use super::*; use futures_util::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt}; use stop_token::future::FutureExt as StopFutureExt; pub const BOOTSTRAP_TXT_VERSION_0: u8 = 0; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct BootstrapRecord { node_ids: TypedKeySet, envelope_support: Vec<u8>, dial_info_details: Vec<DialInfoDetail>, } impl BootstrapRecord { pub fn merge(&mut self, other: BootstrapRecord) { self.node_ids.add_all(&other.node_ids); for x in other.envelope_support { if !self.envelope_support.contains(&x) { self.envelope_support.push(x); self.envelope_support.sort(); } } for did in other.dial_info_details { if !self.dial_info_details.contains(&did) { self.dial_info_details.push(did); } } } } impl RoutingTable { /// Process bootstrap version 0 async fn process_bootstrap_records_v0( &self, records: Vec<String>, ) -> EyreResult<Option<BootstrapRecord>> { // Bootstrap TXT Record Format Version 0: // txt_version|envelope_support|node_ids|hostname|dialinfoshort* // // Split bootstrap node record by '|' and then lists by ','. Example: // 0|0|VLD0:7lxDEabK_qgjbe38RtBa3IZLrud84P6NhGP-pRTZzdQ||T5150,U5150,W5150/ws if records.len() != 5 { bail!("invalid number of fields in bootstrap v0 txt record"); } // Envelope support let mut envelope_support = Vec::new(); for ess in records[1].split(",") { let ess = ess.trim(); let es = match ess.parse::<u8>() { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { bail!( "invalid envelope version specified in bootstrap node txt record: {}", e ); } }; envelope_support.push(es); } envelope_support.dedup(); envelope_support.sort(); // Node Id let mut node_ids = TypedKeySet::new(); for node_id_str in records[2].split(",") { let node_id_str = node_id_str.trim(); let node_id = match TypedKey::from_str(&node_id_str) { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { bail!( "Invalid node id in bootstrap node record {}: {}", node_id_str, e ); } }; node_ids.add(node_id); } // If this is our own node id, then we skip it for bootstrap, in case we are a bootstrap node if self.unlocked_inner.matches_own_node_id(&node_ids) { return Ok(None); } // Hostname let hostname_str = records[3].trim(); // Resolve each record and store in node dial infos list let mut dial_info_details = Vec::new(); for rec in records[4].split(",") { let rec = rec.trim(); let dial_infos = match DialInfo::try_vec_from_short(rec, hostname_str) { Ok(dis) => dis, Err(e) => { warn!("Couldn't resolve bootstrap node dial info {}: {}", rec, e); continue; } }; for di in dial_infos { dial_info_details.push(DialInfoDetail { dial_info: di, class: DialInfoClass::Direct, }); } } Ok(Some(BootstrapRecord { node_ids, envelope_support, dial_info_details, })) } // Bootstrap lookup process #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret, err)] pub(crate) async fn resolve_bootstrap( &self, bootstrap: Vec<String>, ) -> EyreResult<Vec<BootstrapRecord>> { // Resolve from bootstrap root to bootstrap hostnames let mut bsnames = Vec::<String>::new(); for bh in bootstrap { // Get TXT record for bootstrap (, or similar) let records = intf::txt_lookup(&bh).await?; for record in records { // Split the bootstrap name record by commas for rec in record.split(',') { let rec = rec.trim(); // If the name specified is fully qualified, go with it let bsname = if rec.ends_with('.') { rec.to_string() } // If the name is not fully qualified, prepend it to the bootstrap name else { format!("{}.{}", rec, bh) }; // Add to the list of bootstrap name to look up bsnames.push(bsname); } } } // Get bootstrap nodes from hostnames concurrently let mut unord = FuturesUnordered::new(); for bsname in bsnames { unord.push( async move { // look up boostrap node txt records let bsnirecords = match intf::txt_lookup(&bsname).await { Err(e) => { warn!("bootstrap node txt lookup failed for {}: {}", bsname, e); return None; } Ok(v) => v, }; // for each record resolve into key/bootstraprecord pairs let mut bootstrap_records: Vec<BootstrapRecord> = Vec::new(); for bsnirecord in bsnirecords { // All formats split on '|' character let records: Vec<String> = bsnirecord .trim() .split('|') .map(|x| x.trim().to_owned()) .collect(); // Bootstrap TXT record version let txt_version: u8 = match records[0].parse::<u8>() { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { warn!( "invalid txt_version specified in bootstrap node txt record: {}", e ); continue; } }; let bootstrap_record = match txt_version { BOOTSTRAP_TXT_VERSION_0 => { match self.process_bootstrap_records_v0(records).await { Err(e) => { warn!( "couldn't process v0 bootstrap records from {}: {}", bsname, e ); continue; } Ok(Some(v)) => v, Ok(None) => { // skipping continue; } } } _ => { warn!