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It can be omitted. v-layout(row) v-flex(xs6) v-card.editor-markdown-help-source(flat) v-card-text div ```js div function main () { div.pl-3 echo 'Lorem ipsum' div } div ``` v-icon mdi-chevron-right v-flex v-card.editor-markdown-help-result(flat) v-card-text.contents pre.prismjs.line-numbers.language-js code.language-js span.token.keyword function span.token.function main span.token.punctuation ( span.token.punctuation ) span.token.punctuation {#[br] | echo span.token.string 'Lorem ipsum'#[br] span.token.punctuation } span.line-numbers-rows(aria-hidden='true') span span span .body-2.mt-3 Blockquotes v-layout(row) v-flex(xs6) v-card.editor-markdown-help-source(flat) v-card-text div > Lorem ipsum div > dolor sit amet div > consectetur adipiscing elit v-icon mdi-chevron-right v-flex v-card.editor-markdown-help-result(flat) v-card-text blockquote(style='border: 1px solid #263238; border-radius: .5rem; padding: 1rem 24px;') Lorem ipsum#[br]dolor sit amet#[br]consectetur adipiscing elit v-flex(xs12, xl4) v-card.radius-7.animated.fadeInUp.wait-p2s(light) v-card-text v-toolbar.radius-7(color='teal lighten-5', dense, flat) v-icon.mr-3(color='teal') mdi-keyboard .body-2.teal--text Keyboard Shortcuts v-list.editor-markdown-help-kbd(two-line, dense) v-list-item v-list-item-content.body-2 Bold v-list-item-action #[kbd {{ctrlKey}}] + #[kbd B] v-divider v-list-item v-list-item-content.body-2 Italic v-list-item-action #[kbd {{ctrlKey}}] + #[kbd I] v-divider v-list-item v-list-item-content.body-2 Increase Header Level v-list-item-action #[kbd {{ctrlKey}}] + #[kbd {{altKey}}] + #[kbd Right] v-divider v-list-item v-list-item-content.body-2 Decrease Header Level v-list-item-action #[kbd {{ctrlKey}}] + #[kbd {{altKey}}] + #[kbd Left] v-divider v-list-item v-list-item-content.body-2 Save v-list-item-action #[kbd {{ctrlKey}}] + #[kbd S] v-divider v-list-item v-list-item-content.body-2 Undo v-list-item-action #[kbd {{ctrlKey}}] + #[kbd Z] v-divider v-list-item v-list-item-content.body-2 Redo v-list-item-action #[kbd {{ctrlKey}}] + #[kbd Y] v-divider v-list-item v-list-item-content v-list-item-title.body-2 Distraction Free Mode v-list-item-subtitle Press <kbd>Esc</kbd> to exit. v-list-item-action #[kbd F11] v-card.radius-7.animated.fadeInUp.wait-p3s.mt-3(light) v-card-text v-toolbar.radius-7(color='teal lighten-5', dense, flat) v-icon.mr-3(color='teal') mdi-mouse .body-2.teal--text Multi-Selection v-list.editor-markdown-help-kbd(two-line, dense) v-list-item v-list-item-content.body-2 Multiple Cursors v-list-item-action #[kbd {{ctrlKey}}] + Left Click v-divider v-list-item v-list-item-content.body-2 Select Region v-list-item-action #[kbd {{ctrlKey}}] + #[kbd {{altKey}}] + Left Click v-divider v-list-item v-list-item-content.body-2 Deselect v-list-item-action #[kbd Esc] </template> <script> export default { computed: { ctrlKey() { return /Mac/.test(navigator.platform) ? 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