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    "codeblockloadingerror": "Error: Unable to load language syntax.",
    "codeblocksuccess": "Your code block has been inserted.",
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    "discard": "Discard",
    "filedeleteaction": "Delete",
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    "fileerror": "Unable to fetch updated listing.",
    "filefolderempty": "This folder is empty.",
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    "filemoveerror": "Move error: {{err}}",
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    "filesuccess": "File link has been inserted.",
    "filetitle": "Insert File",
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    "fileuploaderror": "Upload Error: {{err}}",
    "fileuploadsuccess": "File(s) uploaded successfully.",
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    "foldersloading": "Fetching folders list...",
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    "videonotsupported": "This URL is invalid or not supported!",
    "videosuccess": "The video code has been inserted.",
    "videosupportedtitle": "The following are supported:",
    "videotitle": "Insert Video"
  "history": {
    "pastversions": "Past Versions",
    "timestamp": "Timestamp",
    "author": "Author",
    "commit": "Commit",
    "comparewith": "Compare With...",
    "view": "View",
    "reverttoversion": "Revert to Version",
    "sidebyside": "Side-by-side View"
  "modal": {
    "abort": "Abort",
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    "createusername": "Full Name:",
    "createusernameplaceholder": "e.g. John Doe",
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    "createuserprovider": "Provider:",
    "createusertitle": "Create / Authorize User",
    "delete": "Delete",
    "deletefiletitle": "Delete?",
    "deletefilewarn": "Are you sure you want to delete",
    "deleteusertitle": "Delete User Account?",
    "deleteuserwarning": "Are you sure you want to delete this user account? This action cannot be undone!",
    "discard": "Discard",
    "discardpagecreate": "Are you sure you want to leave this page and lose anything you wrote so far?",
    "discardpageedit": "Are you sure you want to leave this page and lose any modifications?",
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    "discardpagetitle": "Discard?",
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    "movepagewarning": "Note that moving or renaming pages can lead to broken links. Make sure to edit any page that links to this page afterwards!",
    "newfolderinvalid": "This folder name is invalid!",
    "newfolderloading": "Creating new folder...",
    "newfoldername": "Enter the new folder name:",
    "newfoldernameplaceholder": "folder name",
    "newfoldersuccess": "New folder {{name}} created.",
    "newfoldertitle": "New Folder",
    "renamefile": "Rename",
    "renamefileerror": "Rename error: {{err}}",
    "renamefileinvalid": "This filename is invalid!",
    "renamefileloading": "Renaming file...",
    "renamefilename": "Enter the new filename (without the extension) of the file:",
    "renamefilenameplaceholder": "filename",
    "renamefiletitle": "Rename File"
  "nav": {
    "home": "Home"
  "search": {
    "didyoumean": "Did you mean...?",
    "nomatch": "No results matching your query",
    "placeholder": "Search...",
    "results": "Search Results"