1000 lines
36 KiB
1000 lines
36 KiB
mod coders;
mod debug;
mod private_route;
mod rpc_cancel_tunnel;
mod rpc_complete_tunnel;
mod rpc_find_block;
mod rpc_find_node;
mod rpc_get_value;
mod rpc_node_info_update;
mod rpc_return_receipt;
mod rpc_route;
mod rpc_set_value;
mod rpc_signal;
mod rpc_start_tunnel;
mod rpc_status;
mod rpc_supply_block;
mod rpc_validate_dial_info;
mod rpc_value_changed;
mod rpc_watch_value;
pub use debug::*;
pub use private_route::*;
use super::*;
use crate::dht::*;
use crate::xx::*;
use capnp::message::ReaderSegments;
use coders::*;
use futures_util::StreamExt;
use network_manager::*;
use receipt_manager::*;
use routing_table::*;
use stop_token::future::FutureExt;
type OperationId = u64;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Destination {
Direct(NodeRef), // Send to node (target noderef)
Relay(NodeRef, DHTKey), // Send to node for relay purposes (relay noderef, target nodeid)
PrivateRoute(PrivateRoute), // Send to private route (privateroute)
impl fmt::Display for Destination {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Destination::Direct(nr) => {
write!(f, "{:?}", nr)
Destination::Relay(nr, key) => {
write!(f, "{:?}@{:?}", key.encode(), nr)
Destination::PrivateRoute(pr) => {
write!(f, "{}", pr)
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct RPCMessageHeader {
timestamp: u64, // time the message was received, not sent
envelope: Envelope,
body_len: u64,
peer_noderef: NodeRef, // ensures node doesn't get evicted from routing table until we're done with it
struct RPCMessageData {
contents: Vec<u8>, // rpc messages must be a canonicalized single segment
impl ReaderSegments for RPCMessageData {
fn get_segment(&self, idx: u32) -> Option<&[u8]> {
if idx > 0 {
} else {
struct RPCMessageEncoded {
header: RPCMessageHeader,
data: RPCMessageData,
struct RPCMessage {
header: RPCMessageHeader,
operation: RPCOperation,
opt_sender_nr: Option<NodeRef>,
fn builder_to_vec<'a, T>(builder: capnp::message::Builder<T>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, RPCError>
T: capnp::message::Allocator + 'a,
let wordvec = builder
fn reader_to_vec<'a, T>(reader: &capnp::message::Reader<T>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, RPCError>
T: capnp::message::ReaderSegments + 'a,
let wordvec = reader
struct WaitableReply {
op_id: OperationId,
eventual: EventualValue<RPCMessage>,
timeout: u64,
node_ref: NodeRef,
send_ts: u64,
send_data_kind: SendDataKind,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Answer<T> {
pub latency: u64, // how long it took to get this answer
pub answer: T, // the answer itself
impl<T> Answer<T> {
pub fn new(latency: u64, answer: T) -> Self {
Self { latency, answer }
struct RenderedOperation {
out: Vec<u8>, // The rendered operation bytes
out_node_id: DHTKey, // Node id we're sending to
out_noderef: Option<NodeRef>, // Node to send envelope to (may not be destination node id in case of relay)
hopcount: usize, // Total safety + private route hop count
pub struct RPCProcessorInner {
network_manager: NetworkManager,
routing_table: RoutingTable,
node_id: DHTKey,
node_id_secret: DHTKeySecret,
send_channel: Option<flume::Sender<RPCMessageEncoded>>,
timeout: u64,
max_route_hop_count: usize,
waiting_rpc_table: BTreeMap<OperationId, EventualValue<RPCMessage>>,
stop_source: Option<StopSource>,
worker_join_handles: Vec<MustJoinHandle<()>>,
pub struct RPCProcessor {
crypto: Crypto,
config: VeilidConfig,
enable_local_peer_scope: bool,
inner: Arc<Mutex<RPCProcessorInner>>,
impl RPCProcessor {
fn new_inner(network_manager: NetworkManager) -> RPCProcessorInner {
RPCProcessorInner {
network_manager: network_manager.clone(),
routing_table: network_manager.routing_table(),
