<template lang='pug'> v-card(flat) v-card(flat, tile, :color='$vuetify.dark ? "grey darken-4" : "grey lighten-5"').pa-3.pt-4 .admin-header-icon: v-icon(size='80', color='grey lighten-2') call_split .headline.blue--text.text--darken-2 API .subheading.grey--text Manage keys to access the API v-card v-card-title v-btn(color='green', dark) v-icon(left) power_settings_new | Enable API v-btn(color='primary', dark) v-icon(left) add | New API Key v-btn(icon) v-icon.grey--text refresh v-spacer v-text-field(append-icon='search', label='Search', single-line, hide-details, v-model='search') v-data-table( v-model='selected' :items='items', :headers='headers', :search='search', :pagination.sync='pagination', :rows-per-page-items='[15]' select-all, hide-actions, disable-initial-sort ) template(slot='headers', slot-scope='props') tr th(width='50') th.text-xs-right( width='80' :class='[`column sortable`, pagination.descending ? `desc` : `asc`, pagination.sortBy === `id` ? `active` : ``]' @click='changeSort(`id`)' ) v-icon(small) arrow_upward | ID th.text-xs-left( v-for='header in props.headers' :key='header.text' :width='header.width' :class='[`column sortable`, pagination.descending ? `desc` : `asc`, header.value === pagination.sortBy ? `active` : ``]' @click='changeSort(header.value)' ) | {{ header.text }} v-icon(small) arrow_upward template(slot='items', slot-scope='props') tr(:active='props.selected') td v-checkbox(hide-details, :input-value='props.selected', color='blue darken-2', @click='props.selected = !props.selected') td.text-xs-right {{ props.item.id }} td {{ props.item.name }} td {{ props.item.key }} td {{ props.item.createdOn }} td {{ props.item.updatedOn }} td: v-btn(icon): v-icon.grey--text.text--darken-1 more_horiz template(slot='no-data') v-alert(icon='warning', :value='true') No users to display! .text-xs-center.py-2 v-pagination(v-model='pagination.page', :length='pages') </template> <script> export default { data() { return { selected: [], pagination: {}, items: [ { id: 1, key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' }, { id: 2, key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxy' }, { id: 3, key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxz' } ], headers: [ { text: 'Name', value: 'name' }, { text: 'Key', value: 'key' }, { text: 'Created On', value: 'createdOn' }, { text: 'Updated On', value: 'updatedOn' }, { text: '', value: 'actions', sortable: false, width: 50 } ], search: '' } }, computed: { pages () { if (this.pagination.rowsPerPage == null || this.pagination.totalItems == null) { return 0 } return Math.ceil(this.pagination.totalItems / this.pagination.rowsPerPage) } }, methods: { changeSort (column) { if (this.pagination.sortBy === column) { this.pagination.descending = !this.pagination.descending } else { this.pagination.sortBy = column this.pagination.descending = false } }, toggleAll () { if (this.selected.length) { this.selected = [] } else { this.selected = this.items.slice() } } } } </script> <style lang='scss'> </style>