"use strict"; var Promise = require('bluebird'), md = require('markdown-it'), mdEmoji = require('markdown-it-emoji'), mdTaskLists = require('markdown-it-task-lists'), mdAbbr = require('markdown-it-abbr'), mdAnchor = require('markdown-it-toc-and-anchor').default, mdFootnote = require('markdown-it-footnote'), mdExternalLinks = require('markdown-it-external-links'), mdExpandTabs = require('markdown-it-expand-tabs'), mdAttrs = require('markdown-it-attrs'), hljs = require('highlight.js'), slug = require('slug'), cheerio = require('cheerio'), _ = require('lodash'); // Load plugins var mkdown = md({ html: true, linkify: true, typography: true, highlight: function (str, lang) { if (lang && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) { try { return '
' + hljs.highlight(lang, str, true).value + '
'; } catch (__) {} } return '
' + hljs.highlightAuto(str).value + '
'; } }) .use(mdEmoji) .use(mdTaskLists) .use(mdAbbr) .use(mdAnchor, { tocClassName: 'toc', anchorClassName: 'toc-anchor' }) .use(mdFootnote) .use(mdExternalLinks, { externalClassName: 'external-link', internalClassName: 'internal-link' }) .use(mdExpandTabs, { tabWidth: 4 }) .use(mdAttrs); // Rendering rules mkdown.renderer.rules.emoji = function(token, idx) { return ''; }; mkdown.inline.ruler.push('internal_link', (state) => { }); /** * Parse markdown content and build TOC tree * * @param {(Function|string)} content Markdown content * @return {Array} TOC tree */ const parseTree = (content) => { let tokens = md().parse(content, {}); let tocArray = []; //-> Extract headings and their respective levels for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { if (tokens[i].type !== "heading_close") { continue } const heading = tokens[i - 1] const heading_close = tokens[i] if (heading.type === "inline") { let content = ""; let anchor = ""; if (heading.children && heading.children[0].type === "link_open") { content = heading.children[1].content anchor = slug(content, {lower: true}); } else { content = heading.content anchor = slug(heading.children.reduce((acc, t) => acc + t.content, ""), {lower: true}); } tocArray.push({ content, anchor, level: +heading_close.tag.substr(1, 1) }) } } //-> Exclude levels deeper than 2 _.remove(tocArray, (n) => { return n.level > 2; }); //-> Build tree from flat array return _.reduce(tocArray, (tree, v) => { let treeLength = tree.length - 1; if(v.level < 2) { tree.push({ content: v.content, anchor: v.anchor, nodes: [] }); } else { let lastNodeLevel = 1; let GetNodePath = (startPos) => { lastNodeLevel++; if(_.isEmpty(startPos)) { startPos = 'nodes'; } if(lastNodeLevel === v.level) { return startPos; } else { return GetNodePath(startPos + '[' + (_.at(tree[treeLength], startPos).length - 1) + '].nodes'); } }; let lastNodePath = GetNodePath(); let lastNode = _.get(tree[treeLength], lastNodePath); if(lastNode) { lastNode.push({ content: v.content, anchor: v.anchor, nodes: [] }); _.set(tree[treeLength], lastNodePath, lastNode); } } return tree; }, []); }; /** * Parse markdown content to HTML * * @param {String} content Markdown content * @return {String} HTML formatted content */ const parseContent = (content) => { let output = mkdown.render(content); let cr = cheerio.load(output); cr('table').addClass('table is-bordered is-striped is-narrow'); output = cr.html(); return output; }; module.exports = { parse(content) { return { html: parseContent(content), tree: parseTree(content) }; } };