const S3 = require('aws-sdk/clients/s3') /* global WIKI */ /** * Deduce the file path given the `page` object and the object's key to the page's path. */ const getFilePath = (page, pathKey) => { const fileName = `${page[pathKey]}.${page.getFileExtension()}` const withLocaleCode = WIKI.config.lang.namespacing && WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode return withLocaleCode ? `${page.localeCode}/${fileName}` : fileName } /** * Can be used with S3 compatible storage. */ module.exports = class S3CompatibleStorage { constructor(storageName) { this.storageName = storageName } async activated() { // not used } async deactivated() { // not used } async init() {`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Initializing...`) const { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, region, bucket, endpoint } = this.config this.s3 = new S3({ accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, region, endpoint, params: { Bucket: bucket }, apiVersions: '2006-03-01' }) // determine if a bucket exists and you have permission to access it await this.s3.headBucket().promise()`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Initialization completed.`) } async created(page) {`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Creating file ${page.path}...`) const filePath = getFilePath(page, 'path') await this.s3.putObject({ Key: filePath, Body: page.injectMetadata() }).promise() } async updated(page) {`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Updating file ${page.path}...`) const filePath = getFilePath(page, 'path') await this.s3.putObject({ Key: filePath, Body: page.injectMetadata() }).promise() } async deleted(page) {`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Deleting file ${page.path}...`) const filePath = getFilePath(page, 'path') await this.s3.deleteObject({ Key: filePath }).promise() } async renamed(page) {`(STORAGE/${this.storageName}) Renaming file ${page.sourcePath} to ${page.destinationPath}...`) const sourceFilePath = getFilePath(page, 'sourcePath') const destinationFilePath = getFilePath(page, 'destinationPath') await this.s3.copyObject({ CopySource: sourceFilePath, Key: destinationFilePath }).promise() await this.s3.deleteObject({ Key: sourceFilePath }).promise() } }