("unsupported bootstrap txt record version"); continue; } }; bootstrap_records.push(bootstrap_record); } Some(bootstrap_records) } .instrument(Span::current()), ); } let mut merged_bootstrap_records: Vec<BootstrapRecord> = Vec::new(); while let Some(bootstrap_records) = { let Some(bootstrap_records) = bootstrap_records else { continue; }; for mut bsrec in bootstrap_records { let mut mbi = 0; while mbi < merged_bootstrap_records.len() { let mbr = &mut merged_bootstrap_records[mbi]; if mbr.node_ids.contains_any(&bsrec.node_ids) { // Merge record, pop this one out let mbr = merged_bootstrap_records.remove(mbi); bsrec.merge(mbr); } else { // No overlap, go to next record mbi += 1; } } // Append merged record merged_bootstrap_records.push(bsrec); } } // ensure dial infos are sorted for mbr in &mut merged_bootstrap_records { mbr.dial_info_details.sort(); } Ok(merged_bootstrap_records) } // 'direct' bootstrap task routine for systems incapable of resolving TXT records, such as browser WASM #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), err)] pub(crate) async fn direct_bootstrap_task_routine( self, stop_token: StopToken, bootstrap_dialinfos: Vec<DialInfo>, ) -> EyreResult<()> { let mut unord = FuturesUnordered::new(); let network_manager = self.network_manager(); for bootstrap_di in bootstrap_dialinfos { log_rtab!(debug "direct bootstrap with: {}", bootstrap_di); let peer_info = network_manager.boot_request(bootstrap_di).await?; log_rtab!(debug " direct bootstrap peerinfo: {:?}", peer_info); // Got peer info, let's add it to the routing table for pi in peer_info { // Register the node let nr = match self.register_node_with_peer_info( RoutingDomain::PublicInternet, pi, false, ) { Ok(nr) => nr, Err(e) => { log_rtab!(error "failed to register direct bootstrap peer info: {}", e); continue; } }; // Add this our futures to process in parallel for crypto_kind in VALID_CRYPTO_KINDS { let routing_table = self.clone(); let nr = nr.clone(); unord.push( // lets ask bootstrap to find ourselves now async move { routing_table.reverse_find_node(crypto_kind, nr, true).await } .instrument(Span::current()), ); } } } // Wait for all bootstrap operations to complete before we complete the singlefuture while let Ok(Some(_)) = {} Ok(()) } #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), err)] pub(crate) async fn bootstrap_task_routine(self, stop_token: StopToken) -> EyreResult<()> { let bootstrap = self .unlocked_inner .with_config(|c|; // Don't bother if bootstraps aren't configured if bootstrap.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } log_rtab!(debug "--- bootstrap_task"); // Get counts by crypto kind let entry_count =; // See if we are specifying a direct dialinfo for bootstrap, if so use the direct mechanism let mut bootstrap_dialinfos = Vec::<DialInfo>::new(); for b in &bootstrap { if let Ok(bootstrap_di_vec) = DialInfo::try_vec_from_url(&b) { for bootstrap_di in bootstrap_di_vec { bootstrap_dialinfos.push(bootstrap_di); } } } if bootstrap_dialinfos.len() > 0 { return self .direct_bootstrap_task_routine(stop_token, bootstrap_dialinfos) .await; } // If not direct, resolve bootstrap servers and recurse their TXT entries let bsrecs = self.resolve_bootstrap(bootstrap).await?; // Run all bootstrap operations concurrently let mut unord = FuturesUnordered::new(); for bsrec in bsrecs { log_rtab!( "--- bootstrapping {} with {:?}", &bsrec.node_ids, &bsrec.dial_info_details ); // Get crypto support from list of node ids let crypto_support = bsrec.node_ids.kinds(); // Make unsigned SignedNodeInfo let sni = SignedNodeInfo::Direct(SignedDirectNodeInfo::with_no_signature(NodeInfo::new( NetworkClass::InboundCapable, // Bootstraps are always inbound capable ProtocolTypeSet::only(ProtocolType::UDP), // Bootstraps do not participate in relaying and will not make outbound requests, but will have UDP enabled AddressTypeSet::all(), // Bootstraps are always IPV4 and IPV6 capable bsrec.envelope_support, // Envelope support is as specified in the bootstrap list crypto_support, // Crypto support is derived from list of node ids bsrec.dial_info_details, // Dial info is as specified in the bootstrap list ))); let pi = PeerInfo::new(bsrec.node_ids, sni); let nr = match self.register_node_with_peer_info(RoutingDomain::PublicInternet, pi, true) { Ok(nr) => nr, Err(e) => { log_rtab!(error "failed to register bootstrap peer info: {}", e); continue; } }; // Add this our futures to process in parallel for crypto_kind in VALID_CRYPTO_KINDS { // Do we need to bootstrap this crypto kind? let eckey = (RoutingDomain::PublicInternet, crypto_kind); let cnt = entry_count.get(&eckey).copied().unwrap_or_default(); if cnt != 0 { continue; } // Bootstrap this crypto kind let nr = nr.clone(); let routing_table = self.clone(); unord.push( async move { // Need VALID signed peer info, so ask bootstrap to find_node of itself // which will ensure it has the bootstrap's signed peer info as part of the response let _ = routing_table.find_target(crypto_kind, nr.clone()).await; // Ensure we got the signed peer info if !nr.signed_node_info_has_valid_signature(RoutingDomain::PublicInternet) { log_rtab!(warn "bootstrap at {:?} did not return valid signed node info", nr ); // If this node info is invalid, it will time out after being unpingable } else { // otherwise this bootstrap is valid, lets ask it to find ourselves now routing_table.reverse_find_node(crypto_kind, nr, true).await } } .instrument(Span::current()), ); } } // Wait for all bootstrap operations to complete before we complete the singlefuture while let Ok(Some(_)) = {} Ok(()) } }