key: s3generic title: S3 Generic description: Generic storage module for S3-compatible services. author: logo: website: isAvailable: true supportedModes: - push defaultMode: push schedule: false props: endpoint: type: String title: Endpoint URI hint: The full S3-compliant endpoint URI. default: order: 1 bucket: type: String title: Unique bucket name hint: The unique bucket name to create (e.g. wiki-johndoe) order: 2 accessKeyId: type: String title: Access Key ID hint: The Access Key ID. order: 3 secretAccessKey: type: String title: Access Key Secret hint: The Access Key Secret for the Access Key ID above. sensitive: true order: 4 sslEnabled: type: Boolean title: Use SSL hint: Whether to enable SSL for requests default: true order: 5 s3ForcePathStyle: type: Boolean title: Force Path Style for S3 objects hint: Whether to force path style URLs for S3 objects. default: false order: 6 s3BucketEndpoint: type: Boolean title: Single Bucket Endpoint hint: Whether the provided endpoint addresses an individual bucket. default: false order: 7 actions: - handler: exportAll label: Export All hint: Output all content from the DB to the external service, overwriting any existing data. If you enabled this module after content was created or you temporarily disabled it, you'll want to execute this action to add the missing content.