node_id: DHTKey::default(),
node_id_secret: DHTKeySecret::default(),
send_channel: None,
timeout: 10000000,
max_route_hop_count: 7,
waiting_rpc_table: BTreeMap::new(),
stop_source: None,
worker_join_handles: Vec::new(),
pub fn new(network_manager: NetworkManager) -> Self {
Self {
crypto: network_manager.crypto(),
config: network_manager.config(),
enable_local_peer_scope: network_manager
inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Self::new_inner(network_manager))),
pub fn network_manager(&self) -> NetworkManager {
pub fn routing_table(&self) -> RoutingTable {
pub fn node_id(&self) -> DHTKey {
pub fn node_id_secret(&self) -> DHTKeySecret {
fn filter_peer_scope(&self, node_info: &NodeInfo) -> bool {
// if local peer scope is enabled, then don't reject any peer info
if self.enable_local_peer_scope {
return true;
// reject attempts to include non-public addresses in results
for did in &node_info.dial_info_detail_list {
if !did.dial_info.is_global() {
// non-public address causes rejection
return false;
if let Some(rpi) = &node_info.relay_peer_info {
for did in &rpi.signed_node_info.node_info.dial_info_detail_list {
if !did.dial_info.is_global() {
// non-public address causes rejection
return false;
// Search the DHT for a single node closest to a key and add it to the routing table and return the node reference
pub async fn search_dht_single_key(
node_id: DHTKey,
_count: u32,
_fanout: u32,
_timeout: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<NodeRef, RPCError> {
let routing_table = self.routing_table();
// xxx find node but stop if we find the exact node we want
// xxx return whatever node is closest after the timeout
// Search the DHT for the 'count' closest nodes to a key, adding them all to the routing table if they are not there and returning their node references
pub async fn search_dht_multi_key(
_node_id: DHTKey,
_count: u32,
_fanout: u32,
_timeout: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<Vec<NodeRef>, RPCError> {
// xxx return closest nodes after the timeout
// Search the DHT for a specific node corresponding to a key unless we have that node in our routing table already, and return the node reference
// Note: This routine can possible be recursive, hence the SystemPinBoxFuture async form
pub fn resolve_node(&self, node_id: DHTKey) -> SystemPinBoxFuture<Result<NodeRef, RPCError>> {
let this = self.clone();
Box::pin(async move {
let routing_table = this.routing_table();
// First see if we have the node in our routing table already
if let Some(nr) = routing_table.lookup_node_ref(node_id) {
// ensure we have some dial info for the entry already,
// if not, we should do the find_node anyway
if nr.has_any_dial_info() {
return Ok(nr);
// If nobody knows where this node is, ask the DHT for it
let (count, fanout, timeout) = {
let c = this.config.get();
let nr = this
.search_dht_single_key(node_id, count, fanout, timeout)
if nr.node_id() != node_id {
// found a close node, but not exact within our configured resolve_node timeout
return Err(RPCError::Timeout).map_err(logthru_rpc!());
// set up wait for reply
fn add_op_id_waiter(&self, op_id: OperationId) -> EventualValue<RPCMessage> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
let e = EventualValue::new();
inner.waiting_rpc_table.insert(op_id, e.clone());
// remove wait for reply
fn cancel_op_id_waiter(&self, op_id: OperationId) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
// complete the reply
async fn complete_op_id_waiter(&self, msg: RPCMessage) -> Result<(), RPCError> {
let op_id = msg.operation.op_id();
let eventual = {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
.ok_or_else(|| rpc_error_internal("Unmatched operation id"))?
