<template lang='pug'> v-card v-toolbar(flat, color='primary', dark, dense) .subtitle-1 {{ $t('admin:utilities.importv1Title') }} v-card-text .text-center img.animated.fadeInUp.wait-p1s(src='/svg/icon-software.svg') .body-2 Import from Wiki.js 1.x v-divider.my-4 .body-2 Data from a Wiki.js 1.x installation can easily be imported using this tool. What do you want to import? v-checkbox( label='Content + Uploads' value='content' color='deep-orange darken-2' v-model='importFilters' hide-details ) template(v-slot:label) strong.deep-orange--text.text--darken-2 Content + Uploads .pl-8(v-if='wantContent') v-radio-group(v-model='contentMode', hide-details) v-radio( value='git' color='primary' ) template(v-slot:label) div span Import from Git Connection .caption: em #[strong.primary--text Recommended] | The Git storage module will also be configured for you. .pl-8.mt-5(v-if='needGit') v-row v-col(cols='8') v-select( label='Authentication Mode' :items='gitAuthModes' v-model='gitAuthMode' outlined hide-details ) v-col(cols='4') v-switch( label='Verify SSL Certificate' v-model='gitVerifySSL' hide-details color='primary' ) v-col(cols='8') v-text-field( outlined label='Repository URL' :placeholder='(gitAuthMode === `ssh`) ? `e.g. git@github.com:orgname/repo.git` : `e.g. https://github.com/orgname/repo.git`' hide-details v-model='gitRepoUrl' ) v-col(cols='4') v-text-field( label='Branch' placeholder='e.g. master' v-model='gitRepoBranch' outlined hide-details ) v-col(v-if='gitAuthMode === `ssh`', cols='12') v-textarea( outlined label='Private Key Contents' placeholder='-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' hide-details v-model='gitPrivKey' ) template(v-else-if='gitAuthMode === `basic`') v-col(cols='6') v-text-field( label='Username' v-model='gitUsername' outlined hide-details ) v-col(cols='6') v-text-field( type='password' label='Password / PAT' v-model='gitPassword' outlined hide-details ) v-col(cols='6') v-text-field( label='Default Author Email' placeholder='e.g. name@company.com' v-model='gitUserEmail' outlined hide-details ) v-col(cols='6') v-text-field( label='Default Author Name' placeholder='e.g. John Smith' v-model='gitUserName' outlined hide-details ) v-col(cols='12') v-text-field( label='Local Repository Path' placeholder='e.g. ./data/repo' v-model='gitRepoPath' outlined hide-details ) .caption.mt-2 This folder should be empty or not exist yet. #[strong.deep-orange--text.text--darken-2 DO NOT] point to your existing Wiki.js 1.x repository folder. In most cases, it should be left to the default value. v-alert(color='deep-orange', outlined, icon='mdi-alert', prominent) .body-2 - Note that if you already configured the git storage module, its configuration will be replaced with the above. .body-2 - Although both v1 and v2 installations can use the same remote git repository, you shouldn't make edits to the same pages simultaneously. v-radio-group(v-model='contentMode', hide-details) v-divider v-radio.mt-3( value='disk' color='primary' ) template(v-slot:label) div span Import from local folder .caption: em Choose this option only if you didn't have git configured in your Wiki.js 1.x installation. .pl-8.mt-5(v-if='needDisk') v-text-field( outlined label='Content Repo Path' hint='The absolute path to where the Wiki.js 1.x content is stored on disk.' persistent-hint v-model='contentPath' ) v-checkbox( label='Users' value='users' color='deep-orange darken-2' v-model='importFilters' hide-details ) template(v-slot:label) strong.deep-orange--text.text--darken-2 Users .pl-8.mt-5(v-if='wantUsers') v-text-field( outlined label='MongoDB Connection String' hint='The connection string to connect to the Wiki.js 1.x MongoDB database.' persistent-hint v-model='dbConnStr' ) v-radio-group(v-model='groupMode', hide-details, mandatory) v-radio( value='MULTI' color='primary' ) template(v-slot:label) div span Create groups for each unique user permissions configuration .caption: em #[strong.primary--text Recommended] | Users having identical permission sets will be assigned to the same group. Note that this can potentially result in a large amount of groups being created. v-divider v-radio.mt-3( value='SINGLE' color='primary' ) template(v-slot:label) div