'use strict' const Promise = require('bluebird') const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs-extra')) const pm2 = Promise.promisifyAll(require('pm2')) const ora = require('ora') const path = require('path') module.exports = { /** * Detect the most appropriate start mode */ startDetect: function () { if (!process.env.IS_HEROKU) { return this.startInHerokuMode() } else { return this.startInBackgroundMode() } }, /** * Start in background mode */ startInBackgroundMode: function () { let spinner = ora('Initializing...').start() return fs.emptyDirAsync(path.join(__dirname, './logs')).then(() => { return pm2.connectAsync().then(() => { return pm2.startAsync({ name: 'wiki', script: 'server.js', cwd: __dirname, output: path.join(__dirname, './logs/wiki-output.log'), error: path.join(__dirname, './logs/wiki-error.log'), minUptime: 5000, maxRestarts: 5 }).then(() => { spinner.succeed('Wiki.js has started successfully.') }).finally(() => { pm2.disconnect() }) }) }).catch(err => { spinner.fail(err) process.exit(1) }) }, /** * Start in Heroku mode */ startInHerokuMode: function () { let self = this console.info('Initializing Wiki.js for Heroku...') let herokuStatePath = path.join(__dirname, './app/heroku.json') return fs.accessAsync(herokuStatePath).then(() => { require('./server.js') }).catch(err => { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { console.info('Wiki.js is not configured yet. Launching configuration wizard...') self.configure(process.env.PORT) } else { console.error(err) process.exit(1) } }) }, /** * Stop Wiki.js process(es) */ stop () { let spinner = ora('Shutting down Wiki.js...').start() return pm2.connectAsync().then(() => { return pm2.stopAsync('wiki').then(() => { spinner.succeed('Wiki.js has stopped successfully.') }).finally(() => { pm2.disconnect() }) }).catch(err => { spinner.fail(err) process.exit(1) }) }, /** * Restart Wiki.js process(es) */ restart: function () { let self = this return self.stop().delay(1000).then(() => { self.startDetect() }) }, /** * Start the web-based configuration wizard * * @param {Number} port Port to bind the HTTP server on */ configure (port) { port = port || 3000 let spinner = ora('Initializing interactive setup...').start() require('./configure')(port, spinner) } }