<template lang='pug'> .editor-api .editor-api-main v-list.editor-api-sidebar.radius-0(nav, :class='$vuetify.theme.dark ? `grey darken-4` : `primary`', dark) v-list-item-group(v-model='tab') v-list-item.animated.fadeInLeft(value='info') v-list-item-icon: v-icon mdi-book-information-variant v-list-item-title Info v-list-item.mt-3.animated.fadeInLeft.wait-p2s(value='servers') v-list-item-icon: v-icon mdi-server v-list-item-title Servers v-list-item.mt-3.animated.fadeInLeft.wait-p3s(value='endpoints') v-list-item-icon: v-icon mdi-code-braces v-list-item-title Endpoints v-list-item.mt-3.animated.fadeInLeft.wait-p4s(value='models') v-list-item-icon: v-icon mdi-buffer v-list-item-title Models v-list-item.mt-3.animated.fadeInLeft.wait-p5s(value='auth') v-list-item-icon: v-icon mdi-lock v-list-item-title Authentication .editor-api-editor template(v-if='tab === `info`') v-container.px-2.pt-1(fluid) v-row(dense) v-col(cols='12') .pa-3 .subtitle-2 API General Information .caption.grey--text.text--darken-1 Global metadata about the API v-col(cols='12', lg='6') v-card.pt-2 v-card-text v-text-field( label='Title' outlined hint='Required - Title of the API' persistent-hint v-model='info.title' ) v-divider.mt-2.mb-4 v-text-field( label='Version' outlined hint='Required - Semantic versioning like 1.0.0 or an arbitrary string like 0.99-beta.' persistent-hint v-model='info.version' ) v-divider.mt-2.mb-4 v-textarea( label='Description' outlined hint='Optional - Markdown formatting is supported.' persistent-hint v-model='info.description' ) v-col(cols='12', lg='6') v-card.pt-2 v-card-text v-list(nav, two-line) v-list-item-group(v-model='kind', mandatory, color='primary') v-list-item(value='rest') v-list-item-avatar img(src='/_assets/svg/icon-transaction-list.svg', alt='REST') v-list-item-content v-list-item-title REST API v-list-item-subtitle Classic REST Endpoints v-list-item-avatar v-icon(:color='kind === `rest` ? `primary` : `grey lighten-3`') mdi-check-circle v-list-item(value='graphql', disabled) v-list-item-avatar img(src='/_assets/svg/icon-graphql.svg', alt='GraphQL') v-list-item-content v-list-item-title GraphQL v-list-item-subtitle.grey--text.text--lighten-1 Schema-based API v-list-item-action //- v-icon(:color='kind === `graphql` ? `primary` : `grey lighten-3`') mdi-check-circle v-chip(label, small) Coming soon template(v-else-if='tab === `servers`') v-container.px-2.pt-1(fluid) v-row(dense) v-col(cols='12') .pa-3 .d-flex.align-center.justify-space-between div .subtitle-2 List of servers / load balancers where this API reside .caption.grey--text.text--darken-1 Enter all environments, e.g. Integration, QA, Pre-production, Production, etc. v-btn(color='primary', large, @click='addServer') v-icon(left) mdi-plus span Add Server v-col(cols='12', lg='6', v-for='srv of servers', :key='srv.id') v-card.pt-1 v-card-text .d-flex .d-flex.flex-column.justify-space-between v-menu(offset-y, min-width='200') template(v-slot:activator='{ on }') v-btn(text, x-large, style='min-width: 0;', v-on='on') v-icon(large, :color='iconColor(srv.icon)') {{iconKey(srv.icon)}} v-list(nav, dense) v-list-item-group(v-model='srv.icon', mandatory) v-list-item(:value='srvKey', v-for='(srv, srvKey) in serverTypes', :key='srvKey') v-list-item-icon: v-icon(large, :color='srv.color', v-text='srv.icon') v-list-item-content: v-list-item-title(v-text='srv.title') v-btn.mb-2(depressed, small, @click='removeServer(srv.id)') v-icon(left) mdi-close