'use strict' const fs = require('fs-extra') const colors = require('colors') expect.extend({ /** * Expect ESLint results to have no errors * @param {*} received ESLint results * @param {*} argument Arguments * @returns {object} Matcher result */ toESLint (received, argument) { if (received && received.errorCount > 0) { let errorMsgBuf = [] for (let i = 0; i < received.results.length; i++) { const result = received.results[i] if (result.errorCount <= 0) { continue } for (let x = 0; x < result.messages.length; x++) { const m = result.messages[x] errorMsgBuf.push(colors.grey(`└── ${result.filePath}\t${m.line}:${m.column}\t${m.message}`)) } } if (errorMsgBuf.length > 0) { return { message: () => (errorMsgBuf.join(`\n`)), pass: false } } } return { pass: true } }, /** * Expect PugLint results to have no errors * @param {*} received PugLint results * @param {*} argument Arguments * @returns {object} Matcher result */ toPugLint (received, argument) { if (received && received.length > 0) { let errorMsgBuf = [] for (let i = 0; i < received.length; i++) { errorMsgBuf.push(colors.grey(`└── ${received[i].message}`)) } return { message: () => (errorMsgBuf.join(`\n`)), pass: false } } return { pass: true } } }) describe('Code Linting', () => { it('should pass ESLint validation', () => { const CLIEngine = require('eslint').CLIEngine const cli = new CLIEngine() let report = cli.executeOnFiles(['**/*.js']) expect(report).toESLint() }) it('should pass PugLint validation', () => { const PugLint = require('pug-lint') const lint = new PugLint() const pugConfig = fs.readJsonSync('tools/.pug-lintrc.json') lint.configure(pugConfig) let report = lint.checkPath('./server/views') expect(report).toPugLint() }) })