const Model = require('objection').Model const fs = require('fs-extra') const path = require('path') const _ = require('lodash') const yaml = require('js-yaml') const commonHelper = require('../helpers/common') /* global WIKI */ /** * Authentication model */ module.exports = class Authentication extends Model { static get tableName() { return 'authentication' } static get jsonSchema () { return { type: 'object', required: ['key', 'isEnabled'], properties: { id: {type: 'integer'}, key: {type: 'string'}, isEnabled: {type: 'boolean'}, config: {type: 'object'}, selfRegistration: {type: 'boolean'}, domainWhitelist: {type: 'object'}, autoEnrollGroups: {type: 'object'} } } } static async getStrategies() { const strategies = await WIKI.models.authentication.query() return => ({ ...str, domainWhitelist: _.get(str.domainWhitelist, 'v', []), autoEnrollGroups: _.get(str.autoEnrollGroups, 'v', []) })) } static async refreshStrategiesFromDisk() { let trx try { const dbStrategies = await WIKI.models.authentication.query() // -> Fetch definitions from disk const authDirs = await fs.readdir(path.join(WIKI.SERVERPATH, 'modules/authentication')) let diskStrategies = [] for (let dir of authDirs) { const def = await fs.readFile(path.join(WIKI.SERVERPATH, 'modules/authentication', dir, 'definition.yml'), 'utf8') diskStrategies.push(yaml.safeLoad(def)) } = => ({ ...strategy, props: commonHelper.parseModuleProps(strategy.props) })) let newStrategies = [] for (let strategy of { if (!_.some(dbStrategies, ['key', strategy.key])) { newStrategies.push({ key: strategy.key, isEnabled: false, config: _.transform(strategy.props, (result, value, key) => { _.set(result, key, value.default) return result }, {}), selfRegistration: false, domainWhitelist: { v: [] }, autoEnrollGroups: { v: [] } }) } else { const strategyConfig = _.get(_.find(dbStrategies, ['key', strategy.key]), 'config', {}) await WIKI.models.authentication.query().patch({ config: _.transform(strategy.props, (result, value, key) => { if (!_.has(result, key)) { _.set(result, key, value.default) } return result }, strategyConfig) }).where('key', strategy.key) } } if (newStrategies.length > 0) { trx = await WIKI.models.Objection.transaction.start(WIKI.models.knex) for (let strategy of newStrategies) { await WIKI.models.authentication.query(trx).insert(strategy) } await trx.commit()`Loaded ${newStrategies.length} new authentication strategies: [ OK ]`) } else {`No new authentication strategies found: [ SKIPPED ]`) } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.error(`Failed to scan or load new authentication providers: [ FAILED ]`) WIKI.logger.error(err) if (trx) { trx.rollback() } } } }