{ "loginrequired": "Login required", "loginusing": "Log in using...", "loginusingalt": "Or, log in using...", "fields": { "emailuser": "Email / Username", "password": "Password" }, "actions": { "login": "Log In" }, "errors": { "invalidlogin": "Invalid Login", "invalidloginmsg": "The email or password is invalid.", "invaliduseremail": "Invalid User Email", "loginerror": "Login error", "notyetauthorized": "You have not been authorized to login to this site yet.", "toomanyattempts": "Too many attempts!", "toomanyattemptsmsg": "You've made too many failed attempts in a short period of time, please try again {{time}}.", "usernotfound": "User not found" }, "providers": { "local": "Local", "windowslive": "Microsoft Account", "azure": "Azure Active Directory", "google": "Google ID", "facebook": "Facebook", "github": "GitHub", "slack": "Slack", "ldap": "LDAP / Active Directory" } }