// wasm-bindgen and clippy don't play well together yet #![allow(clippy::all)] #![cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] #![no_std] extern crate alloc; use alloc::string::String; use alloc::sync::Arc; use alloc::*; use core::any::{Any, TypeId}; use core::cell::RefCell; use futures_util::FutureExt; use gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt; use js_sys::*; use lazy_static::*; use send_wrapper::*; use serde::*; use tracing::*; use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*; use tracing_subscriber::*; use tracing_wasm::{WASMLayerConfigBuilder, *}; use veilid_core::xx::*; use veilid_core::*; use wasm_bindgen_futures::*; // Allocator extern crate wee_alloc; #[global_allocator] static ALLOC: wee_alloc::WeeAlloc = wee_alloc::WeeAlloc::INIT; static SETUP_ONCE: Once = Once::new(); pub fn setup() -> () { SETUP_ONCE.call_once(|| {}); } // API Singleton lazy_static! { static ref VEILID_API: SendWrapper>> = SendWrapper::new(RefCell::new(None)); static ref FILTERS: SendWrapper>> = SendWrapper::new(RefCell::new(BTreeMap::new())); static ref ROUTING_CONTEXTS: SendWrapper>> = SendWrapper::new(RefCell::new(BTreeMap::new())); } fn get_veilid_api() -> Result { (*VEILID_API) .borrow() .clone() .ok_or(veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::NotInitialized) } fn take_veilid_api() -> Result { (**VEILID_API) .take() .ok_or(veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::NotInitialized) } // JSON Helpers for WASM pub fn to_json(val: T) -> JsValue { JsValue::from_str(&serialize_json(val)) } pub fn from_json(val: JsValue) -> Result { let s = val .as_string() .ok_or_else(|| veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::ParseError { message: "Value is not String".to_owned(), value: String::new(), })?; deserialize_json(&s) } // Utility types for async API results type APIResult = Result; const APIRESULT_UNDEFINED: APIResult<()> = APIResult::Ok(()); pub fn wrap_api_future(future: F) -> Promise where F: Future> + 'static, T: Serialize + 'static, { future_to_promise(future.map(|res| { res.map(|v| { if TypeId::of::<()>() == v.type_id() { JsValue::UNDEFINED } else { to_json(v) } }) .map_err(|e| to_json(e)) })) } ///////////////////////////////////////// // WASM-specific #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance { pub enabled: bool, pub level: veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel, pub logs_in_timings: bool, pub logs_in_console: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VeilidWASMConfigLoggingAPI { pub enabled: bool, pub level: veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VeilidWASMConfigLogging { pub performance: VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance, pub api: VeilidWASMConfigLoggingAPI, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VeilidWASMConfig { pub logging: VeilidWASMConfigLogging, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VeilidFFIKeyBlob { pub key: veilid_core::DHTKey, #[serde(with = "veilid_core::json_as_base64")] pub blob: Vec, } // WASM Bindings #[wasm_bindgen()] pub fn initialize_veilid_wasm() { console_error_panic_hook::set_once(); } #[wasm_bindgen()] pub fn initialize_veilid_core(platform_config: String) { let platform_config: VeilidWASMConfig = veilid_core::deserialize_json(&platform_config) .expect("failed to deserialize platform config json"); // Set up subscriber and layers let subscriber = Registry::default(); let mut layers = Vec::new(); let mut filters = (*FILTERS).borrow_mut(); // Performance logger if platform_config.logging.performance.enabled { let filter = veilid_core::VeilidLayerFilter::new(platform_config.logging.performance.level, None); let layer = WASMLayer::new( WASMLayerConfigBuilder::new() .set_report_logs_in_timings(platform_config.logging.performance.logs_in_timings) .set_console_config(if platform_config.logging.performance.logs_in_console { ConsoleConfig::ReportWithConsoleColor } else { ConsoleConfig::NoReporting }) .build(), ) .with_filter(filter.clone()); filters.insert("performance", filter); layers.push(layer.boxed()); }; // API logger if platform_config.logging.api.enabled { let filter = veilid_core::VeilidLayerFilter::new(platform_config.logging.api.level, None); let layer = veilid_core::ApiTracingLayer::get().with_filter(filter.clone()); filters.insert("api", filter); layers.push(layer.boxed()); } let subscriber = subscriber.with(layers); subscriber .try_init() .map_err(|e| format!("failed to initialize logging: {}", e)) .expect("failed to initalize WASM platform"); } #[wasm_bindgen()] pub fn change_log_level(layer: String, log_level: String) { let layer = if layer == "all" { "".to_owned() } else { layer }; let log_level: veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel = deserialize_json(&log_level).unwrap(); let filters = (*FILTERS).borrow(); if layer.is_empty() { // Change all layers for f in filters.values() { f.set_max_level(log_level); } } else { // Change a specific layer let f = filters.get(layer.as_str()).unwrap(); f.set_max_level(log_level); } } #[wasm_bindgen()] pub fn startup_veilid_core(update_callback_js: Function, json_config: String) -> Promise { let update_callback_js = SendWrapper::new(update_callback_js); wrap_api_future(async move { let update_callback = Arc::new(move |update: VeilidUpdate| { let _ret = match Function::call1(&update_callback_js, &JsValue::UNDEFINED, &to_json(update)) { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { error!("calling update callback failed: {:?}", e); return; } }; }); if VEILID_API.borrow().is_some() { return Err(veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::AlreadyInitialized); } let veilid_api = veilid_core::api_startup_json(update_callback, json_config).await?; VEILID_API.replace(Some(veilid_api)); APIRESULT_UNDEFINED }) } #[wasm_bindgen()] pub fn get_veilid_state() -> Promise { wrap_api_future(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api()?; let core_state = veilid_api.get_state().await?; Ok(core_state) }) } #[wasm_bindgen()] pub fn attach() -> Promise { wrap_api_future(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api()?; veilid_api.attach().await?; APIRESULT_UNDEFINED }) } #[wasm_bindgen()] pub fn detach() -> Promise { wrap_api_future(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api()?; veilid_api.detach().await?; APIRESULT_UNDEFINED }) } #[wasm_bindgen()] pub fn shutdown_veilid_core() -> Promise { wrap_api_future(async move { let veilid_api = take_veilid_api()?; veilid_api.shutdown().await; APIRESULT_UNDEFINED }) } #[wasm_bindgen()] pub fn debug(command: String) -> Promise { wrap_api_future(async move { let veilid_api = get_veilid_api()?; let out = veilid_api.debug(command).await?; Ok(out) }) } #[wasm_bindgen()] pub fn app_call_reply(id: String, message: String) -> Promise { wrap_api_future(async move { let id = match id.parse() { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { return APIResult::Err(veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::invalid_argument(e, "id", id)) } }; let message = data_encoding::BASE64URL_NOPAD .decode(message.as_bytes()) .map_err(|e| veilid_core::VeilidAPIError::invalid_argument(e, "message", message))?; let veilid_api = get_veilid_api()?; let out = veilid_api.app_call_reply(id, message).await?; Ok(out) }) } #[wasm_bindgen()] pub fn veilid_version_string() -> String { veilid_core::veilid_version_string() } #[derive(Serialize)] pub struct VeilidVersion { pub major: u32, pub minor: u32, pub patch: u32, } #[wasm_bindgen()] pub fn veilid_version() -> JsValue { let (major, minor, patch) = veilid_core::veilid_version(); let vv = VeilidVersion { major, minor, patch, }; ::from_serde(&vv).unwrap() }