// wait for reply
async fn do_wait_for_reply(
waitable_reply: &WaitableReply,
) -> Result<(RPCMessage, u64), RPCError> {
let timeout_ms = u32::try_from(waitable_reply.timeout / 1000u64)
.map_err(map_error_internal!("invalid timeout"))?;
// wait for eventualvalue
let start_ts = intf::get_timestamp();
let res = intf::timeout(timeout_ms, waitable_reply.eventual.instance())
.map_err(|_| RPCError::Timeout)?;
let rpcreader = res.take_value().unwrap();
let end_ts = intf::get_timestamp();
Ok((rpcreader, end_ts - start_ts))
async fn wait_for_reply(
waitable_reply: WaitableReply,
) -> Result<(RPCMessage, u64), RPCError> {
let out = self.do_wait_for_reply(&waitable_reply).await;
match &out {
Err(_) => {
Ok((rpcreader, _)) => {
// Note that we definitely received this node info since we got a reply
// Reply received
let recv_ts = intf::get_timestamp();
// Gets a 'RespondTo::Sender' that contains either our dial info,
// or None if the peer has seen our dial info before or our node info is not yet valid
// because of an unknown network class
pub fn make_respond_to_sender(&self, peer: NodeRef) -> RespondTo {
if peer.has_seen_our_node_info()
|| matches!(
} else {
let our_sni = self.routing_table().get_own_signed_node_info();
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, operation, safety_route_spec), err)]
fn render_operation(
dest: &Destination,
operation: &RPCOperation,
safety_route_spec: Option<&SafetyRouteSpec>,
) -> Result<RenderedOperation, RPCError> {
// Encode message to a builder and make a message reader for it
let mut msg_builder = ::capnp::message::Builder::new_default();
let mut op_builder = msg_builder.init_root::<veilid_capnp::operation::Builder>();
operation.encode(&mut op_builder)?;
// Create envelope data
let out_node_id; // Envelope Node Id
let mut out_noderef: Option<NodeRef> = None; // Node to send envelope to
let hopcount: usize; // Total safety + private route hop count
let out = {
let out; // Envelope data
// To where are we sending the request
match &dest {
Destination::Direct(node_ref) | Destination::Relay(node_ref, _) => {
// Send to a node without a private route
// --------------------------------------
// Get the actual destination node id accounting for relays
let (node_ref, node_id) = if let Destination::Relay(_, dht_key) = dest {
(node_ref.clone(), dht_key.clone())
} else {
let node_id = node_ref.node_id();
(node_ref.clone(), node_id)
// Handle the existence of safety route
match safety_route_spec {
None => {
// If no safety route is being used, and we're not sending to a private
// route, we can use a direct envelope instead of routing
out = builder_to_vec(msg_builder)?;
// Message goes directly to the node
out_node_id = node_id;
out_noderef = Some(node_ref);
hopcount = 1;
Some(sr) => {
// No private route was specified for the request
// but we are using a safety route, so we must create an empty private route
let mut pr_builder = ::capnp::message::Builder::new_default();
let private_route =
self.new_stub_private_route(node_id, &mut pr_builder)?;
let message_vec = builder_to_vec(msg_builder)?;
// first
out_node_id = sr
.ok_or_else(|| rpc_error_internal("no hop in safety route"))?
out = self.wrap_with_route(Some(sr), private_route, message_vec)?;
hopcount = 1 + sr.hops.len();
Destination::PrivateRoute(private_route) => {
// Send to private route
// ---------------------
// Encode the private route
let mut pr_msg_builder = ::capnp::message::Builder::new_default();
let mut pr_builder =
encode_private_route(private_route, &mut pr_builder)?;
let pr_reader = pr_builder.into_reader();
// Reply with 'route' operation
let message_vec = builder_to_vec(msg_builder)?;
out_node_id = match safety_route_spec {
None => {
// If no safety route, the first node is the first hop of the private route
hopcount = private_route.hop_count as usize;
let out_node_id = match &private_route.hops {
Some(rh) => rh.dial_info.node_id.key,
_ => return Err(rpc_error_internal("private route has no hops")),
out = self.wrap_with_route(None, pr_reader, message_vec)?;
Some(sr) => {
// If safety route is in use, first node is the first hop of the safety route
hopcount = 1 + sr.hops.len() + (private_route.hop_count as usize);
let out_node_id = sr
.ok_or_else(|| rpc_error_internal("no hop in safety route"))?
