107 lines
2.8 KiB
107 lines
2.8 KiB
mod client_api;
mod cmdline;
mod server;
mod settings;
mod tools;
mod unix;
mod veilid_logs;
mod windows;
use cfg_if::*;
use color_eyre::eyre::{bail, ensure, eyre, Result as EyreResult, WrapErr};
use server::*;
use tools::*;
use tracing::*;
use veilid_logs::*;
pub mod veilid_client_capnp {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/proto/veilid_client_capnp.rs"));
fn main() -> EyreResult<()> {
let _ = ansi_term::enable_ansi_support();
let (settings, matches) = cmdline::process_command_line()?;
// --- Dump Config ---
if matches.occurrences_of("dump-config") != 0 {
return serde_yaml::to_writer(std::io::stdout(), &*settings.read())
.wrap_err("failed to write yaml");
// --- Generate DHT Key ---
if matches.occurrences_of("generate-dht-key") != 0 {
let (key, secret) = veilid_core::generate_secret();
println!("Public: {}\nSecret: {}", key.encode(), secret.encode());
return Ok(());
// See if we're just running a quick command
let (server_mode, success, failure) = if matches.occurrences_of("set-node-id") != 0 {
"Node Id and Secret set successfully",
"Failed to set Node Id and Secret",
} else if matches.occurrences_of("dump-txt-record") != 0 {
(ServerMode::DumpTXTRecord, "", "Failed to dump txt record")
} else {
(ServerMode::Normal, "", "")
// Handle non-normal server modes
if !matches!(server_mode, ServerMode::Normal) {
// run the server to set the node id and quit
return block_on(async {
// Init combined console/file logger
let veilid_logs = VeilidLogs::setup(settings.clone())?;
run_veilid_server(settings, server_mode, veilid_logs).await
.map(|v| {
println!("{}", success);
.map_err(|e| {
println!("{}", failure);
// --- Daemon Mode ----
if settings.read().daemon.enabled {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(windows)] {
return windows::run_service(settings, matches);
} else if #[cfg(unix)] {
return unix::run_daemon(settings, matches);
// --- Normal Startup ---
ctrlc::set_handler(move || {
.expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler");
// Run the server loop
block_on(async {
// Init combined console/file logger
let veilid_logs = VeilidLogs::setup(settings.clone())?;
run_veilid_server(settings, server_mode, veilid_logs).await