2022-07-06 23:15:51 -04:00

318 lines
12 KiB

use crate::settings::*;
use crate::*;
use clap::{Arg, ArgMatches, Command};
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::FromStr;
use veilid_core::{DHTKey, DHTKeySecret};
fn do_clap_matches(default_config_path: &OsStr) -> Result<clap::ArgMatches, clap::Error> {
let matches = Command::new("veilid-server")
.about("Veilid Server")
.help("Run in daemon mode in the background"),
.help("Run in the foreground"),
.help("Specify a configuration file to use"),
.help("Specify configuration value to set (key in dot format, value in json format), eg: logging.api.enabled=true")
.possible_values(&["false", "true"])
.help("Automatically attach the server to the Veilid network"),
// Dev options
.help("Turn on debug logging on the terminal"),
.help("Turn on trace logging on the terminal"),
.help("Turn on OpenTelemetry tracing")
.long_help("This option uses the GRPC OpenTelemetry protocol, not HTTP. The format for the endpoint is host:port, like 'localhost:4317'"),
.help("Run as an extra daemon on the same machine for testing purposes, specify a number greater than zero to offset the listening ports"),
.help("Only generate a new dht key and print it"),
.help("Set the node id and secret key")
.long_help("To specify both node id and secret key on the command line, use a ID:SECRET syntax with a colon, like:\n zsVXz5aTU98vZxwTcDmvpcnO5g1B2jRO3wpdNiDrRgw:gJzQLmzuBvA-dFvEmLcYvLoO5bh7hzCWFzfpJHapZKg\nIf no colon is used, the node id is specified, and a prompt appears to enter the secret key interactively.")
.help("Delete the entire contents of the protected store (DANGER, NO UNDO!)"),
.help("Delete the entire contents of the table store (DANGER, NO UNDO!)"),
.help("Delete the entire contents of the block store (DANGER, NO UNDO!)"),
.help("Instead of running the server, print the configuration it would use to the console"),
.help("Prints the bootstrap TXT record for this node and then quits")
.help("Specify a list of bootstrap hostnames to use")
.help("Specify a list of bootstrap node dialinfos to use"),
.help("Enable local peer scope")
let matches = matches.arg(
.help("Wait for debugger to attach"),
pub fn process_command_line() -> EyreResult<(Settings, ArgMatches)> {
// Get command line options
let default_config_path = Settings::get_default_config_path();
let matches = do_clap_matches(default_config_path.as_os_str())
.wrap_err("failed to parse command line: {}")?;
// Check for one-off commands
if matches.occurrences_of("wait-for-debug") != 0 {
use bugsalot::debugger;
debugger::wait_until_attached(None).expect("state() not implemented on this platform");
// Attempt to load configuration
let settings_path = if let Some(config_file) = matches.value_of_os("config-file") {
if Path::new(config_file).exists() {
} else {
} else {
let settings = Settings::new(settings_path).wrap_err("configuration is invalid")?;
// write lock the settings
let mut settingsrw = settings.write();
// Set config from command line
if matches.occurrences_of("daemon") != 0 {
settingsrw.daemon.enabled = true;
settingsrw.logging.terminal.enabled = false;
if matches.occurrences_of("foreground") != 0 {
settingsrw.daemon.enabled = false;
if matches.occurrences_of("subnode-index") != 0 {
let subnode_index = match matches.value_of("subnode-index") {
Some(x) => x.parse().wrap_err("couldn't parse subnode index")?,
None => {
bail!("value not specified for subnode-index");
if subnode_index == 0 {
bail!("value of subnode_index should be between 1 and 65535");
settingsrw.testing.subnode_index = subnode_index;
if matches.occurrences_of("debug") != 0 {
settingsrw.logging.terminal.enabled = true;
settingsrw.logging.terminal.level = LogLevel::Debug;
if matches.occurrences_of("trace") != 0 {
settingsrw.logging.terminal.enabled = true;
settingsrw.logging.terminal.level = LogLevel::Trace;
if matches.occurrences_of("otlp") != 0 {
settingsrw.logging.otlp.enabled = true;
settingsrw.logging.otlp.grpc_endpoint = NamedSocketAddrs::from_str(
.expect("should not be null because of default missing value")
.wrap_err("failed to parse OTLP address")?;
settingsrw.logging.otlp.level = LogLevel::Trace;
if matches.is_present("attach") {
settingsrw.auto_attach = !matches!(matches.value_of("attach"), Some("true"));
if matches.is_present("local") {
settingsrw.core.network.enable_local_peer_scope = true;
if matches.occurrences_of("delete-protected-store") != 0 {
settingsrw.core.protected_store.delete = true;
if matches.occurrences_of("delete-block-store") != 0 {
settingsrw.core.block_store.delete = true;
if matches.occurrences_of("delete-table-store") != 0 {
settingsrw.core.table_store.delete = true;
if matches.occurrences_of("dump-txt-record") != 0 {
// Turn off terminal logging so we can be interactive
settingsrw.logging.terminal.enabled = false;
if let Some(v) = matches.value_of("set-node-id") {
// Turn off terminal logging so we can be interactive
settingsrw.logging.terminal.enabled = false;
// Split or get secret
let (k, s) = if let Some((k, s)) = v.split_once(':') {
let k = DHTKey::try_decode(k).wrap_err("failed to decode node id from command line")?;
let s = DHTKeySecret::try_decode(s)?;
(k, s)
} else {
let k = DHTKey::try_decode(v)?;
let buffer = rpassword::prompt_password("Enter secret key (will not echo): ")
.wrap_err("invalid secret key")?;
let buffer = buffer.trim().to_string();
let s = DHTKeySecret::try_decode(&buffer)?;
(k, s)
settingsrw.core.network.node_id = k;
settingsrw.core.network.node_id_secret = s;
if matches.occurrences_of("bootstrap") != 0 {
let bootstrap_list = match matches.value_of("bootstrap") {
Some(x) => {
println!("Overriding bootstrap list with: ");
let mut out: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for x in x.split(',') {
let x = x.trim().to_string();
println!(" {}", x);
None => {
bail!("value not specified for bootstrap");
settingsrw.core.network.bootstrap = bootstrap_list;
if matches.occurrences_of("bootstrap-nodes") != 0 {
let bootstrap_list = match matches.value_of("bootstrap-nodes") {
Some(x) => {
println!("Overriding bootstrap node list with: ");
let mut out: Vec<ParsedNodeDialInfo> = Vec::new();
for x in x.split(',') {
let x = x.trim();
println!(" {}", x);
.wrap_err("unable to parse dial info in bootstrap node list")?,
None => {
bail!("value not specified for bootstrap node list");
settingsrw.core.network.bootstrap_nodes = bootstrap_list;
// Set specific config settings
if let Some(set_configs) = matches.values_of("set-config") {
for set_config in set_configs {
if let Some((k, v)) = set_config.split_once('=') {
let k = k.trim();
let v = v.trim();
settings.set(k, v)?;
// Apply subnode index if we're testing
.wrap_err("failed to apply subnode index")?;
Ok((settings, matches))