use crate::dart_isolate_wrapper::*; use crate::tools::*; use allo_isolate::*; use cfg_if::*; use ffi_support::*; use lazy_static::*; use opentelemetry::sdk::*; use opentelemetry::*; use opentelemetry_otlp::WithExportConfig; use parking_lot::Mutex; use serde::*; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::os::raw::c_char; use std::sync::Arc; use tracing::*; use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*; use tracing_subscriber::*; // Globals lazy_static! { static ref VEILID_API: AsyncMutex> = AsyncMutex::new(None); static ref FILTERS: Mutex> = Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new()); static ref ROUTING_CONTEXTS: Mutex> = Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new()); } async fn get_veilid_api() -> Result { let api_lock = VEILID_API.lock().await; api_lock .as_ref() .cloned() .ok_or(veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::NotInitialized) } async fn take_veilid_api() -> Result { let mut api_lock = VEILID_API.lock().await; api_lock .take() .ok_or(veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::NotInitialized) } ///////////////////////////////////////// // FFI Helpers // Declare external routine to release ffi strings define_string_destructor!(free_string); // Utility types for async API results type APIResult = Result; const APIRESULT_VOID: APIResult<()> = APIResult::Ok(()); ///////////////////////////////////////// // FFI-specific #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal { pub enabled: bool, pub level: veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp { pub enabled: bool, pub level: veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel, pub grpc_endpoint: String, pub service_name: String, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi { pub enabled: bool, pub level: veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VeilidFFIConfigLogging { pub terminal: VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal, pub otlp: VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp, pub api: VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VeilidFFIConfig { pub logging: VeilidFFIConfigLogging, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VeilidFFIKeyBlob { pub key: veilid_core::DHTKey, #[serde(with = "veilid_core::json_as_base64")] pub blob: Vec, } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Initializer #[no_mangle] #[instrument] pub extern "C" fn initialize_veilid_flutter(dart_post_c_object_ptr: ffi::DartPostCObjectFnType) { unsafe { store_dart_post_cobject(dart_post_c_object_ptr); } use std::sync::Once; static INIT_BACKTRACE: Once = Once::new(); INIT_BACKTRACE.call_once(move || { std::env::set_var("RUST_BACKTRACE", "1"); std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic_info| { let (file, line) = if let Some(loc) = panic_info.location() { (loc.file(), loc.line()) } else { ("", 0) }; error!("### Rust `panic!` hit at file '{}', line {}", file, line); if let Some(s) = panic_info.payload().downcast_ref::<&str>() { error!("panic payload: {:?}", s); } else if let Some(s) = panic_info.payload().downcast_ref::() { error!("panic payload: {:?}", s); } else if let Some(a) = panic_info.payload().downcast_ref::() { error!("panic payload: {:?}", a); } else { error!("no panic payload"); } error!( " Complete stack trace:\n{:?}\n", backtrace::Backtrace::new() ); // And stop the process, no recovery is going to be possible here error!("aborting!"); std::process::abort(); })); }); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// C-compatible FFI Functions #[no_mangle] #[instrument] pub extern "C" fn initialize_veilid_core(platform_config: FfiStr) { let platform_config = platform_config.into_opt_string(); let platform_config: VeilidFFIConfig = veilid_core::deserialize_opt_json(platform_config) .expect("failed to deserialize plaform config json"); // Set up subscriber and layers let subscriber = Registry::default(); let mut layers = Vec::new(); let mut filters = (*FILTERS).lock(); // Terminal logger if platform_config.logging.terminal.enabled { let filter = veilid_core::VeilidLayerFilter::new(platform_config.logging.terminal.level, None); let layer = fmt::Layer::new() .compact() .with_writer(std::io::stdout) .with_filter(filter.clone()); filters.insert("terminal", filter); layers.push(layer.boxed()); }; // OpenTelemetry logger if platform_config.logging.otlp.enabled { let grpc_endpoint = platform_config.logging.otlp.grpc_endpoint.clone(); cfg_if! { if #[cfg(feature="rt-async-std")] { let exporter = opentelemetry_otlp::new_exporter() .grpcio() .with_endpoint(grpc_endpoint); let batch = opentelemetry::runtime::AsyncStd; } else if #[cfg(feature="rt-tokio")] { let exporter = opentelemetry_otlp::new_exporter() .tonic() .with_endpoint(format!("http://{}", grpc_endpoint)); let batch = opentelemetry::runtime::Tokio; } } let tracer = opentelemetry_otlp::new_pipeline() .tracing() .with_exporter(exporter) .with_trace_config(opentelemetry::sdk::trace::config().with_resource( Resource::new(vec![KeyValue::new( opentelemetry_semantic_conventions::resource::SERVICE_NAME, format!( "{}:{}", platform_config.logging.otlp.service_name, hostname::get() .map(|s| s.to_string_lossy().into_owned()) .unwrap_or_else(|_| "unknown".to_owned())), )]), )) .install_batch(batch) .map_err(|e| format!