span Create a single group with all imported users .caption: em The new group will have read permissions enabled by default. v-divider v-radio.mt-3( value='NONE' color='primary' ) template(v-slot:label) div span Don't create any group .caption: em Users will not be able to access your wiki until they are assigned to a group. v-alert.mt-5(color='deep-orange', outlined, icon='mdi-alert', prominent) .body-2 Note that any user that already exists in this installation will not be imported. A list of skipped users will be displayed upon completion. .caption.grey--text You must first delete from this installation any user you want to migrate over from the old installation. v-card-chin v-btn.px-3(depressed, color='deep-orange darken-2', :disabled='!wantUsers && !wantContent', @click='startImport').ml-0 v-icon(left, color='white') mdi-database-import span.white--text Start Import v-dialog( v-model='isLoading' persistent max-width='350' ) v-card(color='deep-orange darken-2', dark) v-card-text.pa-10.text-center semipolar-spinner.animated.fadeIn( :animation-duration='1500' :size='65' color='#FFF' style='margin: 0 auto;' ) .mt-5.body-1.white--text Importing from Wiki.js 1.x... .caption Please wait v-progress-linear.mt-5( color='white' :value='progress' stream rounded :buffer-value='0' ) v-dialog( v-model='isSuccess' persistent max-width='350' ) v-card(color='green darken-2', dark) v-card-text.pa-10.text-center v-icon(size='60') mdi-check-circle-outline .my-5.body-1.white--text Import completed template(v-if='wantUsers') .body-2 span #[strong {{successUsers}}] users imported v-btn.text-none.ml-3( v-if='failedUsers.length > 0' text color='white' dark @click='showFailedUsers = true' ) v-icon(left) mdi-alert span {{failedUsers.length}} failed .body-2 #[strong {{successGroups}}] groups created v-card-actions.green.darken-1 v-spacer v-btn.px-5( color='white' outlined @click='isSuccess = false' ) Close v-spacer v-dialog( v-model='showFailedUsers' persistent max-width='800' ) v-card(color='red darken-2', dark) v-toolbar(color='red darken-2', dense) v-icon mdi-alert .body-2.pl-3 Failed User Imports v-spacer v-btn.px-5( color='white' text @click='showFailedUsers = false' ) Close v-simple-table(dense, fixed-header, height='300px') template(v-slot:default) thead tr th Provider th Email th Error tbody tr(v-for='(fusr, idx) in failedUsers', :key='`fusr-` + idx') td {{fusr.provider}} td {{fusr.email}} td {{fusr.error}} </template> <script> import _ from 'lodash' import { SemipolarSpinner } from 'epic-spinners' import utilityImportv1UsersMutation from 'gql/admin/utilities/utilities-mutation-importv1-users.gql' import storageTargetsQuery from 'gql/admin/storage/storage-query-targets.gql' import storageStatusQuery from 'gql/admin/storage/storage-query-status.gql' import targetExecuteActionMutation from 'gql/admin/storage/storage-mutation-executeaction.gql' import targetsSaveMutation from 'gql/admin/storage/storage-mutation-save-targets.gql' export default { components: { SemipolarSpinner }, data() { return { importFilters: ['content', 'users'], groupMode: 'MULTI', contentMode: 'git', dbConnStr: 'mongodb://', contentPath: '/wiki-v1/repo', isLoading: false, isSuccess: false, gitAuthMode: 'ssh', gitAuthModes: [ { text: 'SSH', value: 'ssh' }, { text: 'Basic', value: 'basic' } ], gitVerifySSL: true, gitRepoUrl: '', gitRepoBranch: 'master', gitPrivKey: '', gitUsername: '', gitPassword: '', gitUserEmail: '', gitUserName: '', gitRepoPath: './data/repo', progress: 0, successUsers: 0, successPages: 0, showFailedUsers: false, failedUsers: [] } }, computed: { wantContent () { return this.importFilters.indexOf('content') >= 0 }, wantUsers () { return this.importFilters.indexOf('users') >= 0 }, needDisk () { return this.contentMode === `disk` }, needGit () { return this.contentMode === `git` } }, methods: { async startImport () { this.isLoading = true this.progress = 0 this.failedUsers = [] _.delay(async () => { // -> Import Users if (this.wantUsers) { try { const resp = await this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: utilityImportv1UsersMutation, variables: { mongoDbConnString: this.dbConnStr, groupMode: this.groupMode } }) const respObj = _.get(resp, 'data.system.importUsersFromV1', {}) if (!