#[cfg(unix)] use crate::client_api; use crate::client_log_channel::*; use crate::settings; use async_std::channel::{bounded, Receiver, Sender}; use clap::{App, Arg}; use futures::*; use lazy_static::*; use log::*; use parking_lot::Mutex; use simplelog::*; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::path::Path; use std::rc::Rc; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::Arc; use veilid_core::xx::SingleShotEventual; fn parse_command_line(default_config_path: &OsStr) -> Result { let matches = App::new("veilid-server") .version("0.1") .about("Veilid Server") .arg( Arg::with_name("daemon") .long("daemon") .short("d") .help("Run in daemon mode in the background"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("subnode_index") .long("subnode_index") .takes_value(true) .help("Run as an extra daemon on the same machine for testing purposes, specify a number greater than zero to offset the listening ports"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("debug") .long("debug") .help("Turn on debug logging"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("trace") .long("trace") .conflicts_with("debug") .help("Turn on trace logging"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("generate-id") .long("generate-id") .help("Only generate a new node id and print it"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("config-file") .short("c") .long("config-file") .takes_value(true) .value_name("FILE") .default_value_os(default_config_path) .help("Specify a configuration file to use"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("bootstrap") .long("bootstrap") .takes_value(true) .value_name("BOOTSTRAP_LIST") .help("Specify a list of bootstrap servers to use"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("attach") .long("attach") .takes_value(true) .value_name("BOOL") .possible_values(&["false", "true"]) .help("Automatically attach the server to the Veilid network"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("wait-for-debug") .long("wait-for-debug") .help("Wait for debugger to attach"), ) .get_matches(); Ok(matches) } lazy_static! { static ref SHUTDOWN_SWITCH: Mutex>> = Mutex::new(Some(SingleShotEventual::new(()))); } pub fn shutdown() { let shutdown_switch = SHUTDOWN_SWITCH.lock().take(); if let Some(shutdown_switch) = shutdown_switch { shutdown_switch.resolve(()); } } pub async fn main() -> Result<(), String> { // Wait until signal ctrlc::set_handler(move || { shutdown(); }) .expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler"); // Get command line options let default_config_path = settings::Settings::get_default_config_path(); let matches = parse_command_line(default_config_path.as_os_str()) .map_err(|e| format!("failed to parse command line: {}", e))?; // Check for one-off commands if matches.occurrences_of("wait-for-debug") != 0 { use bugsalot::debugger; debugger::wait_until_attached(None).expect("state() not implemented on this platform"); } if matches.occurrences_of("generate-id") != 0 { let (key, secret) = veilid_core::generate_secret(); println!("Public: {}\nSecret: {}", key.encode(), secret.encode()); return Ok(()); } // Attempt to load configuration let settings = settings::Settings::new( matches.occurrences_of("config-file") == 0, matches.value_of_os("config-file").unwrap(), ) .map_err(|e| format!("configuration is invalid: {}", e))?; // write lock the settings let mut settingsrw = settings.write(); // Set config from command line if matches.occurrences_of("daemon") != 0 { settingsrw.daemon = true; settingsrw.logging.terminal.enabled = false; } if matches.occurrences_of("subnode_index") != 0 { let subnode_index = match matches.value_of("subnode_index") { Some(x) => x .parse() .map_err(|e| format!("couldn't parse subnode index: {}", e))?, None => { return Err("value not specified for subnode_index".to_owned()); } }; if subnode_index == 0 { return Err("value of subnode_index should be between 1 and 65535".to_owned()); } settingsrw.testing.subnode_index = subnode_index; } if matches.occurrences_of("debug") != 0 { settingsrw.logging.terminal.level = settings::LogLevel::Debug; settingsrw.logging.file.level = settings::LogLevel::Debug; } if matches.occurrences_of("trace") != 0 { settingsrw.logging.terminal.level = settings::LogLevel::Trace; settingsrw.logging.file.level = settings::LogLevel::Trace; } if matches.is_present("attach") { settingsrw.auto_attach = !matches!(matches.value_of("attach"), Some("false")); } if matches.occurrences_of("bootstrap") != 0 { let bootstrap = match matches.value_of("bootstrap") { Some(x) => { println!