const _ = require('lodash') const { SearchService, QueryType } = require('azure-search-client') const request = require('request-promise') const { pipeline } = require('stream') /* global WIKI */ module.exports = { async activate() { // not used }, async deactivate() { // not used }, /** * INIT */ async init() {`(SEARCH/AZURE) Initializing...`) this.client = new SearchService(this.config.serviceName, this.config.adminKey) // -> Create Search Index const indexes = await this.client.indexes.list() if (!_.find(_.get(indexes, 'result.value', []), ['name', this.config.indexName])) {`(SEARCH/AZURE) Creating index...`) await this.client.indexes.create({ name: this.config.indexName, fields: [ { name: 'id', type: 'Edm.String', key: true, searchable: false }, { name: 'locale', type: 'Edm.String', searchable: false }, { name: 'path', type: 'Edm.String', searchable: false }, { name: 'title', type: 'Edm.String', searchable: true }, { name: 'description', type: 'Edm.String', searchable: true }, { name: 'content', type: 'Edm.String', searchable: true } ], scoringProfiles: [ { name: 'fieldWeights', text: { weights: { title: 4, description: 3, content: 1 } } } ], suggesters: [ { name: 'suggestions', searchMode: 'analyzingInfixMatching', sourceFields: ['title', 'description', 'content'] } ] }) }`(SEARCH/AZURE) Initialization completed.`) }, /** * QUERY * * @param {String} q Query * @param {Object} opts Additional options */ async query(q, opts) { try { let suggestions = [] const results = await this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).search({ count: true, scoringProfile: 'fieldWeights', search: q, select: 'id, locale, path, title, description', queryType: QueryType.simple, top: 50 }) if (results.result.value.length < 5) { // Using plain request, not yet available in library... try { const suggestResults = await request({ uri: `https://${this.config.serviceName}${this.config.indexName}/docs/autocomplete`, method: 'post', qs: { 'api-version': '2017-11-11-Preview' }, headers: { 'api-key': this.config.adminKey, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, json: true, body: { autocompleteMode: 'oneTermWithContext', search: q, suggesterName: 'suggestions' } }) suggestions = => s.queryPlusText) } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn('Search Engine suggestion failure: ', err) } } return { results: results.result.value, suggestions, totalHits: results.result['@odata.count'] } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn('Search Engine Error:') WIKI.logger.warn(err) } }, /** * CREATE * * @param {Object} page Page to create */ async created(page) { await this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).index([ { id: page.hash, locale: page.localeCode, path: page.path, title: page.title, description: page.description, content: page.content } ]) }, /** * UPDATE * * @param {Object} page Page to update */ async updated(page) { await this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).index([ { id: page.hash, locale: page.localeCode, path: page.path, title: page.title, description: page.description, content: page.content } ]) }, /** * DELETE * * @param {Object} page Page to delete */ async deleted(page) { await this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).index([ { '@search.action': 'delete', id: page.hash } ]) }, /** * RENAME * * @param {Object} page Page to rename */ async renamed(page) { await this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).index([ { '@search.action': 'delete', id: page.sourceHash } ]) await this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).index([ { id: page.destinationHash, locale: page.localeCode, path: page.destinationPath, title: page.title, description: page.description, content: page.content } ]) }, /** * REBUILD INDEX */ async rebuild() {`(SEARCH/AZURE) Rebuilding Index...`) await pipeline( WIKI.models.knex.column({ id: 'hash' }, 'path', { locale: 'localeCode' }, 'title', 'description', 'content').select().from('pages').where({ isPublished: true, isPrivate: false }).stream(), this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).createIndexingStream() )`(SEARCH/AZURE) Index rebuilt successfully.`) } }