezed ,
Object ? message = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $VeilidAppMessage (
sender: freezed = = sender
? _value . sender
: sender // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? ,
message: null = = message
? _value . message
: message // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Uint8List ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $VeilidAppMessage implements VeilidAppMessage {
const _ $VeilidAppMessage (
{ this . sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) required this . message ,
final String ? $type } )
: $type = $type ? ? ' AppMessage ' ;
factory _ $VeilidAppMessage . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidAppMessageFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ;
@ override
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( )
final Uint8List message ;
@ JsonKey ( name: ' kind ' )
final String $type ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' VeilidUpdate.appMessage(sender: $ sender , message: $ message ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $VeilidAppMessage & &
( identical ( other . sender , sender ) | | other . sender = = sender ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . equals ( other . message , message ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash (
runtimeType , sender , const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( message ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $VeilidAppMessageCopyWith < _ $VeilidAppMessage > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidAppMessageCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidAppMessage > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult when < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace )
log ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message )
appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId )
appCall ,
required TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady )
attachment ,
required TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers )
network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) config ,
required TResult Function (
List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes )
routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData )
valueChange ,
} ) {
return appMessage ( sender , message ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? whenOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
} ) {
return appMessage ? . call ( sender , message ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeWhen < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( appMessage ! = null ) {
return appMessage ( sender , message ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult map < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) log ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) appCall ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) attachment ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) config ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) valueChange ,
} ) {
return appMessage ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? mapOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
} ) {
return appMessage ? . call ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeMap < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( appMessage ! = null ) {
return appMessage ( this ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $VeilidAppMessageToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class VeilidAppMessage implements VeilidUpdate {
const factory VeilidAppMessage (
{ final Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) required final Uint8List message } ) =
_ $VeilidAppMessage ;
factory VeilidAppMessage . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $VeilidAppMessage . fromJson ;
Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? get sender ;
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( )
Uint8List get message ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $VeilidAppMessageCopyWith < _ $VeilidAppMessage > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $VeilidAppCallCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $VeilidAppCallCopyWith (
_ $VeilidAppCall value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidAppCall ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidAppCallCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ,
String callId } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $VeilidAppCallCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidUpdateCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidAppCall >
implements _ $ $VeilidAppCallCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidAppCallCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidAppCall _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidAppCall ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? sender = freezed ,
Object ? message = null ,
Object ? callId = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $VeilidAppCall (
sender: freezed = = sender
? _value . sender
: sender // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? ,
message: null = = message
? _value . message
: message // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Uint8List ,
callId: null = = callId
? _value . callId
: callId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $VeilidAppCall implements VeilidAppCall {
const _ $VeilidAppCall (
{ this . sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) required this . message ,
required this . callId ,
final String ? $type } )
: $type = $type ? ? ' AppCall ' ;
factory _ $VeilidAppCall . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidAppCallFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ;
@ override
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( )
final Uint8List message ;
@ override
final String callId ;
@ JsonKey ( name: ' kind ' )
final String $type ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' VeilidUpdate.appCall(sender: $ sender , message: $ message , callId: $ callId ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $VeilidAppCall & &
( identical ( other . sender , sender ) | | other . sender = = sender ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . equals ( other . message , message ) & &
( identical ( other . callId , callId ) | | other . callId = = callId ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , sender ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( message ) , callId ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $VeilidAppCallCopyWith < _ $VeilidAppCall > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidAppCallCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidAppCall > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult when < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace )
log ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message )
appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId )
appCall ,
required TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady )
attachment ,
required TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers )
network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) config ,
required TResult Function (
List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes )
routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData )
valueChange ,
} ) {
return appCall ( sender , message , callId ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? whenOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
} ) {
return appCall ? . call ( sender , message , callId ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeWhen < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( appCall ! = null ) {
return appCall ( sender , message , callId ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult map < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) log ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) appCall ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) attachment ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) config ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) valueChange ,
} ) {
return appCall ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? mapOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
} ) {
return appCall ? . call ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeMap < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( appCall ! = null ) {
return appCall ( this ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $VeilidAppCallToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class VeilidAppCall implements VeilidUpdate {
const factory VeilidAppCall (
{ final Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) required final Uint8List message ,
required final String callId } ) = _ $VeilidAppCall ;
factory VeilidAppCall . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $VeilidAppCall . fromJson ;
Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? get sender ;
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( )
Uint8List get message ;
String get callId ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $VeilidAppCallCopyWith < _ $VeilidAppCall > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $VeilidUpdateAttachmentCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $VeilidUpdateAttachmentCopyWith ( _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidUpdateAttachmentCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ AttachmentState state ,
bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $VeilidUpdateAttachmentCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidUpdateCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment >
implements _ $ $VeilidUpdateAttachmentCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidUpdateAttachmentCopyWithImpl ( _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? state = null ,
Object ? publicInternetReady = null ,
Object ? localNetworkReady = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment (
state: null = = state
? _value . state
: state // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as AttachmentState ,
publicInternetReady: null = = publicInternetReady
? _value . publicInternetReady
: publicInternetReady // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
localNetworkReady: null = = localNetworkReady
? _value . localNetworkReady
: localNetworkReady // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment implements VeilidUpdateAttachment {
const _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment (
{ required this . state ,
required this . publicInternetReady ,
required this . localNetworkReady ,
final String ? $type } )
: $type = $type ? ? ' Attachment ' ;
factory _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidUpdateAttachmentFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final AttachmentState state ;
@ override
final bool publicInternetReady ;
@ override
final bool localNetworkReady ;
@ JsonKey ( name: ' kind ' )
final String $type ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' VeilidUpdate.attachment(state: $ state , publicInternetReady: $ publicInternetReady , localNetworkReady: $ localNetworkReady ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment & &
( identical ( other . state , state ) | | other . state = = state ) & &
( identical ( other . publicInternetReady , publicInternetReady ) | |
other . publicInternetReady = = publicInternetReady ) & &
( identical ( other . localNetworkReady , localNetworkReady ) | |
other . localNetworkReady = = localNetworkReady ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = >
Object . hash ( runtimeType , state , publicInternetReady , localNetworkReady ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $VeilidUpdateAttachmentCopyWith < _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidUpdateAttachmentCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult when < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace )
log ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message )
appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId )
appCall ,
required TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady )
attachment ,
required TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers )
network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) config ,
required TResult Function (
List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes )
routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData )
valueChange ,
} ) {
return attachment ( state , publicInternetReady , localNetworkReady ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? whenOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
} ) {
return attachment ? . call ( state , publicInternetReady , localNetworkReady ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeWhen < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( attachment ! = null ) {
return attachment ( state , publicInternetReady , localNetworkReady ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult map < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) log ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) appCall ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) attachment ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) config ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) valueChange ,
} ) {
return attachment ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? mapOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
} ) {
return attachment ? . call ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeMap < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( attachment ! = null ) {
return attachment ( this ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $VeilidUpdateAttachmentToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class VeilidUpdateAttachment implements VeilidUpdate {
const factory VeilidUpdateAttachment (
{ required final AttachmentState state ,
required final bool publicInternetReady ,
required final bool localNetworkReady } ) = _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment ;
factory VeilidUpdateAttachment . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $VeilidUpdateAttachment . fromJson ;
AttachmentState get state ;
bool get publicInternetReady ;
bool get localNetworkReady ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $VeilidUpdateAttachmentCopyWith < _ $VeilidUpdateAttachment > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $VeilidUpdateNetworkCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $VeilidUpdateNetworkCopyWith ( _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidUpdateNetworkCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp , List < PeerTableData > peers } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $VeilidUpdateNetworkCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidUpdateCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork >
implements _ $ $VeilidUpdateNetworkCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidUpdateNetworkCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidUpdateNetwork _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? started = null ,
Object ? bpsDown = null ,
Object ? bpsUp = null ,
Object ? peers = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork (
started: null = = started
? _value . started
: started // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
bpsDown: null = = bpsDown
? _value . bpsDown
: bpsDown // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
bpsUp: null = = bpsUp
? _value . bpsUp
: bpsUp // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
peers: null = = peers
? _value . _peers
: peers // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < PeerTableData > ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork implements VeilidUpdateNetwork {
const _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork (
{ required this . started ,
required this . bpsDown ,
required this . bpsUp ,
required final List < PeerTableData > peers ,
final String ? $type } )
: _peers = peers ,
$type = $type ? ? ' Network ' ;
factory _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidUpdateNetworkFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final bool started ;
@ override
final BigInt bpsDown ;
@ override
final BigInt bpsUp ;
final List < PeerTableData > _peers ;
@ override
List < PeerTableData > get peers {
if ( _peers is EqualUnmodifiableListView ) return _peers ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _peers ) ;
@ JsonKey ( name: ' kind ' )
final String $type ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' VeilidUpdate.network(started: $ started , bpsDown: $ bpsDown , bpsUp: $ bpsUp , peers: $ peers ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork & &
( identical ( other . started , started ) | | other . started = = started ) & &
( identical ( other . bpsDown , bpsDown ) | | other . bpsDown = = bpsDown ) & &
( identical ( other . bpsUp , bpsUp ) | | other . bpsUp = = bpsUp ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . equals ( other . _peers , _peers ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , started , bpsDown , bpsUp ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _peers ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $VeilidUpdateNetworkCopyWith < _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidUpdateNetworkCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult when < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace )
log ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message )
appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId )
appCall ,
required TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady )
attachment ,
required TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers )
network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) config ,
required TResult Function (
List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes )
routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData )
valueChange ,
} ) {
return network ( started , bpsDown , bpsUp , peers ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? whenOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
} ) {
return network ? . call ( started , bpsDown , bpsUp , peers ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeWhen < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( network ! = null ) {
return network ( started , bpsDown , bpsUp , peers ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult map < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) log ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) appCall ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) attachment ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) config ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) valueChange ,
} ) {
return network ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? mapOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
} ) {
return network ? . call ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeMap < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( network ! = null ) {
return network ( this ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $VeilidUpdateNetworkToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class VeilidUpdateNetwork implements VeilidUpdate {
const factory VeilidUpdateNetwork (
{ required final bool started ,
required final BigInt bpsDown ,
required final BigInt bpsUp ,
required final List < PeerTableData > peers } ) = _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork ;
factory VeilidUpdateNetwork . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $VeilidUpdateNetwork . fromJson ;
bool get started ;
BigInt get bpsDown ;
BigInt get bpsUp ;
List < PeerTableData > get peers ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $VeilidUpdateNetworkCopyWith < _ $VeilidUpdateNetwork > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $VeilidUpdateConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $VeilidUpdateConfigCopyWith ( _ $VeilidUpdateConfig value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidUpdateConfig ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidUpdateConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { VeilidConfig config } ) ;
$VeilidConfigCopyWith < $Res > get config ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $VeilidUpdateConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidUpdateCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidUpdateConfig >
implements _ $ $VeilidUpdateConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidUpdateConfigCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidUpdateConfig _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidUpdateConfig ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? config = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $VeilidUpdateConfig (
config: null = = config
? _value . config
: config // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfig ,
) ) ;
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigCopyWith < $Res > get config {
return $VeilidConfigCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . config , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( config: value ) ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $VeilidUpdateConfig implements VeilidUpdateConfig {
const _ $VeilidUpdateConfig ( { required this . config , final String ? $type } )
: $type = $type ? ? ' Config ' ;
factory _ $VeilidUpdateConfig . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidUpdateConfigFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final VeilidConfig config ;
@ JsonKey ( name: ' kind ' )
final String $type ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' VeilidUpdate.config(config: $ config ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $VeilidUpdateConfig & &
