<template lang='pug'> v-container(fluid, grid-list-lg) v-layout(row, wrap) v-flex(xs12) .admin-header img.animated.fadeInUp(src='/svg/icon-browse-page.svg', alt='Dashboard', style='width: 80px;') .admin-header-title .headline.primary--text.animated.fadeInLeft {{ $t('admin:dashboard.title') }} .subheading.grey--text.animated.fadeInLeft.wait-p2s {{ $t('admin:dashboard.subtitle') }} v-flex(xs12 md6 lg4 xl3 d-flex) v-card.primary.dashboard-card.animated.fadeInUp(dark) v-card-text v-icon.dashboard-icon insert_drive_file .subheading Pages animated-number.display-1( :value='info.pagesTotal' :duration='2000' :formatValue='round' easing='easeOutQuint' ) v-flex(xs12 md6 lg4 xl3 d-flex) v-card.indigo.lighten-1.dashboard-card.animated.fadeInUp.wait-p2s(dark) v-card-text v-icon.dashboard-icon person .subheading Users animated-number.display-1( :value='info.usersTotal' :duration='2000' :formatValue='round' easing='easeOutQuint' ) v-flex(xs12 md6 lg4 xl3 d-flex) v-card.indigo.lighten-2.dashboard-card.animated.fadeInUp.wait-p4s(dark) v-card-text v-icon.dashboard-icon people .subheading Groups animated-number.display-1( :value='info.groupsTotal' :duration='2000' :formatValue='round' easing='easeOutQuint' ) v-flex(xs12 md6 lg12 xl3 d-flex) v-card.dashboard-card.animated.fadeInUp.wait-p6s( :class='isLatestVersion ? "teal lighten-2" : "red lighten-2"' dark ) v-btn(fab, absolute, right, top, small, light, to='system', v-if='hasPermission(`manage:system`)') v-icon(:color='isLatestVersion ? `teal` : `red darken-4`') build v-card-text v-icon.dashboard-icon blur_on .subheading Wiki.js {{info.currentVersion}} .body-2(v-if='isLatestVersion') You are running the latest version. .body-2(v-else) A new version is available: {{info.latestVersion}} v-flex(xs12) v-card.radius-7 v-card-title.subheading(:class='$vuetify.dark ? `grey darken-2` : `grey lighten-5`') Recent Pages v-data-table.pb-2( :items='recentPages' hide-actions hide-headers ) template(slot='items' slot-scope='props') td(width='20', style='padding-right: 0;'): v-icon insert_drive_file td .body-2.primary--text {{ props.item.title }} .caption.grey--text.text--darken-2 {{ props.item.description }} td.caption /{{ props.item.path }} td.grey--text.text--darken-2(width='250') .caption: strong Updated {{ props.item.updatedAt | moment('from') }} .caption Created {{ props.item.createdAt | moment('calendar') }} v-flex(xs12) v-card.radius-7 v-card-title.subheading(:class='$vuetify.dark ? `grey darken-2` : `grey lighten-5`') Most Popular Pages v-data-table.pb-2( :items='popularPages' hide-actions hide-headers ) template(slot='items' slot-scope='props') td(width='20', style='padding-right: 0;'): v-icon insert_drive_file td .body-2.primary--text {{ props.item.title }} .caption.grey--text.text--darken-2 {{ props.item.description }} td.caption /{{ props.item.path }} td.grey--text.text--darken-2(width='250') .caption: strong Updated {{ props.item.updatedAt | moment('from') }} .caption Created {{ props.item.createdAt | moment('calendar') }} v-flex(xs12) v-card.dashboard-contribute v-card-text img(src='/svg/icon-heart-health.svg', alt='Contribute', style='height: 80px;') .pl-3 .subheading Contribute .body-2.pt-2 Wiki.js is a free and open source project. There are several ways you can contribute to the project. .body-1 We need your help! v-btn.mx-0.mt-2(:color='$vuetify.dark ? `indigo lighten-3` : `indigo`', outline, small, to='/contribute') Learn More </template> <script> import _ from 'lodash' import AnimatedNumber from 'animated-number-vue' import { get } from 'vuex-pathify' export default { components: { AnimatedNumber }, data() { return { recentPages: [], popularPages: [] } }, computed: { isLatestVersion() { return this.info.currentVersion === this.info.latestVersion }, info: get('admin/info'), permissions: get('user/permissions') }, methods: { round(val) { return Math.round(val) }, hasPermission(prm) { if (_.isArray(prm)) { return _.some(prm, p => { return _.includes(this.permissions, p) }) } else { return _.includes(this.permissions, prm) } } } } </script> <style lang='scss'> .dashboard-card { display: flex; border-radius: 7px; .v-card__text { overflow: hidden; position: relative; } } .dashboard-contribute { background-color: #FFF; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #FFF 0%, lighten(mc('indigo', '50'), 3%) 100%); border-radius: 7px; @at-root .theme--dark & { background-color: mc('grey', '800'); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, mc('grey', '800') 0%, darken(mc('grey', '800'), 6%) 100%); } .v-card__text { display: flex; align-items: center; color: mc('indigo', '500'); @at-root .theme--dark & { color: mc('grey', '300'); } } } .dashboard-icon { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 12px; font-size: 120px; opacity: .25; } </style>