use crate::dht::key; use crate::intf; use crate::xx::*; cfg_if! { if #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] { pub type ConfigCallbackReturn = Result, String>; pub type ConfigCallback = Arc ConfigCallbackReturn>; } else { pub type ConfigCallbackReturn = Result, String>; pub type ConfigCallback = Arc ConfigCallbackReturn + Send>; } } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigHTTPS { pub enabled: bool, pub listen_address: String, pub path: String, pub url: Option, // Fixed URL is not optional for TLS-based protocols and is dynamically validated } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigHTTP { pub enabled: bool, pub listen_address: String, pub path: String, pub url: Option, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigApplication { pub https: VeilidConfigHTTPS, pub http: VeilidConfigHTTP, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigUDP { pub enabled: bool, pub socket_pool_size: u32, pub listen_address: String, pub public_address: Option, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigTCP { pub connect: bool, pub listen: bool, pub max_connections: u32, pub listen_address: String, pub public_address: Option, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigWS { pub connect: bool, pub listen: bool, pub max_connections: u32, pub listen_address: String, pub path: String, pub url: Option, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigWSS { pub connect: bool, pub listen: bool, pub max_connections: u32, pub listen_address: String, pub path: String, pub url: Option, // Fixed URL is not optional for TLS-based protocols and is dynamically validated } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigProtocol { pub udp: VeilidConfigUDP, pub tcp: VeilidConfigTCP, pub ws: VeilidConfigWS, pub wss: VeilidConfigWSS, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigTLS { pub certificate_path: String, pub private_key_path: String, pub connection_initial_timeout_ms: u32, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigDHT { pub resolve_node_timeout_ms: Option, pub resolve_node_count: u32, pub resolve_node_fanout: u32, pub max_find_node_count: u32, pub get_value_timeout_ms: Option, pub get_value_count: u32, pub get_value_fanout: u32, pub set_value_timeout_ms: Option, pub set_value_count: u32, pub set_value_fanout: u32, pub min_peer_count: u32, pub min_peer_refresh_time_ms: u32, pub validate_dial_info_receipt_time_ms: u32, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigRPC { pub concurrency: u32, pub queue_size: u32, pub max_timestamp_behind_ms: Option, pub max_timestamp_ahead_ms: Option, pub timeout_ms: u32, pub max_route_hop_count: u8, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigLeases { pub max_server_signal_leases: u32, pub max_server_relay_leases: u32, pub max_client_signal_leases: u32, pub max_client_relay_leases: u32, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigNetwork { pub max_connections: u32, pub connection_initial_timeout_ms: u32, pub node_id: key::DHTKey, pub node_id_secret: key::DHTKeySecret, pub bootstrap: Vec, pub rpc: VeilidConfigRPC, pub dht: VeilidConfigDHT, pub upnp: bool, pub natpmp: bool, pub enable_local_peer_scope: bool, pub restricted_nat_retries: u32, pub tls: VeilidConfigTLS, pub application: VeilidConfigApplication, pub protocol: VeilidConfigProtocol, pub leases: VeilidConfigLeases, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigTableStore { pub directory: String, pub delete: bool, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigBlockStore { pub directory: String, pub delete: bool, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigProtectedStore { pub allow_insecure_fallback: bool, pub always_use_insecure_storage: bool, pub insecure_fallback_directory: String, pub delete: bool, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigCapabilities { pub protocol_udp: bool, pub protocol_connect_tcp: bool, pub protocol_accept_tcp: bool, pub protocol_connect_ws: bool, pub protocol_accept_ws: bool, pub protocol_connect_wss: bool, pub protocol_accept_wss: bool, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfigInner { pub program_name: String, pub namespace: String, pub log_to_api: bool, pub capabilities: VeilidConfigCapabilities, pub protected_store: VeilidConfigProtectedStore, pub table_store: VeilidConfigTableStore, pub block_store: VeilidConfigBlockStore, pub network: VeilidConfigNetwork, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct VeilidConfig { inner: Arc>, } impl Default for VeilidConfig { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl VeilidConfig { fn new_inner() -> VeilidConfigInner { VeilidConfigInner::default() } pub fn new() -> Self { Self { inner: Arc::new(RwLock::new(Self::new_inner())), } } pub async fn init(&mut self, cb: ConfigCallback) -> Result<(), String> { macro_rules! get_config { ($key:expr) => { let keyname = &stringify!