<template lang="pug"> v-card.wiki-form v-card-text(v-if='group.id === 1') v-alert.radius-7( :class='$vuetify.dark ? "grey darken-4" : "orange lighten-5"' color='orange darken-2' outline :value='true' icon='lock_outline' ) This group has access to everything. template(v-else) v-card-title(:class='$vuetify.dark ? `grey darken-3-d5` : `grey lighten-5`') v-alert.radius-7( :class='$vuetify.dark ? `grey darken-3-d3` : `white`' :value='true' color='grey' outline icon='info' ) You must enable global content permissions (under Permissions tab) for page rules to have any effect. v-spacer v-btn(depressed, color='primary', @click='addRule') v-icon(left) add | Add Rule v-menu( right offset-y nudge-left='115' ) v-btn.is-icon(slot='activator', flat, outline, color='primary') v-icon more_horiz v-list(dense) v-list-tile(@click='comingSoon') v-list-tile-avatar v-icon keyboard_capslock v-list-tile-title Load Preset v-divider v-list-tile(@click='comingSoon') v-list-tile-avatar v-icon publish v-list-tile-title Save As Preset v-divider v-list-tile(@click='comingSoon') v-list-tile-avatar v-icon cloud_upload v-list-tile-title Import Rules v-divider v-list-tile(@click='comingSoon') v-list-tile-avatar v-icon cloud_download v-list-tile-title Export Rules v-card-text(:class='$vuetify.dark ? `grey darken-4-l5` : `white`') .rules .caption(v-if='group.pageRules.length === 0') em(:class='$vuetify.dark ? `grey--text` : `blue-grey--text`') This group has no page rules yet. .rule(v-for='rule of group.pageRules', :key='rule.id') v-btn.ma-0.rule-deny-btn( solo :color='rule.deny ? "red" : "green"' dark @click='rule.deny = !rule.deny' ) v-icon(v-if='rule.deny') block v-icon(v-else) check_circle //- Roles v-select.ml-1( solo :items='roles' v-model='rule.roles' placeholder='Select Role(s)...' hide-details multiple chips deletable-chips small-chips style='flex: 0 1 440px;' :menu-props='{ "maxHeight": 500 }' clearable dense ) template(slot='selection', slot-scope='{ item, index }') v-chip.white--text.ml-0(v-if='index <= 1', small, label, :color='rule.deny ? `red` : `green`').caption {{ item.value }} v-chip.white--text.ml-0(v-if='index === 2', small, label, :color='rule.deny ? `red lighten-2` : `green lighten-2`').caption + {{ rule.roles.length - 2 }} more template(slot='item', slot-scope='props') v-list-tile-action(style='min-width: 30px;') v-checkbox( v-model='props.tile.props.value' hide-details color='primary' ) v-icon.mr-2(:color='rule.deny ? `red` : `green`') {{props.item.icon}} v-list-tile-content v-list-tile-title.body-2 {{props.item.text}} v-chip.mr-2.grey--text(label, small, :color='$vuetify.dark ? `grey darken-4` : `grey lighten-4`').caption {{props.item.value}} //- Match v-select.ml-1.mr-1( solo :items='matches' v-model='rule.match' placeholder='Match...' hide-details style='flex: 0 1 250px;' dense ) template(slot='selection', slot-scope='{ item, index }') .body-1 {{item.text}} template(slot='item', slot-scope='data') v-list-tile-avatar v-avatar.white--text.radius-4(color='blue', size='30', tile) {{ data.item.icon }} v-list-tile-content v-list-tile-title(v-html='data.item.text') //- Locales v-select.mr-1( :background-color='$vuetify.dark ? `grey darken-3-d5` : `blue-grey lighten-5`' solo :items='locales' v-model='rule.locales' placeholder='Any Locale' multiple hide-details dense :menu-props='{ "minWidth": 250 }' style='flex: 0 1 150px;' ) template(slot='selection', slot-scope='{ item, index }') v-chip.white--text.ml-0(v-if='rule.locales.length === 1', small, label, :color='rule.deny ? `red` : `green`').caption {{ item.value.toUpperCase() }} v-chip.white--text.ml-0(v-else-if='index === 0', small, label, :color='rule.deny ? `red` : `green`').caption {{ rule.locales.length }} locales v-list-tile(slot='prepend-item', @click='rule.locales = []') v-list-tile-action(style='min-width: 30px;') v-checkbox( :input-value='rule.locales.length === 0' hide-details color='primary' readonly ) v-icon.mr-2(:color='rule.deny ? `red` : `green`') public v-list-tile-content v-list-tile-title.body-2 Any Locale v-divider(slot='prepend-item') template(slot='item', slot-scope='props') v-list-tile-action(style='min-width: 30px;') v-checkbox( v-model='props.tile.props.value' hide-details color='primary' ) v-icon.mr-2(:color='rule.deny ? `red` : `green`') language v-list-tile-content v-list-tile-title.body-2 {{props.item.text}} v-chip.mr-2.grey--text(label, small, :color='$vuetify.dark ? `grey darken-4` : `grey lighten-4`').caption {{props.item.value.toUpperCase()}} //- Path v-text-field( solo v-model='rule.path' label='Path' :prefix='rule.match !