import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:ffi'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart'; import 'veilid.dart'; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load the veilid_flutter library once const _base = 'veilid_flutter'; final _path = Platform.isWindows ? '$_base.dll' : Platform.isMacOS ? 'lib$_base.dylib' : 'lib$'; late final _dylib = Platform.isIOS ? DynamicLibrary.process() :; // Linkage for initialization typedef _DartPostCObject = NativeFunction)>; // fn free_string(s: *mut std::os::raw::c_char) typedef _FreeStringC = Void Function(Pointer); typedef _FreeStringDart = void Function(Pointer); // fn initialize_veilid_flutter(dart_post_c_object_ptr: ffi::DartPostCObjectFnType) typedef _InitializeVeilidFlutterC = Void Function(Pointer<_DartPostCObject>); typedef _InitializeVeilidFlutterDart = void Function(Pointer<_DartPostCObject>); // fn startup_veilid_core(port: i64, config: FfiStr) typedef _StartupVeilidCoreC = Void Function(Int64, Pointer); typedef _StartupVeilidCoreDart = void Function(int, Pointer); // fn get_veilid_state(port: i64) typedef _GetVeilidStateC = Void Function(Int64); typedef _GetVeilidStateDart = void Function(int); // fn change_api_log_level(port: i64, log_level: FfiStr) typedef _ChangeApiLogLevelC = Void Function(Int64, Pointer); typedef _ChangeApiLogLevelDart = void Function(int, Pointer); // fn debug(port: i64, log_level: FfiStr) typedef _DebugC = Void Function(Int64, Pointer); typedef _DebugDart = void Function(int, Pointer); // fn shutdown_veilid_core(port: i64) typedef _ShutdownVeilidCoreC = Void Function(Int64); typedef _ShutdownVeilidCoreDart = void Function(int); // fn veilid_version_string() -> *mut c_char typedef _VeilidVersionStringC = Pointer Function(); typedef _VeilidVersionStringDart = Pointer Function(); // fn veilid_version() -> VeilidVersion class VeilidVersionFFI extends Struct { @Uint32() external int major; @Uint32() external int minor; @Uint32() external int patch; } typedef _VeilidVersionC = VeilidVersionFFI Function(); typedef _VeilidVersionDart = VeilidVersionFFI Function(); // Async message types const int messageOk = 0; const int messageErr = 1; const int messageOkJson = 2; const int messageErrJson = 3; const int messageStreamItem = 4; const int messageStreamItemJson = 5; const int messageStreamAbort = 6; const int messageStreamAbortJson = 7; const int messageStreamClose = 8; // Interface factory for high level Veilid API Veilid getVeilid() => VeilidFFI(_dylib); // Parse handle async returns Future processFuturePlain(Future future) { return future.then((value) { final list = value as List; switch (list[0] as int) { case messageOk: { if (list[1] == null) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal("Null MESSAGE_OK value"); } return list[1] as T; } case messageErr: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal("Internal API Error: ${list[1]}"); } case messageErrJson: { throw VeilidAPIException.fromJson(jsonDecode(list[1])); } default: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal( "Unexpected async return message type: ${list[0]}"); } } }).catchError((e) { // Wrap all other errors in VeilidAPIExceptionInternal throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal(e.toString()); }, test: (e) { // Pass errors that are already VeilidAPIException through without wrapping return e is! VeilidAPIException; }); } Future processFutureJson( T Function(Map) jsonConstructor, Future future) { return future.then((value) { final list = value as List; switch (list[0] as int) { case messageErr: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal("Internal API Error: ${list[1]}"); } case messageOkJson: { if (list[1] == null) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal("Null MESSAGE_OK_JSON value"); } var ret = jsonDecode(list[1] as String); return jsonConstructor(ret); } case messageErrJson: { throw VeilidAPIException.fromJson(jsonDecode(list[1])); } default: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal( "Unexpected async return message type: ${list[0]}"); } } }).catchError((e) { // Wrap all other errors in VeilidAPIExceptionInternal throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal(e.toString()); }, test: (e) { // Pass errors that are already VeilidAPIException through without wrapping return e is! VeilidAPIException; }); } Future processFutureVoid(Future future) { return future.then((value) { final list = value as List; switch (list[0] as int) { case messageOk: { if (list[1] != null) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal( "Unexpected MESSAGE_OK value '${list[1]}' where null expected"); } return; } case messageErr: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal("Internal API Error: ${list[1]}"); } case messageOkJson: { var ret = jsonDecode(list[1] as String); if (ret != null) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal( "Unexpected MESSAGE_OK_JSON value '$ret' where null expected"); } return; } case messageErrJson: { throw VeilidAPIException.fromJson(jsonDecode(list[1] as String)); } default: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal( "Unexpected async return message type: ${list[0]}"); } } }).catchError((e) { // Wrap all other errors in VeilidAPIExceptionInternal throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal(e.toString()); }, test: (e) { // Pass errors that are already VeilidAPIException through without wrapping return e is! VeilidAPIException; }); } Stream processStreamJson( T Function(Map) jsonConstructor, Stream stream) { return { final list = value as List; switch (list[0] as int) { case messageErr: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal("Internal API Error: ${list[1]}"); } case messageOkJson: { if (list[1] == null) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal("Null MESSAGE_OK_JSON value"); } var ret = jsonDecode(list[1] as String); return jsonConstructor(ret); } case messageErrJson: { throw VeilidAPIException.fromJson(jsonDecode(list[1])); } default: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal( "Unexpected async return message type: ${list[0]}"); } } }).handleError((e) { // Wrap all other errors in VeilidAPIExceptionInternal throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal(e.toString()); }, test: (e) { // Pass errors that are already VeilidAPIException through without wrapping return e is! VeilidAPIException; }); } // FFI implementation of high level Veilid API class VeilidFFI implements Veilid { // veilid_core shared library final DynamicLibrary _dylib; // Shared library functions final _FreeStringDart _freeString; final _StartupVeilidCoreDart _startupVeilidCore; final _GetVeilidStateDart _getVeilidState; final _ChangeApiLogLevelDart _changeApiLogLevel; final _ShutdownVeilidCoreDart _shutdownVeilidCore; final _DebugDart _debug; final _VeilidVersionStringDart _veilidVersionString; final _VeilidVersionDart _veilidVersion; VeilidFFI(DynamicLibrary dylib) : _dylib = dylib, _freeString = dylib.lookupFunction<_FreeStringC, _FreeStringDart>('free_string'), _startupVeilidCore = dylib.lookupFunction<_StartupVeilidCoreC, _StartupVeilidCoreDart>( 'startup_veilid_core'), _getVeilidState = dylib.lookupFunction<_GetVeilidStateC, _GetVeilidStateDart>( 'get_veilid_state'), _changeApiLogLevel = dylib.lookupFunction<_ChangeApiLogLevelC, _ChangeApiLogLevelDart>( 'change_api_log_level'), _shutdownVeilidCore = dylib.lookupFunction<_ShutdownVeilidCoreC, _ShutdownVeilidCoreDart>( 'shutdown_veilid_core'), _debug = dylib.lookupFunction<_DebugC, _DebugDart>('debug'), _veilidVersionString = dylib.lookupFunction<_VeilidVersionStringC, _VeilidVersionStringDart>('veilid_version_string'), _veilidVersion = dylib.lookupFunction<_VeilidVersionC, _VeilidVersionDart>( 'veilid_version') { // Get veilid_flutter initializer var initializeVeilidFlutter = _dylib.lookupFunction< _InitializeVeilidFlutterC, _InitializeVeilidFlutterDart>('initialize_veilid_flutter'); initializeVeilidFlutter(NativeApi.postCObject); } @override Stream startupVeilidCore(VeilidConfig config) { var nativeConfig = jsonEncode(config.json, toEncodable: veilidApiToEncodable) .toNativeUtf8(); final recvPort = ReceivePort("startup_veilid_core"); final sendPort = recvPort.sendPort; _startupVeilidCore(sendPort.nativePort, nativeConfig);; return processStreamJson(VeilidUpdate.fromJson, recvPort); } @override Future getVeilidState() async { final recvPort = ReceivePort("get_veilid_state"); final sendPort = recvPort.sendPort; _getVeilidState(sendPort.nativePort); return processFutureJson(VeilidState.fromJson, recvPort.single); } @override Future changeApiLogLevel(VeilidConfigLogLevel logLevel) async { var nativeLogLevel = logLevel.json.toNativeUtf8(); final recvPort = ReceivePort("change_api_log_level"); final sendPort = recvPort.sendPort; _changeApiLogLevel(sendPort.nativePort, nativeLogLevel);; return processFutureVoid(recvPort.single); } @override Future shutdownVeilidCore() async { final recvPort = ReceivePort("shutdown_veilid_core"); final sendPort = recvPort.sendPort; _shutdownVeilidCore(sendPort.nativePort); return processFutureVoid(recvPort.single); } @override Future debug(String command) async { var nativeCommand = command.toNativeUtf8(); final recvPort = ReceivePort("debug"); final sendPort = recvPort.sendPort; _debug(sendPort.nativePort, nativeCommand); return processFuturePlain(recvPort.single); } @override String veilidVersionString() { final versionString = _veilidVersionString(); String ret = versionString.toDartString(); _freeString(versionString); return ret; } @override VeilidVersion veilidVersion() { final version = _veilidVersion(); return VeilidVersion( version.major, version.minor, version.patch, ); } }