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"name": "XML Resource Lists Diff",
"ext": ".rld"
"mime": "application/xslt+xml",
"name": "XML Transformations",
"ext": ".xslt"
"mime": "application/xop+xml",
"name": "XML-Binary Optimized Packaging",
"ext": ".xop"
"mime": "application/x-xpinstall",
"name": "XPInstall - Mozilla",
"ext": ".xpi"
"mime": "application/xspf+xml",
"name": "XSPF - XML Shareable Playlist Format",
"ext": ".xspf"
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"name": "XUL - XML User Interface Language",
"ext": ".xul"
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"name": "XYZ File Format",
"ext": ".xyz"
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"name": "YANG Data Modeling Language",
"ext": ".yang"
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"name": "YIN (YANG - XML)",
"ext": ".yin"
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"name": "Z.U.L. Geometry",
"ext": ".zir"
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"name": "Zip Archive",
"ext": ".zip"
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"name": "ZVUE Media Manager",
"ext": ".zmm"
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"name": "Zzazz Deck",
"ext": ".zaz"