use crate::api_tracing_layer::*; use crate::attachment_manager::*; use crate::dht::Crypto; use crate::veilid_api::*; use crate::veilid_config::*; use crate::xx::*; cfg_if! { if #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] { pub type UpdateCallback = Arc<dyn Fn(VeilidUpdate)>; } else { pub type UpdateCallback = Arc<dyn Fn(VeilidUpdate) + Send + Sync>; } } struct ServicesContext { pub config: VeilidConfig, pub update_callback: UpdateCallback, pub protected_store: Option<ProtectedStore>, pub table_store: Option<TableStore>, pub block_store: Option<BlockStore>, pub crypto: Option<Crypto>, pub attachment_manager: Option<AttachmentManager>, } impl ServicesContext { pub fn new_empty(config: VeilidConfig, update_callback: UpdateCallback) -> Self { Self { config, update_callback, protected_store: None, table_store: None, block_store: None, crypto: None, attachment_manager: None, } } pub fn new_full( config: VeilidConfig, update_callback: UpdateCallback, protected_store: ProtectedStore, table_store: TableStore, block_store: BlockStore, crypto: Crypto, attachment_manager: AttachmentManager, ) -> Self { Self { config, update_callback, protected_store: Some(protected_store), table_store: Some(table_store), block_store: Some(block_store), crypto: Some(crypto), attachment_manager: Some(attachment_manager), } } #[instrument(err, skip_all)] pub async fn startup(&mut self) -> EyreResult<()> { info!("Veilid API starting up"); info!("init api tracing"); ApiTracingLayer::init(self.update_callback.clone()).await; // Set up protected store trace!("init protected store"); let protected_store = ProtectedStore::new(self.config.clone()); if let Err(e) = protected_store.init().await { self.shutdown().await; return Err(e); } self.protected_store = Some(protected_store.clone()); // Init node id from config now that protected store is set up if let Err(e) = self.config.init_node_id(protected_store.clone()).await { self.shutdown().await; return Err(e).wrap_err("init node id failed"); } // Set up tablestore trace!("init table store"); let table_store = TableStore::new(self.config.clone()); if let Err(e) = table_store.init().await { self.shutdown().await; return Err(e); } self.table_store = Some(table_store.clone()); // Set up crypto trace!("init crypto"); let crypto = Crypto::new(self.config.clone(), table_store.clone()); if let Err(e) = crypto.init().await { self.shutdown().await; return Err(e); } self.crypto = Some(crypto.clone()); // Set up block store trace!("init block store"); let block_store = BlockStore::new(self.config.clone()); if let Err(e) = block_store.init().await { self.shutdown().await; return Err(e); } self.block_store = Some(block_store.clone()); // Set up attachment manager trace!("init attachment manager"); let update_callback = self.update_callback.clone(); let attachment_manager = AttachmentManager::new(self.config.clone(), table_store, crypto); if let Err(e) = attachment_manager.init(update_callback).await { self.shutdown().await; return Err(e); } self.attachment_manager = Some(attachment_manager); info!("Veilid API startup complete"); Ok(()) } #[instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn shutdown(&mut self) { info!("Veilid API shutting down"); if let Some(attachment_manager) = &mut self.attachment_manager { trace!("terminate attachment manager"); attachment_manager.terminate().await; } if let Some(block_store) = &mut self.block_store { trace!("terminate block store"); block_store.terminate().await; } if let Some(crypto) = &mut self.crypto { trace!("terminate crypto"); crypto.terminate().await; } if let Some(table_store) = &mut self.table_store { trace!("terminate table store"); table_store.terminate().await; } if let Some(protected_store) = &mut self.protected_store { trace!("terminate protected store"); protected_store.terminate().await; } info!("Veilid API shutdown complete"); // api logger terminate is idempotent ApiTracingLayer::terminate().await; // send final shutdown update (self.update_callback)(VeilidUpdate::Shutdown); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// pub struct VeilidCoreContext { pub config: VeilidConfig, pub update_callback: UpdateCallback, // Services pub protected_store: ProtectedStore, pub table_store: TableStore, pub block_store: BlockStore, pub crypto: Crypto, pub attachment_manager: AttachmentManager, } impl VeilidCoreContext { #[instrument(err, skip_all)] async fn new_with_config_callback( update_callback: UpdateCallback, config_callback: ConfigCallback, ) -> Result<VeilidCoreContext, VeilidAPIError> { // Set up config from callback trace!("setup config with callback"); let mut config = VeilidConfig::new(); config.setup(config_callback)?; Self::new_common(update_callback, config).await } #[instrument(err, skip_all)] async fn new_with_config_json( update_callback: UpdateCallback, config_json: String, ) -> Result<VeilidCoreContext, VeilidAPIError> { // Set up config from callback trace!("setup config with json"); let mut config = VeilidConfig::new(); config.setup_from_json(config_json)?; Self::new_common(update_callback, config).await } #[instrument(err, skip_all)] async fn new_common( update_callback: UpdateCallback, config: VeilidConfig, ) -> Result<VeilidCoreContext, VeilidAPIError> { cfg_if! { if #[cfg(target_os = "android")] { if utils::android::ANDROID_GLOBALS.lock().is_none() { error!("Android globals are not set up"); return Err(VeilidAPIError::Internal { message: "Android globals are not set up".to_owned() }); } } } let mut sc = ServicesContext::new_empty(config.clone(), update_callback); sc.startup().await.map_err(VeilidAPIError::generic)?; Ok(VeilidCoreContext { update_callback: sc.update_callback, config: sc.config, protected_store: sc.protected_store.unwrap(), table_store: sc.table_store.unwrap(), block_store: sc.block_store.unwrap(), crypto: sc.crypto.unwrap(), attachment_manager: sc.attachment_manager.unwrap(), }) } #[instrument(skip_all)] async fn shutdown(self) { let mut sc = ServicesContext::new_full( self.config.clone(), self.update_callback.clone(), self.protected_store, self.table_store, self.block_store, self.crypto, self.attachment_manager, ); sc.shutdown().await; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref INITIALIZED: AsyncMutex<bool> = AsyncMutex::new(false); } #[instrument(err, skip_all)] pub async fn api_startup( update_callback: UpdateCallback, config_callback: ConfigCallback, ) -> Result<VeilidAPI, VeilidAPIError> { // See if we have an API started up already let mut initialized_lock = INITIALIZED.lock().await; if *initialized_lock { return Err(VeilidAPIError::AlreadyInitialized); } // Create core context let context = VeilidCoreContext::new_with_config_callback(update_callback, config_callback).await?; // Return an API object around our context let veilid_api = VeilidAPI::new(context); *initialized_lock = true; Ok(veilid_api) } #[instrument(err, skip(update_callback))] pub async fn api_startup_json( update_callback: UpdateCallback, config_json: String, ) -> Result<VeilidAPI, VeilidAPIError> { // See if we have an API started up already let mut initialized_lock = INITIALIZED.lock().await; if *initialized_lock { return Err(VeilidAPIError::AlreadyInitialized); } // Create core context let context = VeilidCoreContext::new_with_config_json(update_callback, config_json).await?; // Return an API object around our context let veilid_api = VeilidAPI::new(context); *initialized_lock = true; Ok(veilid_api) } #[instrument(skip_all)] pub(crate) async fn api_shutdown(context: VeilidCoreContext) { let mut initialized_lock = INITIALIZED.lock().await; context.shutdown().await; *initialized_lock = false; }