2018-04-14 15:22:45 -04:00
< template lang = 'pug' >
2019-04-12 16:58:27 -04:00
v - container . admin - contribute ( fluid , grid - list - lg )
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
v - layout ( row , wrap )
v - flex ( xs12 )
. admin - header
2019-04-07 12:37:33 -04:00
img . animated . fadeInUp ( src = '/svg/icon-heart-health.svg' , alt = 'Contribute' , style = 'width: 80px;' )
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
. admin - header - title
2019-04-07 12:37:33 -04:00
. headline . primary -- text . animated . fadeInLeft { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.title' ) } }
. subheading . grey -- text . animated . fadeInLeft . wait - p4s { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.subtitle' ) } }
v - card . mt - 3. animated . fadeInUp
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
v - card - text
i18next . body - 1. pl - 3 ( path = 'admin:contribute.openSource' , tag = 'div' )
v - icon ( color = 'red' ) favorite
a ( href = 'https://requarks.io' , target = '_blank' ) requarks . io
a ( href = 'https://github.com/Requarks/wiki/graphs/contributors' , target = '_blank' ) { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.openSourceContributors' ) } }
. body - 1. pt - 3. pl - 3 { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.needYourHelp' ) } }
v - divider . mt - 3
v - subheader { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.fundOurWork' ) } }
2019-04-12 16:58:27 -04:00
v - tabs . mx - 3. radius - 7. admin - contribute - tabs (
fixed - tabs
color = 'primary'
slider - color = '#FFF'
icons - and - text
v - tab
span Patreon
img ( src = '/svg/icon-patreon.svg' )
v - tab
span OpenCollective
img ( src = '/svg/icon-opencollective.svg' )
v - tab
span PayPal
img ( src = '/svg/icon-paypal.svg' )
v - tab
span Ethereum
img ( src = '/svg/icon-ethereum.svg' )
v - tab
span T - Shirts
img ( src = '/svg/icon-t-shirt.svg' )
v - tab - item ( : transition = 'false' , : reverse - transition = 'false' )
. body - 1. pa - 3 { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.patreon' ) } }
a . ml - 3 ( href = 'https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=16744039' , : title = '$t(`admin:contribute.becomeAPatron`)' )
2019-04-19 18:29:43 -04:00
img ( src = '/img/donate_patreon.png' , : alt = '$t(`admin:contribute.becomeAPatron`)' style = 'width:200px;' )
2019-04-12 16:58:27 -04:00
v - tab - item ( : transition = 'false' , : reverse - transition = 'false' )
. body - 1. pa - 3 { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.openCollective' ) } }
a . ml - 3 ( href = 'https://opencollective.com/wikijs/donate' , : title = '$t(`admin:contribute.makeADonation`)' )
2019-04-19 18:29:43 -04:00
img ( src = '/img/donate_opencollective.png' , : alt = '$t(`admin:contribute.makeADonation`)' style = 'width:300px;' )
2019-04-12 16:58:27 -04:00
v - tab - item ( : transition = 'false' , : reverse - transition = 'false' )
. body - 1. pa - 3 { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.paypal' ) } }
. ml - 3
form ( action = 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr' , method = 'post' , target = '_top' )
input ( type = 'hidden' , name = 'cmd' , value = '_s-xclick' )
input ( type = 'hidden' , name = 'hosted_button_id' , value = 'FLV5X255Z9CJU' )
2019-04-19 18:29:43 -04:00
input ( type = 'image' , src = '/img/donate_paypal.png' , border = '0' , name = 'submit' , title = 'PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!' , alt = 'Donate with PayPal button' )
2019-04-12 16:58:27 -04:00
img ( alt = '' , border = '0' , src = 'https://www.paypal.com/en_CA/i/scr/pixel.gif' , width = '1' , height = '1' )
v - tab - item ( : transition = 'false' , : reverse - transition = 'false' )
. body - 1. pa - 3 { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.ethereum' ) } }
. ml - 3
. admin - contribute - ethaddress
strong Ethereum Address
span 0xE1d55C19aE86f6Bcbfb17e7f06aCe96BdBb22Cb5
2019-04-19 18:29:43 -04:00
div : img ( src = '/img/donate_eth_qr.png' )
2019-04-12 16:58:27 -04:00
v - tab - item ( : transition = 'false' , : reverse - transition = 'false' )
. body - 1. pa - 3 { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.tshirts' ) } }
v - card - actions . ml - 2
v - btn ( outline , : color = 'darkMode ? `blue lighten-1` : `primary`' , href = 'https://wikijs.threadless.com' , large )
