use crate::client_api; use crate::settings::*; use crate::veilid_logs::*; use flume::{unbounded, Receiver, Sender}; use futures_util::select; use futures_util::FutureExt; use lazy_static::*; use parking_lot::Mutex; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use tracing::*; use veilid_core::tools::*; #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ServerMode { Normal, ShutdownImmediate, DumpTXTRecord, } lazy_static! { static ref SHUTDOWN_SWITCH: Mutex>> = Mutex::new(Some(SingleShotEventual::new(Some(())))); } #[instrument] pub fn shutdown() { let shutdown_switch = SHUTDOWN_SWITCH.lock().take(); if let Some(shutdown_switch) = shutdown_switch { shutdown_switch.resolve(()); } } pub async fn run_veilid_server( settings: Settings, server_mode: ServerMode, veilid_logs: VeilidLogs, ) -> EyreResult<()> { run_veilid_server_internal(settings, server_mode, veilid_logs).await } //#[instrument(err, skip_all)] pub async fn run_veilid_server_internal( settings: Settings, server_mode: ServerMode, veilid_logs: VeilidLogs, ) -> EyreResult<()> { trace!(?settings, ?server_mode); let settingsr =; // Create client api state change pipe let (sender, receiver): ( Sender, Receiver, ) = unbounded(); // Create VeilidCore setup let update_callback = Arc::new(move |change: veilid_core::VeilidUpdate| { if let Err(e) = sender.send(change) { // Don't log here, as that loops the update callback in some cases and will deadlock let change = e.into_inner(); eprintln!("error sending veilid update callback: {:?}", change); } }); let config_callback = settings.get_core_config_callback(); // Start Veilid Core and get API let veilid_api = veilid_core::api_startup(update_callback, config_callback) .await .wrap_err("VeilidCore startup failed")?; // Start client api if one is requested let mut capi = if settingsr.client_api.enabled && matches!(server_mode, ServerMode::Normal) { let some_capi = client_api::ClientApi::new(veilid_api.clone(), veilid_logs.clone(), settings.clone()); some_capi .clone() .run(settingsr.client_api.listen_address.addrs.clone()); Some(some_capi) } else { None }; // Drop rwlock on settings let auto_attach = settingsr.auto_attach || !matches!(server_mode, ServerMode::Normal); drop(settingsr); // Process all updates let capi2 = capi.clone(); let update_receiver_shutdown = SingleShotEventual::new(Some(())); let mut update_receiver_shutdown_instance = update_receiver_shutdown.instance().fuse(); let update_receiver_jh = spawn_local(async move { loop { select! { res = receiver.recv_async() => { if let Ok(change) = res { if let Some(capi) = &capi2 { // Handle state changes on main thread for capnproto rpc capi.clone().handle_update(change); } } else { break; } } _ = update_receiver_shutdown_instance => { break; } }; } }); // Auto-attach if desired let mut out = Ok(()); if auto_attach { info!("Auto-attach to the Veilid network"); if let Err(e) = veilid_api.attach().await { out = Err(eyre!( "Auto-attaching to the Veilid network failed: {:?}", e )); shutdown(); } } // Process dump-txt-record if matches!(server_mode, ServerMode::DumpTXTRecord) { let start_time = Instant::now(); while Instant::now().duration_since(start_time) < Duration::from_secs(10) { match veilid_api.get_state().await { Ok(vs) => { if { break; } } Err(e) => { out = Err(eyre!("Getting state failed: {:?}", e)); break; } } sleep(100).await; } match veilid_api.debug("txtrecord".to_string()).await { Ok(v) => { print!("{}", v); } Err(e) => { out = Err(eyre!("Getting TXT record failed: {:?}", e)); } }; shutdown(); } // Process shutdown-immediate if matches!(server_mode, ServerMode::ShutdownImmediate) { shutdown(); } // Idle while waiting to exit let shutdown_switch = { let shutdown_switch_locked = SHUTDOWN_SWITCH.lock(); (*shutdown_switch_locked).as_ref().map(|ss| ss.instance()) }; if let Some(shutdown_switch) = shutdown_switch { shutdown_switch.await; } // Stop the client api if we have one if let Some(c) = capi.as_mut().cloned() { c.stop().await; } // Shut down Veilid API to release state change sender veilid_api.shutdown().await; // Shut down update receiver now that there are no more updates update_receiver_shutdown.resolve(()).await; // Wait for update receiver to exit let _ = update_receiver_jh.await; // Finally, drop logs // this is explicit to ensure we don't accidentally drop them too soon via a move drop(veilid_logs); out }