out = self.wrap_with_route(Some(sr), pr_reader, message_vec)?;
// Verify hop count isn't larger than out maximum routed hop count
if hopcount > self.inner.lock().max_route_hop_count {
return Err(rpc_error_internal("hop count too long for route"))
Ok(RenderedOperation {
// Issue a question over the network, possibly using an anonymized route
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, question, safety_route_spec), err)]
async fn question(
dest: Destination,
question: RPCQuestion,
safety_route_spec: Option<&SafetyRouteSpec>,
) -> Result<WaitableReply, RPCError> {
// Wrap question in operation
let operation = RPCOperation::new_question(question);
// Produce rendered operation
let RenderedOperation {
} = self.render_operation(&dest, &operation, safety_route_spec)?;
// Calculate answer timeout
// Timeout is number of hops times the timeout per hop
let timeout = self.inner.lock().timeout * (hopcount as u64);
// If we need to resolve the first hop, do it
let node_ref = match out_noderef {
None => {
// resolve node
Some(nr) => {
// got the node in the routing table already
// Set up op id eventual
let op_id = operation.op_id();
let eventual = self.add_op_id_waiter(op_id);
// Log rpc send
debug!(target: "rpc_message", dir = "send", kind = "question", op_id, desc = operation.kind().desc(), ?dest);
// Send question
let bytes = out.len() as u64;
let send_ts = intf::get_timestamp();
let send_data_kind = match self
.send_envelope(node_ref.clone(), Some(out_node_id), out)
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
// Make sure to clean up op id waiter in case of error
.stats_failed_to_send(node_ref, send_ts, true);
return Err(e);
// Successfully sent
.stats_question_sent(node_ref.clone(), send_ts, bytes, true);
// Pass back waitable reply completion
Ok(WaitableReply {
// Issue a statement over the network, possibly using an anonymized route
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, statement, safety_route_spec), err)]
async fn statement(
dest: Destination,
statement: RPCStatement,
safety_route_spec: Option<&SafetyRouteSpec>,
) -> Result<(), RPCError> {
// Wrap statement in operation
let operation = RPCOperation::new_statement(statement);
// Produce rendered operation
let RenderedOperation {
} = self.render_operation(&dest, &operation, safety_route_spec)?;
// Calculate answer timeout
// Timeout is number of hops times the timeout per hop
let timeout = self.inner.lock().timeout * (hopcount as u64);
// If we need to resolve the first hop, do it
let node_ref = match out_noderef {
None => {
// resolve node
Some(nr) => {
// got the node in the routing table already
// Log rpc send
debug!(target: "rpc_message", dir = "send", kind = "statement", op_id = operation.op_id(), desc = operation.kind().desc(), ?dest);
// Send statement
let bytes = out.len() as u64;
let send_ts = intf::get_timestamp();
let send_data_kind = match self
.send_envelope(node_ref.clone(), Some(out_node_id), out)
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
.stats_failed_to_send(node_ref, send_ts, true);
return Err(e);
// Successfully sent
.stats_question_sent(node_ref.clone(), send_ts, bytes, true);
// Convert the 'RespondTo' into a 'Destination' for a response
fn get_respond_to_destination(&self, request: &RPCMessage) -> Destination {
// Get the question 'respond to'
let respond_to = match request.operation.kind() {
RPCOperationKind::Question(q) => q.respond_to(),
_ => {
panic!("not a question");
// To where should we respond?