== `END` ? `/` : null' :placeholder='rule.match === `REGEX` ? `Regular Expression` : `Path`' :suffix='rule.match === `REGEX` ? `/` : null' hide-details :color='$vuetify.dark ? `grey` : `blue-grey`' ) v-btn(icon, @click='removeRule(rule.id)') v-icon(:color='$vuetify.dark ? `grey` : `blue-grey`') clear v-divider.mt-3 v-subheader.pl-0 Rules Order .body-1.pl-3 Rules are applied in order of path specificity. A more precise path will always override a less defined path. .body-1.pl-4 For example, #[span.teal--text /geography/countries] will override #[span.teal--text /geography]. .body-1.pl-3.pt-2 When 2 rules have the same specificity, the priority is given from lowest to highest as follows: .body-1.pl-3.pt-1 ul li strong Path Starts With... em.caption.pl-1 (lowest) li strong Path Ends With... li strong Path Matches Regex... li strong Path Is Exactly... em.caption.pl-1 (highest) .body-1.pl-3.pt-2 When 2 rules have the same path specificity AND the same match type, #[strong.red--text DENY] will always override an #[strong.green--text ALLOW] rule. v-divider.mt-3 v-subheader.pl-0 Regular Expressions span Expressions that are deemed unsafe or could result in exponential time processing will be rejected upon saving. </template> <script> import _ from 'lodash' import nanoid from 'nanoid/non-secure/generate' export default { props: { value: { type: Object } }, data() { return { roles: [ { text: 'Read Pages', value: 'read:pages', icon: 'insert_drive_file' }, { text: 'Create Pages', value: 'write:pages', icon: 'insert_drive_file' }, { text: 'Edit + Move Pages', value: 'manage:pages', icon: 'insert_drive_file' }, { text: 'Delete Pages', value: 'delete:pages', icon: 'insert_drive_file' }, { text: 'View Pages Source', value: 'read:source', icon: 'code' }, { text: 'View Pages History', value: 'read:history', icon: 'restore' }, { text: 'Read / Use Assets', value: 'read:assets', icon: 'camera' }, { text: 'Upload Assets', value: 'write:assets', icon: 'camera' }, { text: 'Edit + Delete Assets', value: 'manage:assets', icon: 'camera' }, { text: 'Read Comments', value: 'read:comments', icon: 'insert_comment' }, { text: 'Create Comments', value: 'write:comments', icon: 'insert_comment' }, { text: 'Edit + Delete Comments', value: 'manage:comments', icon: 'insert_comment' } ], matches: [ { text: 'Path Starts With...', value: 'START', icon: '/...' }, { text: 'Path is Exactly...', value: 'EXACT', icon: '=' }, { text: 'Path Ends With...', value: 'END', icon: '.../' }, { text: 'Path Matches Regex...', value: 'REGEX', icon: '$.*' } ], locales: [ { text: 'English', value: 'en' } ] } }, computed: { group: { get() { return this.value }, set(val) { this.$set('input', val) } } }, methods: { addRule(group) { this.group.pageRules.push({ id: nanoid('1234567890abcdef', 10), path: '', roles: [], match: 'START', deny: false, locales: [] }) }, removeRule(rule) { this.group.pageRules.splice(_.findIndex(this.group.pageRules, ['id', rule.id]), 1) }, comingSoon() { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'indigo', message: `Coming soon...`, icon: 'directions_boat' }) } } } </script> <style lang="scss"> .rules { background-color: mc('blue-grey', '50'); border-radius: 4px; padding: 1rem; position: relative; @at-root .theme--dark & { background-color: mc('grey', '800'); } } .rule { display: flex; background-color: mc('blue-grey', '100'); border-radius: 4px; padding: .5rem; &-enter-active, &-leave-active { transition: all .5s ease; } &-enter, &-leave-to { opacity: 0; } @at-root .theme--dark & { background-color: mc('grey', '700'); } & + .rule { margin-top: .5rem; position: relative; &::before { content: '+'; position: absolute; width: 2rem; height: 2rem; border-radius: 50%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; font-weight: 600; color: mc('blue-grey', '700'); font-size: 1.25rem; background-color: mc('blue-grey', '50'); left: -2rem; top: -1.3rem; @at-root .theme--dark & { background-color: mc('grey', '800'); color: mc('grey', '600'); } } } .input-group + * { margin-left: .5rem; } &-deny-btn { height: 48px; border-radius: 2px 0 0 2px; min-width: 0; } } </style>