2017-03-26 22:07:40 -04:00
'use strict'
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
* Client & Server compiler / bundler / watcher
2017-03-26 22:07:40 -04:00
const _ = require('lodash')
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const colors = require('colors/safe')
2017-04-06 20:55:45 -04:00
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs-extra'))
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
const fsbx = require('fuse-box')
const nodemon = require('nodemon')
const path = require('path')
const uglify = require('uglify-js')
2017-03-26 22:07:40 -04:00
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
// ======================================================
2017-03-26 22:07:40 -04:00
// Parse cmd arguments
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
// ======================================================
2017-03-26 22:07:40 -04:00
const args = require('yargs')
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
.option('d', {
alias: 'dev',
describe: 'Start in Developer mode',
type: 'boolean'
.option('c', {
alias: 'dev-configure',
describe: 'Start in Configure Developer mode',
type: 'boolean'
.alias('h', 'help')
2017-03-26 22:07:40 -04:00
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
let mode = 'build'
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
const dev = args.d || args.c
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
if (args.d) {
console.info(colors.bgWhite.black(' Starting Fuse in DEVELOPER mode... '))
mode = 'dev'
} else if (args.c) {
console.info(colors.bgWhite.black(' Starting Fuse in CONFIGURE DEVELOPER mode... '))
mode = 'dev-configure'
} else {
console.info(colors.bgWhite.black(' Starting Fuse in BUILD mode... '))
// ======================================================
// Global Tasks
// ======================================================
2017-03-26 22:07:40 -04:00
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
console.info(colors.white('└── ') + colors.green('Running global tasks...'))
2017-03-26 22:07:40 -04:00
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
let globalTasks = Promise.mapSeries([
2017-04-14 14:15:11 -04:00
* ACE Modes
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
() => {
2017-04-08 16:46:29 -04:00
return fs.accessAsync('./assets/js/ace').then(() => {
2017-04-08 16:16:13 -04:00
console.info(colors.white(' └── ') + colors.magenta('ACE modes directory already exists. Task aborted.'))
return true
}).catch(err => {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
console.info(colors.white(' └── ') + colors.green('Copy + Minify ACE modes to assets...'))
return fs.ensureDirAsync('./assets/js/ace').then(() => {
return fs.readdirAsync('./node_modules/brace/mode').then(modeList => {
return Promise.map(modeList, mdFile => {
console.info(colors.white(' mode-' + mdFile))
let result = uglify.minify(path.join('./node_modules/brace/mode', mdFile), { output: { 'max_line_len': 1000000 } })
return fs.writeFileAsync(path.join('./assets/js/ace', 'mode-' + mdFile), result.code)
2017-04-06 20:55:45 -04:00
2017-04-08 16:16:13 -04:00
} else {
throw err
2017-03-28 20:19:01 -04:00
2017-04-14 14:15:11 -04:00
* MathJax
() => {
return fs.accessAsync('./assets/js/mathjax').then(() => {
console.info(colors.white(' └── ') + colors.magenta('MathJax directory already exists. Task aborted.'))
return true
}).catch(err => {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
console.info(colors.white(' └── ') + colors.green('Copy MathJax dependencies to assets...'))
return fs.ensureDirAsync('./assets/js/mathjax').then(() => {
return fs.copyAsync('./node_modules/mathjax', './assets/js/mathjax', { filter: (src, dest) => {
let srcNormalized = src.replace(/\\/g, '/')
let shouldCopy = false
], chk => {
if (srcNormalized.endsWith(chk)) {
shouldCopy = true
], chk => {
if (srcNormalized.indexOf(chk) > 0) {
shouldCopy = true
if (shouldCopy && srcNormalized.indexOf('/fonts/') > 0 && srcNormalized.indexOf('/STIX-Web') <= 1) {
shouldCopy = false
return shouldCopy
} else {
throw err
2017-04-15 13:15:23 -04:00
* Bundle pre-init scripts
() => {
console.info(colors.white(' └── ') + colors.green('Bundling pre-init scripts...'))
2017-04-18 20:23:42 -04:00
let preInitContent = ''
2017-04-15 13:15:23 -04:00
return fs.readdirAsync('./client/js/pre-init').map(f => {
let fPath = path.join('./client/js/pre-init/', f)
return fs.readFileAsync(fPath, 'utf8').then(fContent => {
preInitContent += fContent + ';\n'
}).then(() => {
return fs.outputFileAsync('./.build/_preinit.js', preInitContent, 'utf8')
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
* Delete Fusebox cache
() => {
return fs.emptyDirAsync('./.fusebox')
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
], f => { return f() })
// ======================================================
// Fuse Tasks
// ======================================================
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
const ALIASES = {
'brace-ext-modelist': 'brace/ext/modelist.js',
'simplemde': 'simplemde/dist/simplemde.min.js',
'socket.io-client': 'socket.io-client/dist/socket.io.js',
'vue': 'vue/dist/vue.min.js'
const SHIMS = {
_preinit: {
source: '.build/_preinit.js',
exports: '_preinit'
jquery: {
source: 'node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js',
exports: '$'
mathjax: {
source: 'node_modules/mathjax/MathJax.js',
exports: 'MathJax'
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
globalTasks.then(() => {
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
let fuse = fsbx.FuseBox.init({
homeDir: './client',
output: './assets/js/$name.min.js',
alias: ALIASES,
shim: SHIMS,
plugins: [
fsbx.EnvPlugin({ NODE_ENV: (dev) ? 'development' : 'production' }),
[ '.scss', fsbx.SassPlugin({ outputStyle: (dev) ? 'nested' : 'compressed' }), fsbx.CSSPlugin() ],
fsbx.BabelPlugin({ comments: false, presets: ['es2015'] }),
!dev && fsbx.UglifyJSPlugin({
compress: { unused: false },
output: { 'max_line_len': 1000000 }
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
debug: false,
log: true
2017-03-28 20:19:01 -04:00
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
if (dev) {
port: 4444,
httpServer: false
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
const bundleLibs = fuse.bundle('libs').instructions('~ index.js')
const bundleApp = fuse.bundle('app').instructions('!> index.js')
const bundleSetup = fuse.bundle('configure').instructions('> configure.js')
2017-05-04 22:41:33 -04:00
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
switch (mode) {
case 'dev':
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
case 'dev-configure':
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
2017-03-26 22:07:40 -04:00
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
fuse.run().then(() => {
console.info(colors.green.bold('\nAssets compilation + bundling completed.'))
2017-05-04 22:41:33 -04:00
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
if (dev) {
exec: (args.d) ? 'node server' : 'node wiki configure',
ignore: ['assets/', 'client/', 'data/', 'repo/', 'tests/'],
ext: 'js json',
watch: (args.d) ? ['server'] : ['server/configure.js'],
env: { 'NODE_ENV': 'development' }
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00
2017-05-13 17:03:32 -04:00
}).catch(err => {
console.error(colors.red(' X Bundle compilation failed! ' + err.message))
2017-04-02 13:18:33 -04:00