"use strict"; /** * Alerts */ class Alerts { /** * Constructor * * @class */ constructor() { let self = this; self.mdl = new Vue({ el: '#alerts', data: { children: [] }, methods: { acknowledge: (uid) => { self.close(uid); } } }); self.uidNext = 1; } /** * Show a new Alert * * @param {Object} options Alert properties * @return {null} Void */ push(options) { let self = this; let nAlert = _.defaults(options, { _uid: self.uidNext, class: 'is-info', message: '---', sticky: false, title: '---' }); self.mdl.children.push(nAlert); if(!nAlert.sticky) { _.delay(() => { self.close(nAlert._uid); }, 5000); } self.uidNext++; } /** * Shorthand method for pushing errors * * @param {String} title The title * @param {String} message The message */ pushError(title, message) { this.push({ class: 'is-danger', message, sticky: false, title }); } /** * Shorthand method for pushing success messages * * @param {String} title The title * @param {String} message The message */ pushSuccess(title, message) { this.push({ class: 'is-success', message, sticky: false, title }); } /** * Close an alert * * @param {Integer} uid The unique ID of the alert */ close(uid) { let self = this; let nAlertIdx = _.findIndex(self.mdl.children, ['_uid', uid]); let nAlert = _.nth(self.mdl.children, nAlertIdx); if(nAlertIdx >= 0 && nAlert) { nAlert.class += ' exit'; Vue.set(self.mdl.children, nAlertIdx, nAlert); _.delay(() => { self.mdl.children.splice(nAlertIdx, 1); }, 500); } } }