("Overriding bootstrap with: "); let mut out: Vec = Vec::new(); for x in x.split(',') { println!(" {}", x); out.push(settings::ParsedUrl::from_str(x).map_err(|e| { format!("unable to parse url in bootstrap list: {} for {}", e, x) })?); } out } None => { return Err("value not specified for bootstrap".to_owned()); } }; settingsrw.core.network.bootstrap = bootstrap; } // Apply subnode index if we're testing drop(settingsrw); settings .apply_subnode_index() .map_err(|_| "failed to apply subnode index".to_owned())?; let settingsr = settings.read(); // Set up loggers let mut logs: Vec> = Vec::new(); let mut client_log_channel: Option = None; let mut cb = ConfigBuilder::new(); cb.add_filter_ignore_str("async_std"); cb.add_filter_ignore_str("async_io"); cb.add_filter_ignore_str("polling"); cb.add_filter_ignore_str("rustls"); cb.add_filter_ignore_str("async_tungstenite"); cb.add_filter_ignore_str("tungstenite"); if settingsr.logging.terminal.enabled { logs.push(TermLogger::new( settings::convert_loglevel(settingsr.logging.terminal.level), cb.build(), TerminalMode::Mixed, ColorChoice::Auto, )) } if settingsr.logging.file.enabled { let log_path = Path::new(&settingsr.logging.file.path); let logfile; if settingsr.logging.file.append { logfile = OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .append(true) .open(log_path) .map_err(|e| format!("failed to open log file: {}", e))? } else { logfile = OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .truncate(true) .write(true) .open(log_path) .map_err(|e| format!("failed to open log file: {}", e))? } logs.push(WriteLogger::new( settings::convert_loglevel(settingsr.logging.file.level), cb.build(), logfile, )) } if settingsr.logging.client.enabled { let clog = ClientLogChannel::new(); client_log_channel = Some(clog.clone()); logs.push(WriteLogger::new( settings::convert_loglevel(settingsr.logging.file.level), cb.build(), clog, )) } CombinedLogger::init(logs).map_err(|e| format!("failed to init logs: {}", e))?; // Create Veilid Core let veilid_core = veilid_core::VeilidCore::new(); // Create client api state change pipe let (sender, receiver): ( Sender, Receiver, ) = bounded(1); // Create VeilidCore setup let vcs = veilid_core::VeilidCoreSetup { state_change_callback: Arc::new( move |change: veilid_core::VeilidStateChange| -> veilid_core::SystemPinBoxFuture<()> { let sender = sender.clone(); Box::pin(async move { if sender.send(change).await.is_err() { error!("error sending state change callback"); } }) }, ), config_callback: settings.get_core_config_callback(), }; // Start Veilid Core and get API let veilid_api = veilid_core .startup(vcs) .await .map_err(|e| format!("VeilidCore startup failed: {}", e))?; // Start client api if one is requested let capi = Rc::new(RefCell::new(if settingsr.client_api.enabled { let some_capi = client_api::ClientApi::new(veilid_api.clone()); some_capi .clone() .run(settingsr.client_api.listen_address.addrs.clone()); Some(some_capi) } else { None })); // Drop rwlock on settings let auto_attach = settingsr.auto_attach; drop(settingsr); // Handle state changes on main thread for capnproto rpc let capi2 = capi.clone(); let capi_jh = async_std::task::spawn_local(async move { trace!("state change processing started"); while let Ok(change) = receiver.recv().await { if let Some(c) = capi2.borrow().as_ref().cloned() { c.handle_state_change(change); } } trace!("state change processing stopped"); }); // Handle log messages on main thread for capnproto rpc let capi2 = capi.clone(); let capi_jh2 = if let Some(client_log_channel) = client_log_channel { Some(async_std::task::spawn_local(async move { trace!("client logging started"); while let Ok(message) = client_log_channel.recv().await { if let Some(c) = capi2.borrow().as_ref().cloned() { c.handle_client_log(message); } } trace!("client logging stopped") })) } else { None }; // Auto-attach if desired if auto_attach { info!("Auto-attach to the Veilid network"); if let Err(e) = veilid_api.attach().await { error!("Auto-attaching to the Veilid network failed: {:?}", e); shutdown(); } } // Idle while waiting to exit let shutdown_switch = { let shutdown_switch_locked = SHUTDOWN_SWITCH.lock(); (*shutdown_switch_locked).as_ref().map(|ss| ss.instance()) }; if let Some(shutdown_switch) = shutdown_switch { shutdown_switch.await; } // Stop the client api if we have one if let Some(c) = capi.borrow_mut().as_mut().cloned() { c.stop().await; } // Shut down Veilid API veilid_api.shutdown().await; // Wait for client api handlers to exit capi_jh.await; if let Some(capi_jh2) = capi_jh2 { capi_jh2.await; } Ok(()) }