v - icon ( left ) shopping _cart
span { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.shop' ) } }
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
v - divider . mt - 3
v - subheader { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.contribute' ) } }
. body - 1. pl - 3
i18next ( path = 'admin:contribute.submitAnIdea' , tag = 'li' )
2019-06-09 23:39:37 -04:00
a ( href = 'https://wiki.js.org/feedback' , target = '_blank' ) { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.submitAnIdeaLink' ) } }
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
i18next ( path = 'admin:contribute.foundABug' , tag = 'li' )
a ( href = 'https://github.com/Requarks/wiki/issues' , target = '_blank' ) Github
i18next ( path = 'admin:contribute.helpTranslate' , tag = 'li' )
2019-06-09 23:39:37 -04:00
a ( href = 'https://wiki.requarks.io/slack' , target = '_blank' ) Slack
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
v - divider . mt - 3
v - subheader { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.spreadTheWord' ) } }
. body - 1. pl - 3
li { { $t ( 'admin:contribute.talkToFriends' ) } }
i18next ( path = 'admin:contribute.followUsOnTwitter' , tag = 'li' )
a ( href = 'https://twitter.com/requarks' , target = '_blank' ) Twitter
v - toolbar ( color = 'teal' , dense , dark )
. subheading Sponsors
v - spacer
v - btn ( outline , small , href = 'https://opencollective.com/wikijs/order/1273' ) Become a Sponsor
2018-12-17 00:51:52 -05:00
v - list ( two - line )
2018-09-29 23:30:20 -04:00
template ( v - for = '(sponsor, idx) in sponsors' )
v - list - tile ( : key = 'sponsor.id' )
v - list - tile - avatar
img ( v - if = 'sponsor.image' , : src = 'sponsor.image' )
v - avatar ( v - else , color = 'teal' , size = '40' )
span . white -- text . subheading { { sponsor . name [ 0 ] . toUpperCase ( ) } }
v - list - tile - content
v - list - tile - title { { sponsor . name } }
v - list - tile - sub - title { { sponsor . description } }
v - list - tile - action ( v - if = 'sponsor.twitter' )
v - btn ( icon , : href = 'sponsor.twitter' , target = '_blank' )
icon - twitter ( fillColor = '#9e9e9e' )
v - list - tile - action ( v - if = 'sponsor.website' )
v - btn ( icon , : href = 'sponsor.website' , target = '_blank' )
v - icon ( color = 'grey' ) public
v - divider ( v - if = 'idx < sponsors.length - 1' )
v - toolbar ( color = 'blue-grey' , dense , dark )
. subheading Backers
v - spacer
v - btn ( outline , small , href = 'https://opencollective.com/wikijs/order/1272' ) Become a Backer
v - list ( two - line , dense )
template ( v - for = '(backer, idx) in backers' )
v - list - tile ( : key = 'backer.id' )
v - list - tile - avatar
img ( v - if = 'backer.image' , : src = 'backer.image' )
v - avatar ( v - else , color = 'blue-grey' , size = '40' )
span . white -- text . subheading { { backer . name [ 0 ] . toUpperCase ( ) } }
v - list - tile - content
v - list - tile - title { { backer . name } }
v - list - tile - sub - title { { backer . description } }
v - list - tile - action ( v - if = 'backer.twitter' )
v - btn ( icon , : href = 'backer.twitter' , target = '_blank' )
icon - twitter ( fillColor = '#9e9e9e' )
v - list - tile - action ( v - if = 'backer.website' )
v - btn ( icon , : href = 'backer.website' , target = '_blank' )
v - icon ( color = 'grey' ) public
v - divider ( v - if = 'idx < backers.length - 1' )
2018-12-17 00:51:52 -05:00
v - toolbar ( color = 'primary' , dense , dark )
. subheading Special Thanks
v - list ( two - line )
v - list - tile
v - list - tile - avatar
img ( src = 'https://static.requarks.io/logo/algolia.svg' , alt = 'Algolia' )
v - list - tile - content
v - list - tile - title Algolia
v - list - tile - sub - title Algolia is a powerful search - as - a - service solution , made easy to use with API clients , UI libraries , and pre - built integrations .
v - list - tile - action
v - btn ( icon , href = 'https://www.algolia.com/' , target = '_blank' )
v - icon ( color = 'grey' ) public
v - divider
v - list - tile
v - list - tile - avatar
img ( src = 'https://static.requarks.io/logo/browserstack.svg' , alt = 'Browserstack' )
v - list - tile - content
v - list - tile - title BrowserStack
v - list - tile - sub - title BrowserStack is a cloud web and mobile testing platform that enables developers to test their websites and mobile applications .
