2018-03-05 15:49:36 -05:00
< template lang = 'pug' >
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
v - container ( fluid , grid - list - lg )
v - layout ( row , wrap )
v - flex ( xs12 )
. admin - header
2018-12-15 17:15:13 -05:00
img ( src = '/svg/icon-cloud-storage.svg' , alt = 'Storage' , style = 'width: 80px;' )
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
. admin - header - title
. headline . primary -- text Storage
2019-02-09 12:32:23 -05:00
. subheading . grey -- text Set backup and sync targets for your content
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
v - spacer
v - btn ( outline , color = 'grey' , @ click = 'refresh' , large )
v - icon refresh
2019-01-01 01:40:31 -05:00
v - btn ( color = 'success' , @ click = 'save' , depressed , large )
v - icon ( left ) check
span { { $t ( 'common:actions.apply' ) } }
2018-06-25 22:04:47 -04:00
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
v - card . mt - 3
v - tabs ( color = 'grey darken-2' , fixed - tabs , slider - color = 'white' , show - arrows , dark )
v - tab ( key = 'settings' ) : v - icon settings
v - tab ( v - for = 'tgt in activeTargets' , : key = 'tgt.key' ) { { tgt . title } }
2018-06-25 22:04:47 -04:00
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
v - tab - item ( key = 'settings' , : transition = 'false' , : reverse - transition = 'false' )
2019-02-03 17:08:06 -05:00
v - container . pa - 3 ( fluid , grid - list - md )
v - layout ( row , wrap )
v - flex ( xs12 , md6 )
. body - 2. grey -- text . text -- darken - 1 Select which storage targets to enable :
. caption . grey -- text . pb - 2 Some storage targets require additional configuration in their dedicated tab ( when selected ) .
v - form
v - checkbox . my - 0 (
: disabled = '!tgt.isAvailable'
v - for = 'tgt in targets'
v - model = 'tgt.isEnabled'
: key = 'tgt.key'
: label = 'tgt.title'
color = 'primary'
hide - details
v - flex ( xs12 , md6 )
. pa - 3. grey . radius - 7 ( : class = '$vuetify.dark ? "darken-4" : "lighten-5"' )
. body - 2. grey -- text . text -- darken - 1 Advanced Settings
v - text - field . mt - 3. md2 (
v - model = 'syncInterval'
background - color = 'grey lighten-2'
prepend - icon = 'schedule'
label = 'Synchronization Interval'
hint = 'For performance reasons, some storage targets synchronize changes on an interval-based schedule, instead of on every change. Define at which interval should the synchronization occur for all storage targets.'
persistent - hint
2018-03-05 15:49:36 -05:00
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
v - tab - item ( v - for = '(tgt, n) in activeTargets' , : key = 'tgt.key' , : transition = 'false' , : reverse - transition = 'false' )
v - card . pa - 3 ( flat , tile )
v - form
. targetlogo
img ( : src = 'tgt.logo' , : alt = 'tgt.title' )
v - subheader . pl - 0 { { tgt . title } }
. caption { { tgt . description } }
. caption : a ( : href = 'tgt.website' ) { { tgt . website } }
v - divider . mt - 3
v - subheader . pl - 0 Target Configuration
. body - 1. ml - 3 ( v - if = '!tgt.config || tgt.config.length < 1' ) This storage target has no configuration options you can modify .
template ( v - else , v - for = 'cfg in tgt.config' )
v - select (
v - if = 'cfg.value.type === "string" && cfg.value.enum'
background - color = 'grey lighten-2'
: items = 'cfg.value.enum'
: key = 'cfg.key'
: label = 'cfg.value.title'
v - model = 'cfg.value.value'
prepend - icon = 'settings_applications'
: hint = 'cfg.value.hint ? cfg.value.hint : ""'
persistent - hint
: class = 'cfg.value.hint ? "mb-2" : ""'
2019-02-03 17:08:06 -05:00
v - switch . mb - 3 (
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
v - else - if = 'cfg.value.type === "boolean"'
: key = 'cfg.key'
: label = 'cfg.value.title'
v - model = 'cfg.value.value'
color = 'primary'
prepend - icon = 'settings_applications'
: hint = 'cfg.value.hint ? cfg.value.hint : ""'
persistent - hint
v - text - field (
v - else
background - color = 'grey lighten-2'
: key = 'cfg.key'
: label = 'cfg.value.title'
v - model = 'cfg.value.value'
prepend - icon = 'settings_applications'
: hint = 'cfg.value.hint ? cfg.value.hint : ""'
persistent - hint
: class = 'cfg.value.hint ? "mb-2" : ""'
v - divider . mt - 3
v - subheader . pl - 0 Sync Direction
. body - 1. ml - 3 Choose how content synchronization is handled for this storage target .