( identical ( other . config , config ) | | other . config = = config ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , config ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $VeilidUpdateConfigCopyWith < _ $VeilidUpdateConfig > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidUpdateConfigCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidUpdateConfig > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult when < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace )
log ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message )
appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId )
appCall ,
required TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady )
attachment ,
required TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers )
network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) config ,
required TResult Function (
List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes )
routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData )
valueChange ,
} ) {
return config ( this . config ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? whenOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
} ) {
return config ? . call ( this . config ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeWhen < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( config ! = null ) {
return config ( this . config ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult map < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) log ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) appCall ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) attachment ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) config ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) valueChange ,
} ) {
return config ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? mapOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
} ) {
return config ? . call ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeMap < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( config ! = null ) {
return config ( this ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $VeilidUpdateConfigToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class VeilidUpdateConfig implements VeilidUpdate {
const factory VeilidUpdateConfig ( { required final VeilidConfig config } ) =
_ $VeilidUpdateConfig ;
factory VeilidUpdateConfig . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $VeilidUpdateConfig . fromJson ;
VeilidConfig get config ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $VeilidUpdateConfigCopyWith < _ $VeilidUpdateConfig > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $VeilidUpdateRouteChangeCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $VeilidUpdateRouteChangeCopyWith ( _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidUpdateRouteChangeCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $VeilidUpdateRouteChangeCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidUpdateCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange >
implements _ $ $VeilidUpdateRouteChangeCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidUpdateRouteChangeCopyWithImpl ( _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? deadRoutes = null ,
Object ? deadRemoteRoutes = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange (
deadRoutes: null = = deadRoutes
? _value . _deadRoutes
: deadRoutes // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
deadRemoteRoutes: null = = deadRemoteRoutes
? _value . _deadRemoteRoutes
: deadRemoteRoutes // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange implements VeilidUpdateRouteChange {
const _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange (
{ required final List < String > deadRoutes ,
required final List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ,
final String ? $type } )
: _deadRoutes = deadRoutes ,
_deadRemoteRoutes = deadRemoteRoutes ,
$type = $type ? ? ' RouteChange ' ;
factory _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidUpdateRouteChangeFromJson ( json ) ;
final List < String > _deadRoutes ;
@ override
List < String > get deadRoutes {
if ( _deadRoutes is EqualUnmodifiableListView ) return _deadRoutes ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _deadRoutes ) ;
final List < String > _deadRemoteRoutes ;
@ override
List < String > get deadRemoteRoutes {
if ( _deadRemoteRoutes is EqualUnmodifiableListView )
return _deadRemoteRoutes ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _deadRemoteRoutes ) ;
@ JsonKey ( name: ' kind ' )
final String $type ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' VeilidUpdate.routeChange(deadRoutes: $ deadRoutes , deadRemoteRoutes: $ deadRemoteRoutes ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( )
. equals ( other . _deadRoutes , _deadRoutes ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( )
. equals ( other . _deadRemoteRoutes , _deadRemoteRoutes ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash (
runtimeType ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _deadRoutes ) ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _deadRemoteRoutes ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $VeilidUpdateRouteChangeCopyWith < _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidUpdateRouteChangeCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult when < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace )
log ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message )
appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId )
appCall ,
required TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady )
attachment ,
required TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers )
network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) config ,
required TResult Function (
List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes )
routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData )
valueChange ,
} ) {
return routeChange ( deadRoutes , deadRemoteRoutes ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? whenOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
} ) {
return routeChange ? . call ( deadRoutes , deadRemoteRoutes ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeWhen < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( routeChange ! = null ) {
return routeChange ( deadRoutes , deadRemoteRoutes ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult map < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) log ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) appCall ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) attachment ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) config ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) valueChange ,
} ) {
return routeChange ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? mapOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
} ) {
return routeChange ? . call ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeMap < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( routeChange ! = null ) {
return routeChange ( this ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $VeilidUpdateRouteChangeToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class VeilidUpdateRouteChange implements VeilidUpdate {
const factory VeilidUpdateRouteChange (
{ required final List < String > deadRoutes ,
required final List < String > deadRemoteRoutes } ) =
_ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange ;