span Delete v-divider.ml-5(vertical) .pl-5(style='flex: 1 1 100%;') v-text-field( label='Environment / Server Name' outlined hint='Required - Name of the environment (e.g. QA, Production)' persistent-hint v-model='srv.name' ) v-text-field.mt-4( label='URL' outlined hint='Required - URL of the environment (e.g. https://api.example.com/v1)' persistent-hint v-model='srv.url' ) template(v-else-if='tab === `endpoints`') v-container.px-2.pt-1(fluid) v-row(dense) v-col(cols='12') .pa-3 .d-flex.align-center.justify-space-between div .subtitle-2 List of endpoints .caption.grey--text.text--darken-1 Groups of REST endpoints (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). v-btn(color='primary', large, @click='addGroup') v-icon(left) mdi-plus span Add Group v-col(cols='12', v-for='grp of endpointGroups', :key='grp.id') v-card(color='grey darken-2') v-card-text v-toolbar(color='grey darken-2', flat, height='86') v-text-field.mr-1( flat dark label='Group Name' solo hint='Group Name' persistent-hint v-model='grp.name' ) v-text-field.mx-1( flat dark label='Group Description' solo hint='Group Description' persistent-hint v-model='grp.description' ) v-divider.mx-3(vertical, dark) v-btn.mx-1.align-self-start(color='grey lighten-2', @click='addEndpoint(grp)', dark, text, height='48') v-icon(left) mdi-trash-can span Delete v-divider.mx-3(vertical, dark) v-btn.ml-1.align-self-start(color='pink', @click='addEndpoint(grp)', dark, depressed, height='48') v-icon(left) mdi-plus span Add Endpoint v-container.pa-0.mt-2(fluid) v-row(dense) v-col(cols='12', v-for='ept of grp.endpoints', :key='ept.id') v-card.pt-1 v-card-text .d-flex .d-flex.flex-column v-menu(offset-y, min-width='140') template(v-slot:activator='{ on }') v-btn.subtitle-1(depressed, large, dark, style='min-width: 140px;', height='48', v-on='on', :color='methodColor(ept.method)') strong {{ept.method}} v-list(nav, dense) v-list-item-group(v-model='ept.method', mandatory) v-list-item(:value='mtd.key', v-for='mtd of endpointMethods', :key='mtd.key') v-list-item-content v-chip.text-center(label, :color='mtd.color', dark) {{mtd.key}} v-btn.mt-2(v-if='!ept.expanded', small, @click='ept.expanded = true', color='pink', outlined) v-icon(left) mdi-arrow-down-box span Expand v-btn.mt-2(v-else, small, @click='ept.expanded = false', color='pink', outlined) v-icon(left) mdi-arrow-up-box span Collapse template(v-if='ept.expanded') v-spacer v-btn.my-2(depressed, small, @click='removeEndpoint(grp, ept.id)') v-icon(left) mdi-close span Delete v-divider.ml-5(vertical) .pl-5(style='flex: 1 1 100%;') .d-flex v-text-field.mr-2( label='Path' outlined hint='Required - Path to the endpoint (e.g. /planets/{planetId})' persistent-hint v-model='ept.path' ) v-text-field.ml-2( label='Summary' outlined hint='Required - A short summary of the endpoint (a few words).' persistent-hint v-model='ept.summary' ) template(v-if='ept.expanded') v-text-field.mt-3( label='Description' outlined v-model='ept.description' ) v-system-bar.editor-api-sysbar(dark, status, color='grey darken-3') .caption.editor-api-sysbar-locale {{locale.toUpperCase()}} .caption.px-3 /{{path}} template(v-if='$vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndUp') v-spacer .caption API Docs v-spacer .caption OpenAPI 3.0 </template> <script> import _ from 'lodash' import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid' import { get, sync } from 'vuex-pathify' export