2018-03-03 01:32:58 -05:00
< template lang = 'pug' >
v - container ( fluid , fill - height , grid - list - lg )
v - layout ( row wrap )
v - flex ( xs12 )
2018-03-03 21:48:28 -05:00
. headline . primary -- text Theme
2018-03-03 01:32:58 -05:00
. subheading . grey -- text Modify the look & amp ; feel of your wiki
v - form . pt - 3
v - layout ( row wrap )
v - flex ( lg6 xs12 )
v - card
v - toolbar ( color = 'blue' , dark , dense , flat )
v - toolbar - title
. subheading Theme
v - btn ( fab , absolute , right , bottom , small , light ) : v - icon save
v - card - text
v - select ( : items = 'themes' , prepend - icon = 'palette' , v - model = 'selectedTheme' , label = 'Site Theme' , persistent - hint , hint = 'Themes affect how content pages are displayed. Other site sections (such as the editor or admin area) are not affected.' )
template ( slot = 'item' , slot - scope = 'data' )
v - list - tile - avatar
v - icon . blue -- text ( dark ) filter _frames
v - list - tile - content
v - list - tile - title ( v - html = 'data.item.text' )
v - list - tile - sub - title ( v - html = 'data.item.author' )
v - divider
2018-03-03 21:48:28 -05:00
v - switch ( v - model = 'darkMode' , label = 'Dark Mode' , color = 'primary' , persistent - hint , hint = 'Not recommended for accessibility' )
2018-03-03 01:32:58 -05:00
v - flex ( lg6 xs12 )
v - card
v - toolbar ( color = 'blue' , dark , dense , flat )
v - toolbar - title
. subheading Theme Options
v - list
< / template >
< script >
export default {
data ( ) {
return {
themes : [
{ text : 'Default' , author : 'requarks.io' , value : 'default' }
] ,
selectedTheme : 'default' ,
darkMode : false
< / script >
< style lang = 'scss' >
< / style >