("failed to install OpenTelemetry tracer: {}", e)) .unwrap(); let filter = veilid_core::VeilidLayerFilter::new(platform_config.logging.otlp.level, None); let layer = tracing_opentelemetry::layer() .with_tracer(tracer) .with_filter(filter.clone()); filters.insert("otlp", filter); layers.push(layer.boxed()); } // API logger if platform_config.logging.api.enabled { let filter = veilid_core::VeilidLayerFilter::new(platform_config.logging.api.level, None); let layer = veilid_core::ApiTracingLayer::get().with_filter(filter.clone()); filters.insert("api", filter); layers.push(layer.boxed()); } let subscriber = subscriber.with(layers); subscriber .try_init() .map_err(|e| format!("failed to initialize logging: {}", e)) .expect("failed to initalize ffi platform"); } #[no_mangle] #[instrument(level = "debug")] pub extern "C" fn change_log_level(layer: FfiStr, log_level: FfiStr) { // get layer to change level on let layer = layer.into_opt_string().unwrap_or("all".to_owned()); let layer = if layer == "all" { "".to_owned() } else { layer }; // get log level to change layer to let log_level = log_level.into_opt_string(); let log_level: veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel = veilid_core::deserialize_opt_json(log_level).unwrap(); // change log level on appropriate layer let filters = (*FILTERS).lock(); if layer.is_empty() { // Change all layers for f in filters.values() { f.set_max_level(log_level); } } else { // Change a specific layer let f = filters.get(layer.as_str()).unwrap(); f.set_max_level(log_level); } } #[no_mangle] #[instrument] pub extern "C" fn startup_veilid_core(port: i64, stream_port: i64, config: FfiStr) { let config = config.into_opt_string(); let stream = DartIsolateStream::new(stream_port); DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result_json(async move { let config_json = match config { Some(v) => v, None => { let err = veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::MissingArgument { context: "startup_veilid_core".to_owned(), argument: "config".to_owned(), }; return APIResult::Err(err); } }; let mut api_lock = VEILID_API.lock().await; if api_lock.is_some() { return APIResult::Err(veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::AlreadyInitialized); } let sink = stream.clone(); let update_callback = Arc::new(move |update: veilid_core::VeilidUpdate| { let sink = sink.clone(); match update { veilid_core::VeilidUpdate::Shutdown => { sink.close(); } _ => { sink.item_json(update); } } }); let veilid_api = veilid_core::api_startup_json(update_callback, config_json).await?; *api_lock = Some(veilid_api); APIRESULT_VOID }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn get_veilid_state(port: i64) { DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result_json(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api().await?; let core_state = veilid_api.get_state().await?; APIResult::Ok(core_state) }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn attach(port: i64) { DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result_json(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api().await?; veilid_api.attach().await?; APIRESULT_VOID }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn detach(port: i64) { DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result_json(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api().await?; veilid_api.detach().await?; APIRESULT_VOID }); } #[no_mangle] #[instrument] pub extern "C" fn shutdown_veilid_core(port: i64) { DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result_json(async move { let veilid_api = take_veilid_api().await?; veilid_api.shutdown().await; APIRESULT_VOID }); } fn add_routing_context(routing_context: veilid_core::RoutingContext) -> u32 { let mut next_id: u32 = 1; let mut rc = ROUTING_CONTEXTS.lock(); while rc.contains_key(&next_id) { next_id += 1; } rc.insert(next_id, routing_context); next_id } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn routing_context(port: i64) { DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api().await?; let routing_context = veilid_api.routing_context(); let new_id = add_routing_context(routing_context); APIResult::Ok(new_id) }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn release_routing_context(id: u32) -> i32 { let mut rc = ROUTING_CONTEXTS.lock(); if rc.remove(&id).is_none() { return 0; } return 1; } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn routing_context_with_privacy(id: u32) -> u32 { let rc = ROUTING_CONTEXTS.lock(); let Some(routing_context) = rc.get(&id) else { return 0; }; let Ok(routing_context) = routing_context.clone().with_privacy() else { return 0; }; let new_id = add_routing_context(routing_context); new_id } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn routing_context_with_custom_privacy(id: u32, stability: FfiStr) -> u32 { let stability: veilid_core::Stability = veilid_core::deserialize_opt_json(stability.into_opt_string()).unwrap(); let rc = ROUTING_CONTEXTS.lock(); let Some(routing_context) = rc.get(&id) else { return 0; }; let Ok(routing_context) = routing_context.clone().with_custom_privacy(stability) else { return 0; }; let new_id = add_routing_context(routing_context); new_id } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn routing_context_with_sequencing(id: u32, sequencing: FfiStr) -> u32 { let sequencing: veilid_core::Sequencing = veilid_core::deserialize_opt_json(sequencing.into_opt_string()).unwrap(); let rc = ROUTING_CONTEXTS.lock(); let Some(routing_context) = rc.get(&id) else { return 0; }; let routing_context = routing_context.clone().with_sequencing(sequencing); let new_id = add_routing_context(routing_context); new_id } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn routing_context_app_call(port: i64, id: u32, target: FfiStr, request: FfiStr) { let target: veilid_core::DHTKey = veilid_core::deserialize_opt_json(target.into_opt_string()).unwrap(); let request: Vec = data_encoding::BASE64URL_NOPAD .decode( veilid_core::deserialize_opt_json::(request.into_opt_string()) .unwrap() .