. pr - 3. pt - 3
v - radio - group . ml - 3. py - 0 ( v - model = 'tgt.mode' )
v - radio (
label = 'Bi-directional'
color = 'primary'
value = 'sync'
2019-02-03 17:08:06 -05:00
: disabled = 'tgt.supportedModes.indexOf(`sync`) < 0'
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
v - radio (
label = 'Push to target'
color = 'primary'
value = 'push'
2019-02-03 17:08:06 -05:00
: disabled = 'tgt.supportedModes.indexOf(`push`) < 0'
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
v - radio (
label = 'Pull from target'
color = 'primary'
value = 'pull'
2019-02-03 17:08:06 -05:00
: disabled = 'tgt.supportedModes.indexOf(`pull`) < 0'
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
. body - 1. ml - 3
2019-02-03 17:08:06 -05:00
strong Bi - directional # [ em . red -- text . text -- lighten - 2 ( v - if = 'tgt.supportedModes.indexOf(`sync`) < 0' ) Unsupported ]
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
. pb - 3 In bi - directional mode , content is first pulled from the storage target . Any newer content overwrites local content . New content since last sync is then pushed to the storage target , overwriting any content on target if present .
2019-02-03 17:08:06 -05:00
strong Push to target # [ em . red -- text . text -- lighten - 2 ( v - if = 'tgt.supportedModes.indexOf(`push`) < 0' ) Unsupported ]
. pb - 3 Content is always pushed to the storage target , overwriting any existing content . This is safest choice for backup scenarios .
strong Pull from target # [ em . red -- text . text -- lighten - 2 ( v - if = 'tgt.supportedModes.indexOf(`pull`) < 0' ) Unsupported ]
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
. pb - 3 Content is always pulled from the storage target , overwriting any local content which already exists . This choice is usually reserved for single - use content import . Caution with this option as any local content will always be overwritten !
2018-03-05 15:49:36 -05:00
< / template >
< script >
2018-06-25 22:04:47 -04:00
import _ from 'lodash'
import targetsQuery from 'gql/admin/storage/storage-query-targets.gql'
import targetsSaveMutation from 'gql/admin/storage/storage-mutation-save-targets.gql'
2018-03-05 15:49:36 -05:00
export default {
2018-07-01 19:50:42 -04:00
filters : {
startCase ( val ) { return _ . startCase ( val ) }
} ,
2018-03-05 15:49:36 -05:00
data ( ) {
return {
2019-02-03 17:08:06 -05:00
syncInterval : '5m' ,
2018-06-25 22:04:47 -04:00
targets : [ ]
} ,
computed : {
activeTargets ( ) {
return _ . filter ( this . targets , 'isEnabled' )
} ,
methods : {
async refresh ( ) {
await this . $apollo . queries . targets . refetch ( )
this . $store . commit ( 'showNotification' , {
message : 'List of storage targets has been refreshed.' ,
style : 'success' ,
icon : 'cached'
} )
} ,
async save ( ) {
this . $store . commit ( ` loadingStart ` , 'admin-storage-savetargets' )
await this . $apollo . mutate ( {
mutation : targetsSaveMutation ,
variables : {
targets : this . targets . map ( tgt => _ . pick ( tgt , [
'isEnabled' ,
'key' ,
'config' ,
2018-09-30 14:20:26 -04:00
] ) ) . map ( str => ( { ... str , config : str . config . map ( cfg => ( { ... cfg , value : JSON . stringify ( { v : cfg . value . value } ) } ) ) } ) )
2018-06-25 22:04:47 -04:00
} )
this . $store . commit ( 'showNotification' , {
message : 'Storage configuration saved successfully.' ,
style : 'success' ,
icon : 'check'
} )
this . $store . commit ( ` loadingStop ` , 'admin-storage-savetargets' )
} ,
apollo : {
targets : {
query : targetsQuery ,
fetchPolicy : 'network-only' ,
2019-02-03 17:08:06 -05:00
update : ( data ) => _ . cloneDeep ( data . storage . targets ) . map ( str => ( {
... str ,
config : _ . sortBy ( str . config . map ( cfg => ( {
... cfg ,
value : JSON . parse ( cfg . value )
} ) ) , [ t => t . value . order ] )
} ) ) ,
2018-06-25 22:04:47 -04:00
watchLoading ( isLoading ) {
this . $store . commit ( ` loading ${ isLoading ? 'Start' : 'Stop' } ` , 'admin-storage-refresh' )
2018-03-05 15:49:36 -05:00
< / script >
2018-08-05 11:27:46 -04:00
< style lang = 'scss' scoped >
. targetlogo {
width : 250 px ;
height : 85 px ;
float : right ;
display : flex ;
justify - content : flex - end ;
align - items : center ;
img {
max - width : 100 % ;
max - height : 50 px ;
2018-03-05 15:49:36 -05:00
< / style >