factory VeilidUpdateRouteChange . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange . fromJson ;
List < String > get deadRoutes ;
List < String > get deadRemoteRoutes ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $VeilidUpdateRouteChangeCopyWith < _ $VeilidUpdateRouteChange > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $VeilidUpdateValueChangeCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $VeilidUpdateValueChangeCopyWith ( _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidUpdateValueChangeCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys ,
int count ,
ValueData valueData } ) ;
2023-07-06 15:41:38 +00:00
$ValueDataCopyWith < $Res > get valueData ;
2023-07-06 03:53:08 +00:00
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $VeilidUpdateValueChangeCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidUpdateCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange >
implements _ $ $VeilidUpdateValueChangeCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidUpdateValueChangeCopyWithImpl ( _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? key = null ,
Object ? subkeys = null ,
Object ? count = null ,
Object ? valueData = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange (
key: null = = key
? _value . key
: key // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ,
subkeys: null = = subkeys
? _value . _subkeys
: subkeys // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < ValueSubkeyRange > ,
count: null = = count
? _value . count
: count // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
valueData: null = = valueData
? _value . valueData
: valueData // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as ValueData ,
) ) ;
2023-07-06 15:41:38 +00:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$ValueDataCopyWith < $Res > get valueData {
return $ValueDataCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . valueData , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( valueData: value ) ) ;
} ) ;
2023-07-06 03:53:08 +00:00
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange implements VeilidUpdateValueChange {
const _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange (
{ required this . key ,
required final List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys ,
required this . count ,
required this . valueData ,
final String ? $type } )
: _subkeys = subkeys ,
$type = $type ? ? ' ValueChange ' ;
factory _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidUpdateValueChangeFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ;
final List < ValueSubkeyRange > _subkeys ;
@ override
List < ValueSubkeyRange > get subkeys {
if ( _subkeys is EqualUnmodifiableListView ) return _subkeys ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _subkeys ) ;
@ override
final int count ;
@ override
final ValueData valueData ;
@ JsonKey ( name: ' kind ' )
final String $type ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' VeilidUpdate.valueChange(key: $ key , subkeys: $ subkeys , count: $ count , valueData: $ valueData ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange & &
( identical ( other . key , key ) | | other . key = = key ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . equals ( other . _subkeys , _subkeys ) & &
( identical ( other . count , count ) | | other . count = = count ) & &
( identical ( other . valueData , valueData ) | |
other . valueData = = valueData ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , key ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _subkeys ) , count , valueData ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $VeilidUpdateValueChangeCopyWith < _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidUpdateValueChangeCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult when < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace )
log ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message )
appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId )
appCall ,
required TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady )
attachment ,
required TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers )
network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) config ,
required TResult Function (
List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes )
routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData )
valueChange ,
} ) {
return valueChange ( key , subkeys , count , valueData ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? whenOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
} ) {
return valueChange ? . call ( key , subkeys , count , valueData ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeWhen < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function (
VeilidLogLevel logLevel , String message , String ? backtrace ) ?
log ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message ) ?
appMessage ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > ? sender ,
@ Uint8ListJsonConverter ( ) Uint8List message , String callId ) ?
appCall ,
TResult Function ( AttachmentState state , bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady ) ?
attachment ,
TResult Function ( bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp ,
List < PeerTableData > peers ) ?
network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidConfig config ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( List < String > deadRoutes , List < String > deadRemoteRoutes ) ?
routeChange ,
TResult Function ( Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys , int count , ValueData valueData ) ?
valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( valueChange ! = null ) {
return valueChange ( key , subkeys , count , valueData ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult map < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
required TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) log ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) appMessage ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) appCall ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) attachment ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) network ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) config ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) routeChange ,
required TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) valueChange ,
} ) {
return valueChange ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult ? mapOrNull < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult ? Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult ? Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
} ) {
return valueChange ? . call ( this ) ;
@ override
@ optionalTypeArgs
TResult maybeMap < TResult extends Object ? > ( {
TResult Function ( VeilidLog value ) ? log ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppMessage value ) ? appMessage ,
TResult Function ( VeilidAppCall value ) ? appCall ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateAttachment value ) ? attachment ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateNetwork value ) ? network ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateConfig value ) ? config ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateRouteChange value ) ? routeChange ,