($key)[6..]; $key = *cb(keyname.to_owned())?.downcast().map_err(|_| { let err = format!("incorrect type for key: {}", keyname); debug!("{}", err); err })?; }; } { let mut inner = self.inner.write(); get_config!(inner.program_name); get_config!(inner.namespace); get_config!(inner.log_to_api); get_config!(inner.capabilities.protocol_udp); get_config!(inner.capabilities.protocol_connect_tcp); get_config!(inner.capabilities.protocol_accept_tcp); get_config!(inner.capabilities.protocol_connect_ws); get_config!(inner.capabilities.protocol_accept_ws); get_config!(inner.capabilities.protocol_connect_wss); get_config!(inner.capabilities.protocol_accept_wss); get_config!(; get_config!(inner.table_store.delete); get_config!(; get_config!(inner.block_store.delete); get_config!(inner.protected_store.allow_insecure_fallback); get_config!(inner.protected_store.always_use_insecure_storage); get_config!(inner.protected_store.insecure_fallback_directory); get_config!(inner.protected_store.delete); get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; get_config!(; } // Validate settings self.validate().await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn terminate(&self) { // } pub fn get(&self) -> RwLockReadGuard { } async fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), String> { let inner =; if inner.program_name.is_empty() { return Err("Program name must not be empty in 'program_name'".to_owned()); } // if { // // Validate UDP settings // } if { // Validate TCP settings if == 0 { return Err("TCP max connections must be > 0 in config key 'network.protocol.tcp.max_connections'".to_owned()); } } if { // Validate WS settings if == 0 { return Err("WS max connections must be > 0 in config key ''".to_owned()); } if && == { return Err("WS path conflicts with HTTPS application path in config key ''".to_owned()); } if && == { return Err("WS path conflicts with HTTP application path in config key ''".to_owned()); } } if { // Validate WSS settings if == 0 { return Err("WSS max connections must be > 0 in config key 'network.protocol.wss.max_connections'".to_owned()); } if inner .network .protocol .wss .url .as_ref() .map(|u| u.is_empty()) .unwrap_or_default() { return Err( "WSS URL must be specified in config key 'network.protocol.wss.url'".to_owned(), ); } if && == { return Err("WSS path conflicts with HTTPS application path in config key ''".to_owned()); } if && == { return Err("WSS path conflicts with HTTP application path in config key ''".to_owned()); } } if { // Validate HTTPS settings if inner .network .application .https .url .as_ref() .map(|u| u.is_empty()) .unwrap_or_default() { return Err( "HTTPS URL must be specified in config key 'network.application.https.url'" .to_owned(), ); } } Ok(()) } // Get the node id from config if one is specified // Must be done -after- protected store startup pub async fn init_node_id(&self, protected_store: intf::ProtectedStore) -> Result<(), String> { let mut node_id =; let mut node_id_secret =; // See if node id was previously stored in the protected store if !node_id.valid { debug!("pulling node id from storage"); if let Some(s) = protected_store.load_user_secret_string("node_id").await? { debug!("node id found in storage"); node_id = key::DHTKey::try_decode(s.as_str())? } else { debug!("node id not found in storage"); } } // See if node id secret was previously stored in the protected store if !node_id_secret.valid { debug!("pulling node id secret from storage"); if let Some(s) = protected_store .load_user_secret_string("node_id_secret") .await? { debug!("node id secret found in storage"); node_id_secret = key::DHTKeySecret::try_decode(s.as_str())? } else { debug!("node id secret not found in storage"); } } // If we have a node id from storage, check it if node_id.valid && node_id_secret.valid { // Validate node id if !key::validate_key(&node_id, &node_id_secret) { return Err("node id secret and node id key don't match".to_owned()); } } // If we still don't have a valid node id, generate one if !node_id.valid || !node_id_secret.valid { debug!("generating new node id"); let (i, s) = key::generate_secret(); node_id = i; node_id_secret = s; } info!("Node Id is {}", node_id.encode()); // info!("Node Id Secret is {}", node_id_secret.encode()); // Save the node id / secret in storage protected_store .save_user_secret_string("node_id", node_id.encode().as_str()) .await?; protected_store .save_user_secret_string("node_id_secret", node_id_secret.encode().as_str()) .await?; self.inner.write().network.node_id = node_id; self.inner.write().network.node_id_secret = node_id_secret; trace!("init_node_id complete"); Ok(()) } }