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result_json(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api().await?; let routing_table = veilid_api.routing_table()?; let rss = routing_table.route_spec_store(); let routing_context = { let rc = ROUTING_CONTEXTS.lock(); let Some(routing_context) = rc.get(&id) else { return APIResult::Err(veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::invalid_argument("routing_context_app_call", "id", id)); }; routing_context.clone() }; let target = if rss.get_remote_private_route(&target).is_some() { veilid_core::Target::PrivateRoute(target) } else { veilid_core::Target::NodeId(veilid_core::NodeId::new(target)) }; let answer = routing_context.app_call(target, request).await?; let answer = data_encoding::BASE64URL_NOPAD.encode(&answer); APIResult::Ok(answer) }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn routing_context_app_message(port: i64, id: u32, target: FfiStr, message: FfiStr) { let target: veilid_core::DHTKey = veilid_core::deserialize_opt_json(target.into_opt_string()).unwrap(); let message: Vec = data_encoding::BASE64URL_NOPAD .decode( veilid_core::deserialize_opt_json::(message.into_opt_string()) .unwrap() .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result_json(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api().await?; let routing_table = veilid_api.routing_table()?; let rss = routing_table.route_spec_store(); let routing_context = { let rc = ROUTING_CONTEXTS.lock(); let Some(routing_context) = rc.get(&id) else { return APIResult::Err(veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::invalid_argument("routing_context_app_call", "id", id)); }; routing_context.clone() }; let target = if rss.get_remote_private_route(&target).is_some() { veilid_core::Target::PrivateRoute(target) } else { veilid_core::Target::NodeId(veilid_core::NodeId::new(target)) }; routing_context.app_message(target, message).await?; APIRESULT_VOID }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn new_private_route(port: i64) { DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result_json(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api().await?; let (key, blob) = veilid_api.new_private_route().await?; let keyblob = VeilidFFIKeyBlob { key, blob }; APIResult::Ok(keyblob) }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn new_custom_private_route(port: i64, stability: FfiStr, sequencing: FfiStr) { let stability: veilid_core::Stability = veilid_core::deserialize_opt_json(stability.into_opt_string()).unwrap(); let sequencing: veilid_core::Sequencing = veilid_core::deserialize_opt_json(sequencing.into_opt_string()).unwrap(); DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result_json(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api().await?; let (key, blob) = veilid_api .new_custom_private_route(stability, sequencing) .await?; let keyblob = VeilidFFIKeyBlob { key, blob }; APIResult::Ok(keyblob) }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn import_remote_private_route(port: i64, blob: FfiStr) { let blob: Vec = data_encoding::BASE64URL_NOPAD .decode( veilid_core::deserialize_opt_json::(blob.into_opt_string()) .unwrap() .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api().await?; let key = veilid_api.import_remote_private_route(blob)?; APIResult::Ok(key.encode()) }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn release_private_route(port: i64, key: FfiStr) { let key: veilid_core::DHTKey = veilid_core::deserialize_opt_json(key.into_opt_string()).unwrap(); DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result_json(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api().await?; veilid_api.release_private_route(&key)?; APIRESULT_VOID }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn app_call_reply(port: i64, id: FfiStr, message: FfiStr) { let id = id.into_opt_string().unwrap_or_default(); let message = message.into_opt_string().unwrap_or_default(); DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result(async move { let id = match id.parse() { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { return APIResult::Err(veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::invalid_argument(e, "id", id)) } }; let message = data_encoding::BASE64URL_NOPAD .decode(message.as_bytes()) .map_err(|e| veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::invalid_argument(e, "message", message))?; let veilid_api = get_veilid_api().await?; veilid_api.app_call_reply(id, message).await?; APIRESULT_VOID }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn debug(port: i64, command: FfiStr) { let command = command.into_opt_string().unwrap_or_default(); DartIsolateWrapper::new(port).spawn_result(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api().await?; let out = veilid_api.debug(command).await?; APIResult::Ok(out) }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn veilid_version_string() -> *mut c_char { veilid_core::veilid_version_string().into_ffi_value() } #[repr(C)] pub struct VeilidVersion { pub major: u32, pub minor: u32, pub patch: u32, } #[no_mangle] #[instrument] pub extern "C" fn veilid_version() -> VeilidVersion { let (major, minor, patch) = veilid_core::veilid_version(); VeilidVersion { major, minor, patch, } }