TResult Function ( VeilidUpdateValueChange value ) ? valueChange ,
required TResult orElse ( ) ,
} ) {
if ( valueChange ! = null ) {
return valueChange ( this ) ;
return orElse ( ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $VeilidUpdateValueChangeToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class VeilidUpdateValueChange implements VeilidUpdate {
const factory VeilidUpdateValueChange (
{ required final Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > key ,
required final List < ValueSubkeyRange > subkeys ,
required final int count ,
required final ValueData valueData } ) = _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange ;
factory VeilidUpdateValueChange . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $VeilidUpdateValueChange . fromJson ;
Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > get key ;
List < ValueSubkeyRange > get subkeys ;
int get count ;
ValueData get valueData ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $VeilidUpdateValueChangeCopyWith < _ $VeilidUpdateValueChange > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidStateAttachment _ $VeilidStateAttachmentFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidStateAttachment . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidStateAttachment {
AttachmentState get state = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get publicInternetReady = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get localNetworkReady = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
$VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith < VeilidStateAttachment > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith ( VeilidStateAttachment value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidStateAttachment ) then ) =
_ $VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidStateAttachment > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ AttachmentState state ,
bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidStateAttachment >
implements $VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? state = null ,
Object ? publicInternetReady = null ,
Object ? localNetworkReady = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
state: null = = state
? _value . state
: state // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as AttachmentState ,
publicInternetReady: null = = publicInternetReady
? _value . publicInternetReady
: publicInternetReady // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
localNetworkReady: null = = localNetworkReady
? _value . localNetworkReady
: localNetworkReady // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $_VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith < $Res >
implements $VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $_VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith ( _ $_VeilidStateAttachment value ,
$Res Function ( _ $_VeilidStateAttachment ) then ) =
__ $ $_VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ AttachmentState state ,
bool publicInternetReady ,
bool localNetworkReady } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $_VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $_VeilidStateAttachment >
implements _ $ $_VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $_VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWithImpl ( _ $_VeilidStateAttachment _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $_VeilidStateAttachment ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? state = null ,
Object ? publicInternetReady = null ,
Object ? localNetworkReady = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $_VeilidStateAttachment (
state: null = = state
? _value . state
: state // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as AttachmentState ,
publicInternetReady: null = = publicInternetReady
? _value . publicInternetReady
: publicInternetReady // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
localNetworkReady: null = = localNetworkReady
? _value . localNetworkReady
: localNetworkReady // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $_VeilidStateAttachment implements _VeilidStateAttachment {
const _ $_VeilidStateAttachment (
{ required this . state ,
required this . publicInternetReady ,
required this . localNetworkReady } ) ;
factory _ $_VeilidStateAttachment . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $_VeilidStateAttachmentFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final AttachmentState state ;
@ override
final bool publicInternetReady ;
@ override
final bool localNetworkReady ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' VeilidStateAttachment(state: $ state , publicInternetReady: $ publicInternetReady , localNetworkReady: $ localNetworkReady ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $_VeilidStateAttachment & &
( identical ( other . state , state ) | | other . state = = state ) & &
( identical ( other . publicInternetReady , publicInternetReady ) | |
other . publicInternetReady = = publicInternetReady ) & &
( identical ( other . localNetworkReady , localNetworkReady ) | |
other . localNetworkReady = = localNetworkReady ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = >
Object . hash ( runtimeType , state , publicInternetReady , localNetworkReady ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $_VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith < _ $_VeilidStateAttachment > get copyWith = >
__ $ $_VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWithImpl < _ $_VeilidStateAttachment > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $_VeilidStateAttachmentToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidStateAttachment implements VeilidStateAttachment {
const factory _VeilidStateAttachment (
{ required final AttachmentState state ,
required final bool publicInternetReady ,
required final bool localNetworkReady } ) = _ $_VeilidStateAttachment ;
factory _VeilidStateAttachment . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $_VeilidStateAttachment . fromJson ;
@ override
AttachmentState get state ;
@ override
bool get publicInternetReady ;
@ override
bool get localNetworkReady ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $_VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith < _ $_VeilidStateAttachment > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidStateNetwork _ $VeilidStateNetworkFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidStateNetwork . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidStateNetwork {
bool get started = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
BigInt get bpsDown = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
BigInt get bpsUp = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
List < PeerTableData > get peers = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
$VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith < VeilidStateNetwork > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith (
VeilidStateNetwork value , $Res Function ( VeilidStateNetwork ) then ) =
_ $VeilidStateNetworkCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidStateNetwork > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp , List < PeerTableData > peers } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidStateNetworkCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidStateNetwork >
implements $VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidStateNetworkCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? started = null ,
Object ? bpsDown = null ,
Object ? bpsUp = null ,
Object ? peers = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
started: null = = started
? _value . started
: started // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
bpsDown: null = = bpsDown
? _value . bpsDown
: bpsDown // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
bpsUp: null = = bpsUp
? _value . bpsUp
: bpsUp // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
peers: null = = peers
? _value . peers
: peers // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < PeerTableData > ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $_VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith < $Res >
implements $VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $_VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith ( _ $_VeilidStateNetwork value ,
$Res Function ( _ $_VeilidStateNetwork ) then ) =
__ $ $_VeilidStateNetworkCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool started , BigInt bpsDown , BigInt bpsUp , List < PeerTableData > peers } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $_VeilidStateNetworkCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidStateNetworkCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $_VeilidStateNetwork >
implements _ $ $_VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $_VeilidStateNetworkCopyWithImpl (
_ $_VeilidStateNetwork _value , $Res Function ( _ $_VeilidStateNetwork ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? started = null ,
Object ? bpsDown = null ,
Object ? bpsUp = null ,
Object ? peers = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $_VeilidStateNetwork (
started: null = = started
? _value . started
: started // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
bpsDown: null = = bpsDown
? _value . bpsDown
: bpsDown // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
bpsUp: null = = bpsUp
? _value . bpsUp
: bpsUp // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as BigInt ,
peers: null = = peers
? _value . _peers
: peers // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < PeerTableData > ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $_VeilidStateNetwork implements _VeilidStateNetwork {
const _ $_VeilidStateNetwork (
{ required this . started ,
required this . bpsDown ,
required this . bpsUp ,
required final List < PeerTableData > peers } )
: _peers = peers ;
factory _ $_VeilidStateNetwork . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $_VeilidStateNetworkFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final bool started ;
@ override
final BigInt bpsDown ;
@ override
final BigInt bpsUp ;
final List < PeerTableData > _peers ;
@ override
List < PeerTableData > get peers {
if ( _peers is EqualUnmodifiableListView ) return _peers ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _peers ) ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' VeilidStateNetwork(started: $ started , bpsDown: $ bpsDown , bpsUp: $ bpsUp , peers: $ peers ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $_VeilidStateNetwork & &
( identical ( other . started , started ) | | other . started = = started ) & &
( identical ( other . bpsDown , bpsDown ) | | other . bpsDown = = bpsDown ) & &
( identical ( other . bpsUp , bpsUp ) | | other . bpsUp = = bpsUp ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . equals ( other . _peers , _peers ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , started , bpsDown , bpsUp ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _peers ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $_VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith < _ $_VeilidStateNetwork > get copyWith = >
__ $ $_VeilidStateNetworkCopyWithImpl < _ $_VeilidStateNetwork > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $_VeilidStateNetworkToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidStateNetwork implements VeilidStateNetwork {
const factory _VeilidStateNetwork (
{ required final bool started ,
required final BigInt bpsDown ,
required final BigInt bpsUp ,
required final List < PeerTableData > peers } ) = _ $_VeilidStateNetwork ;
factory _VeilidStateNetwork . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $_VeilidStateNetwork . fromJson ;
@ override
bool get started ;
@ override
BigInt get bpsDown ;
@ override
BigInt get bpsUp ;
@ override
List < PeerTableData > get peers ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $_VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith < _ $_VeilidStateNetwork > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidStateConfig _ $VeilidStateConfigFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidStateConfig . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidStateConfig {
VeilidConfig get config = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
$VeilidStateConfigCopyWith < VeilidStateConfig > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidStateConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidStateConfigCopyWith (
VeilidStateConfig value , $Res Function ( VeilidStateConfig ) then ) =
_ $VeilidStateConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidStateConfig > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { VeilidConfig config } ) ;
$VeilidConfigCopyWith < $Res > get config ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidStateConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidStateConfig >
implements $VeilidStateConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidStateConfigCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? config = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
config: null = = config
? _value . config
: config // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfig ,
) as $Val ) ;
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigCopyWith < $Res > get config {
return $VeilidConfigCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . config , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( config: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $_VeilidStateConfigCopyWith < $Res >
implements $VeilidStateConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $_VeilidStateConfigCopyWith ( _ $_VeilidStateConfig value ,
$Res Function ( _ $_VeilidStateConfig ) then ) =
__ $ $_VeilidStateConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call ( { VeilidConfig config } ) ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigCopyWith < $Res > get config ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $_VeilidStateConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidStateConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $_VeilidStateConfig >
implements _ $ $_VeilidStateConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $_VeilidStateConfigCopyWithImpl (
_ $_VeilidStateConfig _value , $Res Function ( _ $_VeilidStateConfig ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? config = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $_VeilidStateConfig (
config: null = = config
? _value . config
: config // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfig ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $_VeilidStateConfig implements _VeilidStateConfig {
