key: ldap title: LDAP / Active Directory description: Active Directory is a directory service that Microsoft developed for the Windows domain networks. author: logo: color: blue darken-3 website: useForm: true props: url: title: URL type: String default: 'ldap://serverhost:389' hint: (e.g. ldap://serverhost:389) bindDn: title: Bind DN type: String default: cn='root' hint: The dstinguished name (dn) of the account used for binding. bindCredentials: type: String hint: The password of the account used for binding. searchBase: type: String default: 'o=users,' searchFilter: type: String default: '(uid={{username}})' hint: The query to use to match username. {{username}} must be present. tlsEnabled: title: Use TLS type: Boolean default: false tlsCertPath: title: TLS Certificate Path type: String hint: Absolute path to the TLS certificate on the server.