match respond_to {
RespondTo::Sender(_) => {
// Reply directly to the request's source
let sender_id = request.header.envelope.get_sender_id();
// This may be a different node's reference than the 'sender' in the case of a relay
let peer_noderef = request.header.peer_noderef.clone();
// If the sender_id is that of the peer, then this is a direct reply
// else it is a relayed reply through the peer
if peer_noderef.node_id() == sender_id {
} else {
Destination::Relay(peer_noderef, sender_id)
RespondTo::PrivateRoute(pr) => Destination::PrivateRoute(pr.clone()),
// Issue a reply over the network, possibly using an anonymized route
// The request must want a response, or this routine fails
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, request, answer, safety_route_spec), err)]
async fn answer(
request: RPCMessage,
answer: RPCAnswer,
safety_route_spec: Option<&SafetyRouteSpec>,
) -> Result<(), RPCError> {
// Wrap answer in operation
let operation = RPCOperation::new_answer(&request.operation, answer);
// Extract destination from respond_to
let dest = self.get_respond_to_destination(&request);
// Produce rendered operation
let RenderedOperation {
} = self.render_operation(&dest, &operation, safety_route_spec)?;
// If we need to resolve the first hop, do it
let node_ref = match out_noderef {
None => {
// resolve node
Some(nr) => {
// got the node in the routing table already
// Log rpc send
debug!(target: "rpc_message", dir = "send", kind = "answer", op_id = operation.op_id(), desc = operation.kind().desc(), ?dest);
// Send the reply
let bytes = out.len() as u64;
let send_ts = intf::get_timestamp();
.send_envelope(node_ref.clone(), Some(out_node_id), out)
.map_err(|e| {
.stats_failed_to_send(node_ref.clone(), send_ts, false);
// Reply successfully sent
self.routing_table().stats_answer_sent(node_ref, bytes);
async fn generate_sender_info(peer_noderef: NodeRef) -> SenderInfo {
let socket_address = peer_noderef
.map(|c| c.remote_address().clone());
SenderInfo { socket_address }
async fn process_rpc_message_version_0(
encoded_msg: RPCMessageEncoded,
) -> Result<(), RPCError> {
// Make an operation reader
let reader = capnp::message::Reader::new(encoded_msg.data, Default::default());
let sender_node_id = encoded_msg.header.envelope.get_sender_id();
let operation = reader
// Decode the RPC message
let operation = RPCOperation::decode(&operation, &sender_node_id)?;
// Get the sender noderef, incorporating and 'sender node info' we have from a question
let mut opt_sender_nr: Option<NodeRef> = None;
match operation.kind() {
RPCOperationKind::Question(q) => {
match q.respond_to() {
RespondTo::Sender(Some(sender_ni)) => {
// Sender NodeInfo was specified, update our routing table with it
if !self.filter_peer_scope(&sender_ni.node_info) {
return Err(rpc_error_invalid_format(
"respond_to_sender_signed_node_info has invalid peer scope",
let nr = self
.register_node_with_signed_node_info(sender_node_id, sender_ni.clone())
opt_sender_nr = Some(nr);
_ => {}
_ => {}
if opt_sender_nr.is_none() {
// look up sender node, in case it's different than our peer due to relaying
opt_sender_nr = self.routing_table().lookup_node_ref(sender_node_id)
// Make the RPC message
let msg = RPCMessage {
header: encoded_msg.header,
// Process stats
let kind = match msg.operation.kind() {
RPCOperationKind::Question(_) => {
if let Some(sender_nr) = msg.opt_sender_nr.clone() {
RPCOperationKind::Statement(_) => {
if let Some(sender_nr) = msg.opt_sender_nr.clone() {
RPCOperationKind::Answer(_) => {
// Answer stats are processed in wait_for_reply
// Log rpc receive
debug!(target: "rpc_message", dir = "recv", kind, op_id = msg.operation.op_id(), desc = msg.operation.kind().desc(), sender_id = ?sender_node_id);
// Process specific message kind
match msg.operation.kind() {
RPCOperationKind::Question(q) => match q.detail() {
RPCQuestionDetail::StatusQ(_) => self.process_status_q(msg).await,