const _ $_VeilidStateConfig ( { required this . config } ) ;
factory _ $_VeilidStateConfig . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $_VeilidStateConfigFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final VeilidConfig config ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' VeilidStateConfig(config: $ config ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $_VeilidStateConfig & &
( identical ( other . config , config ) | | other . config = = config ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , config ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $_VeilidStateConfigCopyWith < _ $_VeilidStateConfig > get copyWith = >
__ $ $_VeilidStateConfigCopyWithImpl < _ $_VeilidStateConfig > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $_VeilidStateConfigToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidStateConfig implements VeilidStateConfig {
const factory _VeilidStateConfig ( { required final VeilidConfig config } ) =
_ $_VeilidStateConfig ;
factory _VeilidStateConfig . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $_VeilidStateConfig . fromJson ;
@ override
VeilidConfig get config ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $_VeilidStateConfigCopyWith < _ $_VeilidStateConfig > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidState _ $VeilidStateFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidState . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidState {
VeilidStateAttachment get attachment = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidStateNetwork get network = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidStateConfig get config = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
$VeilidStateCopyWith < VeilidState > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidStateCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidStateCopyWith (
VeilidState value , $Res Function ( VeilidState ) then ) =
_ $VeilidStateCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidState > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ VeilidStateAttachment attachment ,
VeilidStateNetwork network ,
VeilidStateConfig config } ) ;
$VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith < $Res > get attachment ;
$VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith < $Res > get network ;
$VeilidStateConfigCopyWith < $Res > get config ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidStateCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidState >
implements $VeilidStateCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidStateCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? attachment = null ,
Object ? network = null ,
Object ? config = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
attachment: null = = attachment
? _value . attachment
: attachment // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidStateAttachment ,
network: null = = network
? _value . network
: network // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidStateNetwork ,
config: null = = config
? _value . config
: config // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidStateConfig ,
) as $Val ) ;
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith < $Res > get attachment {
return $VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . attachment , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( attachment: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith < $Res > get network {
return $VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . network , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( network: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidStateConfigCopyWith < $Res > get config {
return $VeilidStateConfigCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . config , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( config: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $_VeilidStateCopyWith < $Res >
implements $VeilidStateCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $_VeilidStateCopyWith (
_ $_VeilidState value , $Res Function ( _ $_VeilidState ) then ) =
__ $ $_VeilidStateCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ VeilidStateAttachment attachment ,
VeilidStateNetwork network ,
VeilidStateConfig config } ) ;
@ override
$VeilidStateAttachmentCopyWith < $Res > get attachment ;
@ override
$VeilidStateNetworkCopyWith < $Res > get network ;
@ override
$VeilidStateConfigCopyWith < $Res > get config ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $_VeilidStateCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidStateCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $_VeilidState >
implements _ $ $_VeilidStateCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $_VeilidStateCopyWithImpl (
_ $_VeilidState _value , $Res Function ( _ $_VeilidState ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? attachment = null ,
Object ? network = null ,
Object ? config = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $_VeilidState (
attachment: null = = attachment
? _value . attachment
: attachment // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidStateAttachment ,
network: null = = network
? _value . network
: network // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidStateNetwork ,
config: null = = config
? _value . config
: config // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidStateConfig ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $_VeilidState implements _VeilidState {
const _ $_VeilidState (
{ required this . attachment , required this . network , required this . config } ) ;
factory _ $_VeilidState . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $_VeilidStateFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final VeilidStateAttachment attachment ;
@ override
final VeilidStateNetwork network ;
@ override
final VeilidStateConfig config ;
@ override
String toString ( ) {
return ' VeilidState(attachment: $ attachment , network: $ network , config: $ config ) ' ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( dynamic other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $_VeilidState & &
( identical ( other . attachment , attachment ) | |
other . attachment = = attachment ) & &
( identical ( other . network , network ) | | other . network = = network ) & &
( identical ( other . config , config ) | | other . config = = config ) ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , attachment , network , config ) ;
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $_VeilidStateCopyWith < _ $_VeilidState > get copyWith = >
__ $ $_VeilidStateCopyWithImpl < _ $_VeilidState > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $_VeilidStateToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidState implements VeilidState {
const factory _VeilidState (
{ required final VeilidStateAttachment attachment ,
required final VeilidStateNetwork network ,
required final VeilidStateConfig config } ) = _ $_VeilidState ;
factory _VeilidState . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $_VeilidState . fromJson ;
@ override
VeilidStateAttachment get attachment ;
@ override
VeilidStateNetwork get network ;
@ override
VeilidStateConfig get config ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( ignore: true )
_ $ $_VeilidStateCopyWith < _ $_VeilidState > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;