v - list - tile - action
v - btn ( icon , href = 'https://www.browserstack.com/' , target = '_blank' )
v - icon ( color = 'grey' ) public
v - divider
v - list - tile
v - list - tile - avatar
img ( src = 'https://static.requarks.io/logo/cloudflare.svg' , alt = 'Cloudflare' )
v - list - tile - content
v - list - tile - title Cloudflare
v - list - tile - sub - title Providing content delivery network services , DDoS mitigation , Internet security and distributed domain name server services .
v - list - tile - action
v - btn ( icon , href = 'https://www.cloudflare.com/' , target = '_blank' )
v - icon ( color = 'grey' ) public
v - divider
v - list - tile
v - list - tile - avatar
img ( src = 'https://static.requarks.io/logo/digitalocean.svg' , alt = 'DigitalOcean' )
v - list - tile - content
v - list - tile - title DigitalOcean
v - list - tile - sub - title Providing developers and businesses a reliable , easy - to - use cloud computing platform of virtual servers ( Droplets ) , object storage ( Spaces ) , and more .
v - list - tile - action
v - btn ( icon , href = 'https://m.do.co/c/5f7445bfa4d0' , target = '_blank' )
v - icon ( color = 'grey' ) public
v - divider
v - list - tile
2019-02-23 18:22:25 -05:00
v - list - tile - avatar ( tile )
2018-12-17 00:51:52 -05:00
img ( src = '/svg/logo-icons8.svg' , alt = 'Icons8' )
v - list - tile - content
v - list - tile - title Icons8
v - list - tile - sub - title All the Icons You Need . Guaranteed .
v - list - tile - action
v - btn ( icon , href = 'https://icons8.com' , target = '_blank' )
v - icon ( color = 'grey' ) public
2019-02-23 18:22:25 -05:00
v - divider
v - list - tile
v - list - tile - avatar ( tile )
img ( src = 'https://static.requarks.io/logo/lokalise.png' , alt = 'Lokalise' )
v - list - tile - content
v - list - tile - title Lokalise
v - list - tile - sub - title Lokalise is a translation management system built for agile teams who want to automate their localization process .
v - list - tile - action
v - btn ( icon , href = 'https://lokalise.co' , target = '_blank' )
v - icon ( color = 'grey' ) public
2019-03-09 00:51:02 -05:00
v - divider
v - list - tile
v - list - tile - avatar ( tile )
img ( src = 'https://static.requarks.io/logo/netlify.svg' , alt = 'Netlify' )
v - list - tile - content
v - list - tile - title Netlify
v - list - tile - sub - title Deploy modern static websites with Netlify . Get CDN , Continuous deployment , 1 - click HTTPS , and all the services you need .
v - list - tile - action
v - btn ( icon , href = 'https://wwwnetlify.com' , target = '_blank' )
v - icon ( color = 'grey' ) public
2018-04-14 15:22:45 -04:00
< / template >
< script >
2018-09-22 11:27:48 -04:00
import _ from 'lodash'
2018-12-01 23:03:14 -05:00
import { get } from 'vuex-pathify'
2018-09-22 11:27:48 -04:00
import groupsQuery from 'gql/admin/contribute/contribute-query-contributors.gql'
import IconTwitter from 'mdi/Twitter'
2018-04-14 15:22:45 -04:00
export default {
2018-09-22 11:27:48 -04:00
components : {
} ,
data ( ) {
return {
contributors : [ ]
} ,
computed : {
2018-12-01 23:03:14 -05:00
darkMode : get ( 'site/dark' ) ,
2018-09-22 11:27:48 -04:00
sponsors ( ) {
return _ . filter ( this . contributors , [ 'tier' , 'sponsors' ] )
} ,
backers ( ) {
return _ . reject ( this . contributors , [ 'tier' , 'sponsors' ] )
} ,
apollo : {
contributors : {
query : groupsQuery ,
fetchPolicy : 'network-only' ,
update : ( data ) => data . contribute . contributors ,
watchLoading ( isLoading ) {
this . $store . commit ( ` loading ${ isLoading ? 'Start' : 'Stop' } ` , 'admin-contribute-refresh' )
2018-04-14 15:22:45 -04:00
< / script >
2019-04-12 16:58:27 -04:00
< style lang = 'scss' >
. admin - contribute {
& - tabs {
. v - tabs _ _item img {
height : 24 px ;
margin - bottom : 5 px ;
& - ethaddress {
display : inline - block ;
margin - bottom : 12 px ;
border - radius : 7 px ;
background - color : mc ( 'grey' , '100' ) ;
padding : 12 px ;
strong {
display : block ;
ul {
margin - left : 1 rem ;
list - style - type : square ;
2018-04-14 15:22:45 -04:00
< / style >