<template lang="pug"> transition(:duration="400") .modal(v-show='isShown', v-cloak) transition(name='modal-background') .modal-background(v-show='isShown') .modal-container transition(name='modal-content') .modal-content(v-show='isShown') template(v-if='step === "running"') header.is-blue Install section.modal-loading i span Wiki.js {{ mode }} in progress... em Please wait template(v-if='step === "error"') header.is-red Installation Error section.modal-loading span {{ error }} footer a.button.is-grey.is-outlined(@click='upgradeCancel') Abort a.button.is-deep-orange(@click='upgradeStart') Try Again template(v-if='step === "confirm"') header.is-deep-orange Are you sure? section label.label You are about to {{ mode }} Wiki.js. span.note You will not be able to access your wiki during the operation. Content will not be affected. However, it is your responsability to ensure you have a backup in the unexpected event content gets lost or corrupted. footer a.button.is-grey.is-outlined(@click='upgradeCancel') Abort a.button.is-deep-orange(@click='upgradeStart') Start </template> <script> export default { name: 'modal-upgrade-system', data() { return { isLoading: false } }, computed: { isShown() { return this.$store.state.modalUpgradeSystem.shown }, mode() { return this.$store.state.modalUpgradeSystem.mode }, step() { return this.$store.state.modalUpgradeSystem.step } }, methods: { upgradeCancel() { this.isLoading = false this.$store.dispatch('modalUpgradeSystem/close') }, upgradeStart() { this.$store.commit('modalUpgradeSystem/stepChange', 'running') this.$http.post('/admin/system/install', { mode: this.mode }).then(resp => { // todo }).catch(err => { this.$store.commit('modalUpgradeSystem/stepChange', 'error') this.error = err.body }) } } } </script>