_.get(respObj, 'responseResult.succeeded', false)) { throw new Error(_.get(respObj, 'responseResult.message', 'An unexpected error occured')) } this.successUsers = _.get(respObj, 'usersCount', 0) this.successGroups = _.get(respObj, 'groupsCount', 0) this.failedUsers = _.get(respObj, 'failed', []) this.progress += 50 } catch (err) { this.$store.commit('pushGraphError', err) this.isLoading = false return } } // -> Import Content if (this.wantContent) { try { const resp = await this.$apollo.query({ query: storageTargetsQuery, fetchPolicy: 'network-only' }) if (_.has(resp, 'data.storage.targets')) { this.progress += 10 let targets = resp.data.storage.targets.map(str => { let nStr = { ...str, config: _.sortBy(str.config.map(cfg => ({ ...cfg, value: JSON.parse(cfg.value) })), [t => t.value.order]) } // -> Setup Git Module if (this.contentMode === 'git' && nStr.key === 'git') { nStr.isEnabled = true nStr.mode = 'sync' nStr.syncInterval = 'PT5M' nStr.config = [ { key: 'authType', value: { value: this.gitAuthMode } }, { key: 'repoUrl', value: { value: this.gitRepoUrl } }, { key: 'branch', value: { value: this.gitRepoBranch } }, { key: 'sshPrivateKeyMode', value: { value: 'contents' } }, { key: 'sshPrivateKeyPath', value: { value: '' } }, { key: 'sshPrivateKeyContent', value: { value: this.gitPrivKey } }, { key: 'verifySSL', value: { value: this.gitVerifySSL } }, { key: 'basicUsername', value: { value: this.gitUsername } }, { key: 'basicPassword', value: { value: this.gitPassword } }, { key: 'defaultEmail', value: { value: this.gitUserEmail } }, { key: 'defaultName', value: { value: this.gitUserName } }, { key: 'localRepoPath', value: { value: this.gitRepoPath } }, { key: 'gitBinaryPath', value: { value: '' } } ] } // -> Setup Disk Module if (this.contentMode === 'disk' && nStr.key === 'disk') { nStr.isEnabled = true nStr.mode = 'push' nStr.syncInterval = 'P0D' nStr.config = [ { key: 'path', value: { value: this.contentPath } }, { key: 'createDailyBackups', value: { value: false } } ] } return nStr }) // -> Save storage modules configuration const respSv = await this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: targetsSaveMutation, variables: { targets: targets.map(tgt => _.pick(tgt, [ 'isEnabled', 'key', 'config', 'mode', 'syncInterval' ])).map(str => ({...str, config: str.config.map(cfg => ({...cfg, value: JSON.stringify({ v: cfg.value.value })}))})) } }) const respObj = _.get(respSv, 'data.storage.updateTargets', {}) if (!_.get(respObj, 'responseResult.succeeded', false)) { throw new Error(_.get(respObj, 'responseResult.message', 'An unexpected error occured')) } this.progress += 10 // -> Wait for success sync let statusAttempts = 0 while (statusAttempts < 10) { statusAttempts++ const respStatus = await this.$apollo.query({ query: storageStatusQuery, fetchPolicy: 'network-only' }) if (_.has(respStatus, 'data.storage.status[0]')) { const st = _.find(respStatus.data.storage.status, ['key', this.contentMode]) if (!st) { throw new Error('Storage target could not be configured.') } switch (st.status) { case 'pending': if (statusAttempts >= 10) { throw new Error('Storage target is stuck in pending state. Try again.') } else { continue } case 'operational': statusAttempts = 10 break case 'error': throw new Error(st.message) } } else { throw new Error('Failed to fetch storage sync status.') } } this.progress += 15 // -> Perform import all const respImport = await this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: targetExecuteActionMutation, variables: { targetKey: this.contentMode, handler: 'importAll' } }) const respImportObj = _.get(respImport, 'data.storage.executeAction', {}) if (!_.get(respImportObj, 'responseResult.succeeded', false)) { throw new Error(_.get(respImportObj, 'responseResult.message', 'An unexpected error occured')) } this.progress += 15 } else { throw new Error('Failed to fetch storage targets.') } } catch (err) { this.$store.commit('pushGraphError', err) this.isLoading = false return } } this.isLoading = false this.isSuccess = true }, 1500) } } } </script> <style lang='scss'> </style>