RPCQuestionDetail::FindNodeQ(_) => self.process_find_node_q(msg).await,
RPCQuestionDetail::GetValueQ(_) => self.process_get_value_q(msg).await,
RPCQuestionDetail::SetValueQ(_) => self.process_set_value_q(msg).await,
RPCQuestionDetail::WatchValueQ(_) => self.process_watch_value_q(msg).await,
RPCQuestionDetail::SupplyBlockQ(_) => self.process_supply_block_q(msg).await,
RPCQuestionDetail::FindBlockQ(_) => self.process_find_block_q(msg).await,
RPCQuestionDetail::StartTunnelQ(_) => self.process_start_tunnel_q(msg).await,
RPCQuestionDetail::CompleteTunnelQ(_) => self.process_complete_tunnel_q(msg).await,
RPCQuestionDetail::CancelTunnelQ(_) => self.process_cancel_tunnel_q(msg).await,
RPCOperationKind::Statement(s) => match s.detail() {
RPCStatementDetail::ValidateDialInfo(_) => {
RPCStatementDetail::Route(_) => self.process_route(msg).await,
RPCStatementDetail::NodeInfoUpdate(_) => self.process_node_info_update(msg).await,
RPCStatementDetail::ValueChanged(_) => self.process_value_changed(msg).await,
RPCStatementDetail::Signal(_) => self.process_signal(msg).await,
RPCStatementDetail::ReturnReceipt(_) => self.process_return_receipt(msg).await,
RPCOperationKind::Answer(a) => self.complete_op_id_waiter(msg).await,
async fn process_rpc_message(&self, msg: RPCMessageEncoded) -> Result<(), RPCError> {
if msg.header.envelope.get_version() == 0 {
} else {
"unsupported envelope version: {}, newest supported is version 0",
async fn rpc_worker(self, stop_token: StopToken, receiver: flume::Receiver<RPCMessageEncoded>) {
while let Ok(Ok(msg)) = receiver.recv_async().timeout_at(stop_token.clone()).await {
let _ = self
.map_err(logthru_rpc!("couldn't process rpc message"));
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, err)]
pub async fn startup(&self) -> Result<(), String> {
trace!("startup rpc processor");
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
// make local copy of node id for easy access
let c = self.config.get();
inner.node_id = c.network.node_id;
inner.node_id_secret = c.network.node_id_secret;
// set up channel
let mut concurrency = c.network.rpc.concurrency;
let mut queue_size = c.network.rpc.queue_size;
let mut timeout = ms_to_us(c.network.rpc.timeout_ms);
let mut max_route_hop_count = c.network.rpc.max_route_hop_count as usize;
if concurrency == 0 {
concurrency = intf::get_concurrency() / 2;
if concurrency == 0 {
concurrency = 1;
if queue_size == 0 {
queue_size = 1024;
if timeout == 0 {
timeout = 10000000;
if max_route_hop_count == 0 {
max_route_hop_count = 7usize;
inner.timeout = timeout;
inner.max_route_hop_count = max_route_hop_count;
let channel = flume::bounded(queue_size as usize);
inner.send_channel = Some(channel.0.clone());
inner.stop_source = Some(StopSource::new());
// spin up N workers
trace!("Spinning up {} RPC workers", concurrency);
for _ in 0..concurrency {
let this = self.clone();
let receiver = channel.1.clone();
let jh = intf::spawn(Self::rpc_worker(
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)]
pub async fn shutdown(&self) {
debug!("starting rpc processor shutdown");
// Stop the rpc workers
let mut unord = FuturesUnordered::new();
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
// take the join handles out
for h in inner.worker_join_handles.drain(..) {
// drop the stop
debug!("stopping {} rpc worker tasks", unord.len());
// Wait for them to complete
while unord.next().await.is_some() {}
debug!("resetting rpc processor state");
// Release the rpc processor
*self.inner.lock() = Self::new_inner(self.network_manager());
debug!("finished rpc processor shutdown");
pub fn enqueue_message(
envelope: Envelope,
body: Vec<u8>,
peer_noderef: NodeRef,
) -> Result<(), String> {
let msg = RPCMessageEncoded {
header: RPCMessageHeader {
timestamp: intf::get_timestamp(),
body_len: body.len() as u64,
data: RPCMessageData { contents: body },
let send_channel = {
let inner = self.inner.lock();
.map_err(|e| format!("failed to enqueue received RPC message: {:?}", e))?;