import { expect } from '@wdio/globals'; import { veilidCoreInitConfig, veilidCoreStartupConfig, } from './utils/veilid-config'; import { veilidClient, veilidCrypto } from 'veilid-wasm'; describe('veilidCrypto', () => { before('veilid startup', async () => { veilidClient.initializeCore(veilidCoreInitConfig); await veilidClient.startupCore((_update) => { // if (_update.kind === 'Log') { // console.log(_update.message); // } }, JSON.stringify(veilidCoreStartupConfig)); }); after('veilid shutdown', async () => { await veilidClient.shutdownCore(); }); it('should list crypto kinds', () => { const kinds = veilidCrypto.validCryptoKinds(); const bestKind = veilidCrypto.bestCryptoKind(); expect(typeof bestKind).toBe('string'); expect(kinds.includes(bestKind)).toBe(true); }); it('should generate key pair', async () => { const bestKind = veilidCrypto.bestCryptoKind(); const keypair = veilidCrypto.generateKeyPair(bestKind); expect(typeof keypair).toBe('string'); // TODO: fix TypeScript return type of generateKeyPair to return string instead of KeyPair }); });