import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:change_case/change_case.dart'; import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart'; import 'veilid_encoding.dart'; import 'veilid.dart'; part 'routing_context.freezed.dart'; part 'routing_context.g.dart'; ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// /// DHT Schema abstract class DHTSchema { factory DHTSchema.fromJson(dynamic json) { switch (json["kind"]) { case "DFLT": { return DHTSchemaDFLT(oCnt: json["o_cnt"]); } case "SMPL": { return DHTSchemaSMPL( oCnt: json["o_cnt"], members: List.from( json['members'].map((j) => DHTSchemaMember.fromJson(j)))); } default: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal( "Invalid DHTSchema type: ${json['kind']}"); } } } Map toJson(); } class DHTSchemaDFLT implements DHTSchema { final int oCnt; // DHTSchemaDFLT({ required this.oCnt, }) { if (oCnt < 0 || oCnt > 65535) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument( "value out of range", "oCnt", oCnt.toString()); } } @override Map toJson() { return { 'kind': "DFLT", 'o_cnt': oCnt, }; } } @freezed class DHTSchemaMember with _$DHTSchemaMember { @Assert('mCnt >= 0 && mCnt <= 65535', 'value out of range') const factory DHTSchemaMember({ required PublicKey mKey, required int mCnt, }) = _DHTSchemaMember; factory DHTSchemaMember.fromJson(Map json) => _$DHTSchemaMemberFromJson(json); } class DHTSchemaSMPL implements DHTSchema { final int oCnt; final List members; // DHTSchemaSMPL({ required this.oCnt, required this.members, }) { if (oCnt < 0 || oCnt > 65535) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument( "value out of range", "oCnt", oCnt.toString()); } } @override Map toJson() { return { 'kind': "SMPL", 'o_cnt': oCnt, 'members': => p.toJson()).toList(), }; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// DHTRecordDescriptor class DHTRecordDescriptor { TypedKey key; PublicKey owner; PublicKey? ownerSecret; DHTSchema schema; DHTRecordDescriptor({ required this.key, required this.owner, this.ownerSecret, required this.schema, }); Map toJson() { return { 'key': key.toString(), 'owner': owner, 'owner_secret': ownerSecret, 'schema': schema.toJson(), }; } DHTRecordDescriptor.fromJson(dynamic json) : key = TypedKey.fromString(json['key']), owner = json['owner'], ownerSecret = json['owner_secret'], schema = DHTSchema.fromJson(json['schema']); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// ValueSubkeyRange class ValueSubkeyRange { final int low; final int high; ValueSubkeyRange({ required this.low, required this.high, }) { if (low < 0 || low > high) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument( "invalid range", "low", low.toString()); } if (high < 0) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument( "invalid range", "high", high.toString()); } } ValueSubkeyRange.fromJson(dynamic json) : low = json[0], high = json[1] { if ((json as List).length != 2) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument( "not a pair of integers", "json", json.toString()); } } List toJson() { return [low, high]; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// ValueData class ValueData { final int seq; final Uint8List data; final PublicKey writer; ValueData({ required this.seq, required, required this.writer, }); ValueData.fromJson(dynamic json) : seq = json['seq'], data = base64UrlNoPadDecode(json['data']), writer = json['writer']; Map toJson() { return {'seq': seq, 'data': base64UrlNoPadEncode(data), 'writer': writer}; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// Stability enum Stability { lowLatency, reliable; String toJson() { return name.toPascalCase(); } factory Stability.fromJson(String j) { return Stability.values.byName(j.toCamelCase()); } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// Sequencing enum Sequencing { noPreference, preferOrdered, ensureOrdered; String toJson() { return name.toPascalCase(); } factory Sequencing.fromJson(String j) { return Sequencing.values.byName(j.toCamelCase()); } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// SafetySelection abstract class SafetySelection { factory SafetySelection.fromJson(dynamic json) { var m = json as Map; if (m.containsKey("Unsafe")) { return SafetySelectionUnsafe( sequencing: Sequencing.fromJson(m["Unsafe"])); } else if (m.containsKey("Safe")) { return SafetySelectionSafe(safetySpec: SafetySpec.fromJson(m["Safe"])); } else { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal("Invalid SafetySelection"); } } Map toJson(); } class SafetySelectionUnsafe implements SafetySelection { final Sequencing sequencing; // SafetySelectionUnsafe({ required this.sequencing, }); @override Map toJson() { return {'Unsafe': sequencing.toJson()}; } } class SafetySelectionSafe implements SafetySelection { final SafetySpec safetySpec; // SafetySelectionSafe({ required this.safetySpec, }); @override Map toJson() { return {'Safe': safetySpec.toJson()}; } } /// Options for safety routes (sender privacy) class SafetySpec { final String? preferredRoute; final int hopCount; final Stability stability; final Sequencing sequencing; // SafetySpec({ this.preferredRoute, required this.hopCount, required this.stability, required this.sequencing, }); SafetySpec.fromJson(dynamic json) : preferredRoute = json['preferred_route'], hopCount = json['hop_count'], stability = Stability.fromJson(json['stability']), sequencing = Sequencing.fromJson(json['sequencing']); Map toJson() { return { 'preferred_route': preferredRoute, 'hop_count': hopCount, 'stability': stability.toJson(), 'sequencing': sequencing.toJson() }; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// RouteBlob class RouteBlob { final String routeId; final Uint8List blob; RouteBlob(this.routeId, this.blob); RouteBlob.fromJson(dynamic json) : routeId = json['route_id'], blob = base64UrlNoPadDecode(json['blob']); Map toJson() { return {'route_id': routeId, 'blob': base64UrlNoPadEncode(blob)}; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidRoutingContext abstract class VeilidRoutingContext { // Modifiers VeilidRoutingContext withPrivacy(); VeilidRoutingContext withCustomPrivacy(SafetySelection safetySelection); VeilidRoutingContext withSequencing(Sequencing sequencing); // App call/message Future appCall(String target, Uint8List request); Future appMessage(String target, Uint8List message); // DHT Operations Future createDHTRecord( CryptoKind kind, DHTSchema schema); Future openDHTRecord(TypedKey key, KeyPair? writer); Future closeDHTRecord(TypedKey key); Future deleteDHTRecord(TypedKey key); Future getDHTValue(TypedKey key, int subkey, bool forceRefresh); Future setDHTValue(TypedKey key, int subkey, Uint8List data); Future watchDHTValues(TypedKey key, List subkeys, Timestamp expiration, int count); Future cancelDHTWatch(TypedKey key, List subkeys); }