default { data() { return { tab: `endpoints`, kind: 'rest', kinds: [ { text: 'REST', value: 'rest' }, { text: 'GraphQL', value: 'graphql' } ], info: { title: '', version: '1.0.0', description: '' }, servers: [ { name: 'Production', url: 'https://api.example.com/v1', icon: 'server', id: '123456' } ], serverTypes: { aws: { color: 'orange', icon: 'mdi-aws', title: 'AWS' }, azure: { color: 'blue darken-2', icon: 'mdi-azure', title: 'Azure' }, digitalocean: { color: 'blue', icon: 'mdi-digital-ocean', title: 'DigitalOcean' }, docker: { color: 'blue', icon: 'mdi-docker', title: 'Docker' }, google: { color: 'red', icon: 'mdi-google', title: 'Google' }, kubernetes: { color: 'blue darken-2', icon: 'mdi-kubernetes', title: 'Kubernetes' }, linux: { color: 'grey darken-3', icon: 'mdi-linux', title: 'Linux' }, mac: { color: 'grey darken-2', icon: 'mdi-apple', title: 'Mac' }, server: { color: 'grey', icon: 'mdi-server', title: 'Server' }, windows: { color: 'blue darken-2', icon: 'mdi-windows', title: 'Windows' } }, endpointGroups: [ { id: '345678', name: '', description: '', endpoints: [ { method: 'GET', path: '/pet', expanded: false, id: '234567' } ] } ], endpointMethods: [ { key: 'GET', color: 'blue' }, { key: 'POST', color: 'green' }, { key: 'PUT', color: 'orange' }, { key: 'PATCH', color: 'cyan' }, { key: 'DELETE', color: 'red' }, { key: 'HEAD', color: 'deep-purple' }, { key: 'OPTIONS', color: 'blue-grey' } ] } }, computed: { isMobile() { return this.$vuetify.breakpoint.smAndDown }, locale: get('page/locale'), path: get('page/path'), mode: get('editor/mode'), activeModal: sync('editor/activeModal') }, methods: { iconColor (val) { return _.get(this.serverTypes, `${val}.color`, 'white') }, iconKey (val) { return _.get(this.serverTypes, `${val}.icon`, 'mdi-server') }, methodColor (val) { return _.get(_.find(this.endpointMethods, ['key', val]), 'color', 'grey') }, addServer () { this.servers.push({ id: uuid(), name: 'Production', url: 'https://api.example.com/v1', icon: 'server' }) }, removeServer (id) { this.servers = _.reject(this.servers, ['id', id]) }, addGroup () { this.endpointGroups.push({ id: uuid(), name: '', description: '', endpoints: [] }) }, addEndpoint (grp) { grp.endpoints.push({ id: uuid(), method: 'GET', path: '/pet', expanded: false }) }, removeEndpoint (grp, eptId) { grp.endpoints = _.reject(grp.endpoints, ['id', eptId]) }, toggleModal(key) { this.activeModal = (this.activeModal === key) ? '' : key this.helpShown = false }, closeAllModal() { this.activeModal = '' this.helpShown = false } }, mounted() { this.$store.set('editor/editorKey', 'api') if (this.mode === 'create') { this.$store.set('editor/content', '<h1>Title</h1>\n\n<p>Some text here</p>') } }, beforeDestroy() { this.$root.$off('editorInsert') } } </script> <style lang='scss'> $editor-height: calc(100vh - 64px - 24px); $editor-height-mobile: calc(100vh - 56px - 16px); .editor-api { &-main { display: flex; width: 100%; } &-editor { background-color: darken(mc('grey', '100'), 4.5%); flex: 1 1 50%; display: block; height: $editor-height; position: relative; @at-root .theme--dark & { background-color: darken(mc('grey', '900'), 4.5%); } } &-sidebar { width: 200px; } &-sysbar { padding-left: 0 !important; &-locale { background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.25); display:inline-flex; padding: 0 12px; height: 24px; width: 63px; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } </style>